Research Shows ‘Linking Climate Policy to Social and Economic Justice Makes It More Popular’


Research Shows ‘Linking Climate Policy to Social and Economic Justice Makes It More Popular’

“The public wants a Green New Deal. The public wants green stimulus. The public wants to address inequality.”

Amid persistent calls for a green and just recovery from the ongoing coronavirus pandemic and nationwide protests against systemic racism and injustice, researchers on Friday detailed recent studies showing “policy packages that address the climate crisis alongside income inequality, racial injustice, and the economic crisis are more popular among voters.”

Earth’s carbon dioxide levels hit record high, despite coronavirus-related emissions drop


Source: Washington Post: Earth’s carbon dioxide levels hit record high, despite coronavirus-related emissions drop

There probably is more carbon dioxide in the air now than at anytime in 3 million years

The coronavirus pandemic’s economic downturn may have set off a sudden plunge in global greenhouse gas emissions, but another crucial metric for determining the severity of global warming — the amount of greenhouse gases actually in the air — just hit a record high.

According to readings from the Scripps Institution of Oceanography and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), the amount of CO2 in the air in May 2020 hit an average of slightly greater than 417 parts per million (ppm). This is the highest monthly average value ever recorded, and is up from 414.7 ppm in May of last year.