Schedule & Content

Update 2/8/2025

  • ENVS 110: Introduction to Environment & Sustainability
    • Section 1 MWF @ 9 AM – 9:50 AM in 211 SCSC
  • ENVS 198/498: Conversations Toward a Sustainable Future (M @ noon)   [see tab above]
  • Readings: RHM = Paul Robbins, John Hintz, and Sarah A. Moore, Environment & Society: A Critical Introduction (3rd edition)
  • Office Hours: Make an appointment here or email for other times

Library Resources

Additional Resources


Instead of tests or exams in class, I’m asking that you submit (via Google Forms) two keywords (of your choice) and their definition from each of the RHM textbook chapters that focus on major approaches to understanding relations between humans and the environment:

Ch. 2 Population & Scarcity
Ch. 3 Markets & Commodities
Ch. 4 Institutions & The Commons
Ch. 5 Environmental Ethics
Ch. 6 Risks & Technology
Ch. 7 Political Economy
Ch. 8 Social Construction of Nature
Ch. 9: Feminism & the Environment
Ch. 10: Racialized Environments

The submission form and explanation are here.

I’ve indicated when keywords are due on the schedule below (and on the ENVS 110 Calendar: see Syllabus). They are part of your grade.

Week 1

Monday, Jan. 13: No class meeting

Wednesday, Jan. 15: Introduction to Course: Delaware Run

Friday, Jan. 17: What is this Class?

Due: Subscribe to ENVS 110 Calendar: see Syllabus or Project Page

Week 2

Read: RHM Ch. 1 Introduction

Monday, Jan. 20: Humans, Environments, and the Anthropocene

Wednesday, Jan. 22:  Your RHM chapter/groups + Preliminary project ideas 

Assign: Your RHM chapter (9-17) (on Projects page): review yer chapter by Fri., Jan. 26 & check presentation date on schedule.
Contact: Your chapter co-presenter(s)

Friday, Jan. 24: Catastrophe and Triumph: Scrappy Sustainability

Week 3

Read: RHM Ch. 2 Population & Scarcity

Monday, Jan. 27: Chapter Review & Ideas for Course Project 

Present: Present ideas for course project to class; email 3 ideas to instructor by 4:01 pm
Read personal RHM Chapter

Wednesday, Jan. 29: Project Topic Discussion (continued)

Due: Continue to present ideas for course project to class.

Friday, Jan. 31: Approach: Population & Scarcity

Due: Two keywords from Population & Scarcity (form here)

Week 4

Read: Assessing Your Environmental ValuesTransferable Skills
Read: RHM Ch. 3 Markets & Commodities

Monday, Feb. 3: Work Day: Instructor in 211 SCSC for help on Refined Course Project Topic Ideas

Try to attend: STF Meeting (12:10, Merrick 301)

Wednesdaty, Feb. 5: Approach: Markets & Commodities

Due: Two keywords from Markets & Commodities (form here)
Due: Finalized focus topic emailed to Instructor and Holly Birk by 4:08 pm
Due: Chapter review shared by 11:52 pm

Friday, Feb. 7: Finding Focus Topic Sources I

Week 5

Read: RHM Ch. 4 Institutions & The Commons

Monday, Feb. 10: Finding Focus Topic Sources II

Wedbesday, Feb. 12: Student Appointments with Holly Birk (visit Holly for appointment in SCSC 214) and Blah Blah Blah (lecture): On Procrastination

Individual Meetings w/Holly Begin

Friday, Feb. 14: Approach: Institutions & the Commons

Due: Two keywords from Institution & the Commons (form here)

Week 6

Read RHM Ch. 11 Carbon Dioxide, Ch. 12 Trees,  Ch. 13 Wolves, Ch. 14 Uranium

Monday, Feb. 17: Things: students present & discuss: Carbon Dioxide & Trees

Wedsneday, Feb. 19: Things: students present & discuss: Wolves & Uranium

Friday, Feb. 21: OWU Writing Center (Katie Davis) & OWU Connection (Lisa Ho)

