Week 4- Plunkett

Chapter 1:


> Point, line, and polygon data is also known as vector data 

> Collecting measured values for any location on the Earth’s surface to form a digital surface is known as a raster. 


Chapter 2:


> .aptx is the typical project template

>.aprx is a project file 

>.ppkx is a project package

> The contents pane allows you to modify a map’s layers 


> Learned how to select individual features 

> Learned how to change feature symbols, display feature symbols, use the measure tool, and package my project to share online. 

> Learned how to convert a 2D map to a 3D one

Chapter 3:


> An attribute query is a request for features in a table that meet user-defined criteria. 


> Using an attribute join operation, we can join the spreadsheet table to the existing attribute table, as long as there is a common attribute field in each table 

> Columns are often called fields.

> Fields include Object ID, which is a unique identifier assigned to every row in a table


> A layer file is a saved symbology scheme that points to a specific source datasheet

> A layer package bundles the layer file along with the source data 

> Joining data based on location is a spatial join- this allows you to define a spatial relationship between two layers and combine their attributes in a new output layer

Chapter 4: 

> A shapefile stores geometry and attribute data for one feature

> A geodatabase is a storage container where sets of features are stored into feature classes

> Nonspatial tables do not have well-defined geometry as feature classes do 


Chapter 5:


> Python is a coding language that is compatible with ArcGIS

> You can define a workflow in the ‘tasks’ pane

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