Lee L.- Week 3

Chapter 5

    • Mapping what is occurring inside an area is significant for monitoring, so when something occurs out of the ordinary, they know to take action
    • Taking how many areas you have to look inside into consideration, is it a singular area or is it multiple? 
      • Singular areas such as library districts allow you to monitor activity on a smaller scale. 
    • What’s a buffer? I thought I escaped these, but chemistry always finds a way to invade every discipline I’m in
      • Wrong buffer, these ones define a distance around a specific feature, like a stream buffer which is off limits to logging. (Does this mean they can only get so close to it on a map?)
    • Administrative or natural boundary-> parcel or land, watershed
    • Several areas would be contiguous, a prime example of this would be zip codes. 
    • Disjunct-An example of these would be state parks
    • Discrete features: unique and identifiable. Can list and count them as well as summarize them
      • Locations
      • Linear features: roads, pipelines
      •  Discrete features: Parcels 
    • Continuous features represent more seamless and geographic phenomena. 
      • A summarization of features in each area 
        • Spatially continuous categories or classes like vegetative type or range of elevation (SOIL TYPES, I LOVE SOIL).
    • Three ways to find what’s inside
  • Drawing areas or features
        • Visual approach is good for seeing whether one or more features are inside or outside of an area (In or out of bounds)
        • Need a dataset containing the boundary of an area or areas and a dataset containing the features necessary
        • Types: Locations, lines, areas, surfaces (The whole nine yards) 
        • Quick and easy, but visual based only so there is a slack of information from the inside
  • Selecting the features inside an area
        • Getting a list or summary of features inside a single area, or group of areas you’re treating as one 
        • Also good at finding what’s within a given distance of a feature
        • Types: Locations, lines, and areas (No surfaces. One time a guy said a seal was an impervious surface, is this true?)
        • Good for scaling down on information in a singular area, but doesn’t really let you know information in other areas (Only all areas as a whole.) 
  • Overlaying the areas and features
      • Combines area and features to create a new layer with the attributes of both or compares the two layers to calculate summary statistics for each area on the fly. 
      • Finding which features are inside which area, and summarizing how many or how much by area
      • Types: Locations, lines, areas, surfaces (The whole nine yards again)
      • Good for finding and displaying what’s within each of the several areas, but requires more processing 
      • The color palettes for these maps were created by god himself, they’re aesthetically pleasing and honestly are a little reward for reading through this book

Chapter 6

  • This is a thick mama chapter indeed
  • Using GIS can help us find out what’s occurring within a set distance of a feature, and help us find what is within traveling range. 
  • This makes me think of Apple or Google maps a bit, where you rely on the app to help you find things like restaurants, stores, etc. (Usually it tells you most places within a 20-40 mile radius rather than giving you a location to an ice cream place in Wisconsin, unless it is a business name within Wisconsin and that is the only one present in the GPS system.)
  • Totally not a virus. Trust me…im a dolphin
  • I never knew mapping.  I typed this thought out about 7 hours ago and I had no clue what I was going to say. 
  • Wait, I remembered what I was going to say. I never knew that maps had a cost or budget really. I know that there’s a system budget that is more like a resource value rather than a currency oriented cost but this seems like an actual cost.
  • Okay, so cost is more of an aspect like time and a more precise measure of what’s nearby. 
  • Things are adding up in the little brain, does this explain why there are sometimes alternative routes? (other than obvious factors like road construction, etc.) Because sometimes the cost of time isn’t really as valuable to those who aren’t on a time crunch compared to others? (Ex. It takes 1 hour and 35 minutes for me to get home to Cambridge, OH from Delaware, OH. I hate taking the highway so I’m willing to give up that cost of time and take a 2 hour drive home if it means I don’t have to take the highway.) 
  • Planar method: appropriate when area of interest is relatively small (cities, counties, states.) 
  • Geodesic method: larger scale, revolving around the interest in bigger areas like countries, continents, the big momma Earth. 
  • Lots of reiteration in these chapters, also that equation for distance was yucky. 1.5/10
  • Cost layer?? 
    • Reclassify existing layer based on an attribute value. 
    • Creating multiple layers? Combine all the input layers. 

