Miller Week 7

Delaware Data Inventory:

Address Point: Shows all the specific addresses for the county.

Annexation: Shows different parts or subdivisions of towns scattered throughout the county.

Building Outline: Shows the outline for all the structures present.

Condo: Shows all the different condo outlines.

Emergency 911 Data: Another way that shows address within the county, with a more spatially accurate data used for emergency response.

GPS: Shows all the GPS monuments made in the years 1991 and 1997.

Hydrology: Shows the county’s main water sources.

MSAG:  Shows the political jurisdictions areas in the county,

Municipality: Shows the city limits of defined towns/cities in the county.

Paracel: Shows all the county’s specific zoning areas for each property.

Precinct:  Shows the different voting areas within the county.

Recorded Document: Shows specific points where important data has been collected in the county.

School District: Shows all the school districts within the county.

Street Centerline: Gives accurate detail on all the roads present.

Subdivision:  Shows all the subdivisions and condos as well in the county.

Tax District: Shows all the tax districts in the county.



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