Week 7

Read RHM Ch. 15 Tuna, Ch. 16 Lawns, Ch. 17 Bottled Water, Ch. 18 French Fries, Ch. 19 E-waste

Monday, Feb. 24: Things: students present & discuss: Tuna & Lawns

Wednesday, Feb. 26: Things: students present & discuss: Bottled Water & French Fries

Friday, Feb. 28: E-Waste & Annotated Bibliography & TPG Proposal Assignment

Assign: Annotated Bibliography & TPG
**Assign: Sign up for 10-minute Krygier meeting by noon Monday, March. 3 (see calendar or email for link).

Week 8

Read RHM Ch. 5 Environmental Ethics

Monday, March 3: Approach: Environmental Ethics

Due: Two keywords from Environmental Ethics (form here)
Try to attend: STF Meeting (12:10, Merrick 301)

Tuesday, March 4: 10-minute meetings with Krygier (206 SCSC) – TPG Ideas (see calendar or email for link)

Wednesday, March 5: 10-minute meetings with Krygier (206 SCSC) – TPG Ideas (see calendar or email for link)

Friday, March 7: 10-minute meetings with Krygier (206 SCSC) – TPG Ideas (see calendar or email for link)

Individual Meetings w/Holly End

Week 9: Spring Break

Monday, March. 10: Spring Break  

Wednesday, March 12: Spring Break

Friday, March 14: Spring Break

Week 10

Read RHM Ch. 6 Risks & Technology, Ch. 7 Political Economy

Monday, March 17: Approach: Risks & Technology

Due: Two keywords from Risks & Technology (form here)
Due: Six Final Project Sources (cited correctly) sent to Holly and Instructor by 4:61 pm

Wednesday, March 19: Approach: Political Economy

Due: Two keywords from Political Economy (form here)
Due: Revisions to Chapter Review (indicate Writing Center coach)

Friday, March 21: Approach: Political Economy

Week 11

Read RHM Ch. 8 Social Construction of Nature, Ch. 9 Feminism & the Environment

Monday, March 24:  Approach: Social Construction of Nature

Due: Two keywords from Social Construction of Nature (form here)

Wednesday, March 26: TPG Overview + Final Presentation & Project Synthesis

Due: Annotated Bibliography (250-300 words per source) share by 4:19 pm.

Friday, March 28: Approach: Feminism & the Environment

Due: Two keywords from Feminism & the Environment (form here)

Week 12

Read RHM Ch. 10 Racialized Environments

Monday, March 31:  Approach: Racialized Environments

Due: Two keywords from Racialized Environments (form here)

Wednesday, April 2: Kristen Astorian, OWU Career Connection Career Catalyst

Friday, April 4: Take a Break Day (no class meeting)

Due: TPG Proposal (3 pages + budget) share by 4:44 pm.

Week 13

Monday, April 7: Presentation of Student TPGs (12 minutes each)

Try to attend: STF Meeting (12:10, Merrick 301)

Wednesday, April 9: Presentation of Student TPGs (12 minutes each)


Friday, April 11: Presentation of Student TPGs (12 minutes each)


Week 14

Monday, April 14: Presentation of Student TPGs (12 minutes each)


Wednesday, April 16: Presentation of Student TPGs (12 minutes each)


Friday, April 18: Presentation of Student TPGs (12 minutes each)


Week 15

Monday, April 21: Presentation of Student TPGs (12 minutes each)


Wednesday, April 23: Presentation of Student TPGs (12 minutes each)


Friday, April 25: Presentation of Student TPGs (12 minutes each)


Week 16

Monday, April. 28: Conclusions & Evaluations

Wednesday, April 30: No class meeting

Friday, May 2: No class meeting

Finals Week

DUE: Monday, May 5 (by 4:04 pm)

  • Course Project Summary & Synthesis (See Project page for details) (in Shared Drive: email me)