Chapter 7

  • People typically map what’s changed in order to anticipate future conditions
    • Does this apply to climate change? Like those deforestation maps where we anticipate less treeage in an area? 
  • It does, I think. (Flipped to the next page and was violently humbled. :o) ) 
  • We can also look at features that move! Although I find that hard to calculate at the moment unless you’re a meteorologist or a person who monitors natural disasters frequently. 
    • Discrete features: tracked as they move through space. So we can map paths for things like hurricanes or animals. 
    • Linear can track things like the direction a stream is going or the boundary of a fire. 
    • A fun fact about me is I hate Smokey the Bear, if you read this post, ask me why. 
    • When it showed linear range, it made me think of my animal behavior class in the spring when we looked at turtles going to nest and then going to the opposite pole location because of the magnet things in their brains. (So it was technically the right area, but not. AKA, the turtle went to the other side of the island, but was in line with the location it was supposed to nest at. I don’t know how to explain this.) 
    • Natural disasters and crimes represent geographical phenomena that occur in different locations. They are tracked and mapped in a specific instant. 
    • How do we map things in real time? Does that fall under the realm of specific instant? 

The three time patterns

  • A trend-change between two (or more) dates or times 
  • Before and after-conditions preceding and following an event
  • A cycle-change over a recurring time period, such as day, month, or year. 
  • Moth 

Three more ways, but for mapping change

  • Time series 
    • Good for showing changes in boundaries, values for discrete areas, or surfaces. 
    • Create a map for each time or date showing the location or characteristics of features. 
  • Tracking map 
    • Good for showing movement in a discrete location, linear feature, or area boundary. 
    • Create a single map showing locations of the features at several dates and times. (Weather?) 
  • Measuring change
    • Change to show the amount, percentage, or rate of change in a place. 
    • Calculated by difference of amount in a category or in the value of numeric attributes, and display the features based on said values. 

Good stuff John. 


Abbey S Delaware Data Inventory


  • Zip Code
    • Contains all zip codes in Delaware County
  • Recorded Document
    • Points that represent recorded docs in Delaware County Recorder’s Plat Books (how purchased property is divided in an area), Cabinet slides, and Instruments
  • School District
    • Consists of all school districts in Delaware County
  • Map Sheet
    • Consists of all map sheets in Delaware County
  • Farm Lot
    • All farm lots in US Military and VA Military Survey of Delaware County
  • Township
    • Created to identify geographic boundaries of each township in Delaware County
  • Street Centerline
    • LBRS depict center of pavement of public/ private roads in Delaware County
  • Annexation
    • Contains annexation data and conforming boundaries
  • Condo
    • Consists of all condominium polygons in Delaware County
  • Subdivision
    • All subdivisions and condos in Delaware County Recorder’s office
  • Survey
    • Locations of the survey plat
  • Dedicated ROW
    • Shows all dedicated right of way polygons in Delaware County
  • Tax District
    • All tax districts in Delaware County
  • GPS
    • All GPS monuments est. 1991 and 1997
  • Parcels-DXF
    • All parcels in Delaware County
  • Subdivsions-DXF
    • All subdivisions and condos in Delaware County Recorder’s office
    • DXF- kind of vector file (I think)
  • Original Township
    • Original boundaries of townships in Delaware County
  • Imagery 2019
    • Raster layer
  • Hydrology
    • All major waterways in Delaware County
  • Precinct
    • Polygons that determine voting precinct boundaries in Delaware County
  • Parcel
    • All parcels in Delaware County
  • PLSS
    • Contains polygons of boundaries of 2 land survey districts in Delaware County
  • Address Points
    • All addresses in Delaware County
  • 2022 Leaf- on imagery (SID file)
    • Image collection
  • Building outline
    • All building outlines for structures in Delaware County
  • Delaware County Contours
    • File geodatabase
    • 2 foot contours for Delaware County
  • Address Points- DXF
    • CAD Drawing
    • LBRS provides spatially accurate placement of addresses
  • Street Centerlines- DXF
    • CAD drawing
    • Depict center of pavement of public and private roads in Delaware County
  • Building Outlines- DXF
    • CAD drawing
  • 2021 Imagery (SID file)
    • Image collection
  • Delaware County E911 Data
    • Feature Service

Some of these data were self-explanatory, and others required a little more reading.


