Projects & Collector and ArcGIS Online


 Blog + Account Set-Up + ArcGIS Online Basics

  • Assign Monday, Aug. 24, Due Monday, Aug. 31

Create a Class Work Blog for yourself

  • Log into if you have an account and add a new blog.
  • If you don’t have an account, start here
  • send a public link (make sure you are logged out before copying the URL) to your instructor.. The link will be a url something like this:
  • create a blog entry with a suitable title for each assigned…
    • …reading, with comments, questions, and points of discussion
    • …task (like this one), with comments, questions, and screenshots if necessary
    • …chapter from the Getting to Know Web Maps book, comments, questions, etc.
    • …Assignment from the Getting to Know Web Maps book, documenting your completion of the assignment

Setting up ArcGIS Online

  • Your ArcGIS Online account: sign-in:
  • Your MyESRI Account & ESRI Academy: sign-in:
    • you will be sent a token to connect your ArcGIS and MyESRI accounts which will give you access to additional training resources (MyESRI > My Organizations)
    • you can toggle between these two accounts
    • in both cases, explore your profile and settings and customize to your heart’s content.

Learning ArcGIS Online

  • Web Course: ArcGIS Online Basics
    • From your ArcGIS Online account info (upper right corner)
    • select Training, then Catalog, then Course Catalog
    • Under Browse by Topic select Getting Started
    • Under Select a Focus Area select Get Stated with ArcGIS Online
    • Select the Web Course ArcGIS Online Basics.
      • Make it so. It takes about 2 hours.
      • Direct link here
      • Please review the other available resources

ArcGIS Collector

  • Assign Monday, Aug. 31, Due Wednesday, Aug. 9
    • Try Collector exercise (here)
    • Make Your First Collector Map (here)
    • Click on Field Collections and filter by Collector and see what’s new with this app