  • CAD drawing- Detailed illustration using vector/ raster based graphics to create traditional drafts
  • Feature service- Serve feature data  and nonspatial tables over internet
  • File geodatabase- Collection of files that can store spatial and nonspatial data


Jocelyn Weaver – Week 5

Chapter 6:

  • Domains provide a way for you to constrain input information by limiting the choice of values for a particular field, helps maintain data integrity
  • Organization – shared online workspace that is tied to your software license
  • Tree inventory map allows urban forest managers ti identify areas in which tree conditions can be poor and prioritize maintenance

Chapter 7:

  • Geocoding- create features from information that describes or names a location, typically an address
    • Address table
    • Reference data
    • Address locator – file contains the reference data and various geocoding rules and settings
  • Buffers are polygons that are created around a feature at specified distances

Chapter 8:

  • Temporal data – data that has a time attribute
  • Hot spot analysis – determines which areas are significant, including areas that are hot and cold and areas that are not significant are white
  • Space-time cube – helps visualize the data, the bins can be viewed in 2 or 3 dimensions and can show patterns of incidents over time

Chapter 9:

  • Cells – raster is composed of a grid of cells, instead of discrete x,y coordinates that define geographic entities
  • Discrete data – shows distinct and discernible regions on a map, such as soil type
  • Continuous data – there are smooth transitions between variations in the data
  • Map algebra – language that combines GIS layers, is fundamental to raster analysis
  • NoData – no values were recorded in cell (not the same as 0)
  • Mask – means of identifying areas to be included in a geoprocessing operation
  • Hillshade – surface layer that depicts shadows to model the effect of an illumination source over terrain of the land
  • Azimuth – the direction of the sun, expressed in positive degrees
  • Altitude – angle of the sun above horizon

Chapter 10:

  • Labels – based on one or more feature attributes and placed near or on a feature
  • Label class – used to specify detailed aspects of how labels are positioned and symbolized
  • Map frames – containers for maps in your page layout
  • Scale bar – dynamic element that provides an indication of the size of a feature and distance on the map

Abby Charlton – Week 5 and Delaware Data Inventory

Here is Chapters 6-10 and the Delaware Data Inventory. The second PDF is a series of maps from the chapters (I do not remember which ones they belong to), and the last maps are from the Delaware Data inventory. Tried to put them into a pdf but the files were all more than 20 mg–click on them or they will be blurry…

Chapter 6-10 and Delaware Data Chapter 6-10 and Delaware Data

Abbey S Week 5

Chapter 6:


  • I was able to work on the tree inventory data up until I had to publish it because I kept getting a pop up that my account does not have publishing privileges?? Idk if anyone else ran into this problem, but I was not able to find a solution so I couldn’t complete the rest of chapter 6 🙁
  • Here’s my sad little screenshot

Chapter 7:


  • Geocoding- able to create data from collected points of interest
  • To geocode addresses , you need-
    • Address table (list of addresses stored as database or text file)
    • Reference data (usually streets layer, where addresses are located)
    • Address locator (contains reference data+ geocoding rules/settings)


  • Geocode location data


  • Buffers- polygons created around features at specified distances
  • Using GIS in this way can help businesses evaluate the best locations

Chapter 8


  • Temporal data
    • Data w time attribute
  • Kernel density
    • Calculates the density of features in an area around those features


  • I think the 3d stuff is pretty cool 😀


  • Not much to comment on this exercise, but the scene is much easier to look at now


Chapter 9



  • At this time, no parts are in complete shadow
  • 3 to 4 planting sites have low-slope topology
  • 4 planting sites include land that faces S, SE, or SW
  • No planting sites in shadow @ 2pm
  • Some sites meet ⅔ criteria, but not all 3


  • Greenfield fine sandy loam, Xerorthents, loamy, Rincon clay loam
  • Yes, some of the potential sites have been planted


Chapter 10


  • 43 areas are fixed wireless technology
  • For whatever reason I wasn’t allowed to change the color scheme


  • Labels- based on feature attributes and placed by/ on a feature


  • Map frames- containers for maps in a page layout
  • Changing the map extent does not affect actual map
  • Legend helps readers understand the features on the map
  • Scale bar indicates the size of distances/ features on a map
  • North arrow indicates north

10 d

Abbey S Week 4

Chapter 1:

  • GIS is composed of 5 parts: hardware, software, data, procedures, and people
  • Can be used to map relationships, patterns, and trends in addition to simple cartography
  • Interesting how GIS has been around since the 60’s. I wonder how difficult it was to use it back then
  • Point, line, polygon data = vector data
  • Features of same type = layers
  • Raster= digital surface
  • Attributes= in depth data
  • Don’t be like me and do the exercises in the classic map view, and then get confused as to why everything looks different

Chapter 2:

Exercise 2A

  • PM concentrations are highest in Africa
  • To restore contents, go the ‘View’ and select contents
  • Geoprocessing toolbox is right next to contents
  • Shanghai has the largest population

Exercise 2B

  • Symbology= the way GIS features are displayed on a map
  • The distance between San Antonio and Toronto is 1,440.32 mi

Exercise 2C

  • The highest building is 339.8 ft
  • Extrusion= stretching flat 2D features vertically to appear 3D
  • This was cool- I felt like I was playing the Sims lol

Chapter 3

Exercise 3A

  • The field name that indicates the state within the which the county features are located is called STATE_NAME
  • 10575 residents of Wayne county are between 22-29 yrs
  • Definition query: limit visible counties to only in Illinois, but source data will not change 
  • Clip: Select data based on layer of boundary (However, Illinois boundary not defined)
  • Select and export: select counties in Illinois and export to new dataset

Exercise 3B

  • Columns= fields
  • There are six years of data represented
  • Graduated colors= features are assigned a color that represents a quantity
  • Classification methods:
    • Manual interval classification
      • Modify classification breaks manually with manual intervals
    • Equal interval classification 
      • Range of data is equally divided by the number of classes chosen
    • Defined Interval Classification
      • Similar to equal interval, but define interval size to determine class number
    • Quantile classification
      • All classes have same number of features
    • Natural breaks classification
      • Based on natural groupings inherent in the data
    • Geometric interval classification
      • Creates class breaks that are based on class intervals with a geometric series
    • Standard deviation classification
      • Creates classes according to a number of standard deviation classifications

  • I did not see a clear correlation between income and 2010 obesity rates

Exercise 3C

  • I was not able to retrieve the infographics even though I was signed in to ArcGIS online 🙁

Exercise 3 dimension

  • There are 4 food deserts in Knox county
  • Spatial join= define spatial relationship between 2 layers and combine attributes into an output layer

Chapter 4

Exercise 4A

  • Coordinate systems
    • Geographic coordinate system- uses latitude and longitude to define locations of points
    • Projected coordinate system- uses map projections to transform longitude and latitude coordinates into planar coordinates
  • On the fly projection
    • Projected coordinates on first layer applied to subsequent layers
  • Metadata
    • Textual info about dataset

Exercise 4B

  • Snapping= magnet
  • The selected line has 4 vertices

Exercise 4C

  • The shape area value was halved

Chapter 5

Exercise 5A

  • Conflict types:
    • Riots/protests
    • Battle
    • Remote violence
    • Strategic development
    • Violence against civilians
  • 727015 fatalities

Exercise 5b 

  • 41 riots/protests
  • 71 fatalities

Exercise 5c

  • Layer by attribute and Summary statistics are combined
  • 26323 fatalities