Finishing up ENVS 399: Spring 2020

It was an interesting semester…

To wrap up the semester please create a new posting for this blog and include the material in part 1 below. In addition, write up a brief reflection on the course (part 2). Send part 2 to Krygier (don’t post).

Due: Friday, May 1, 2020 @ 10:11pm (or sooner)

I believe you will be asked to do an online evaluation of the course for this spring (via email, by the University, not me). Please do that evaluation!

  1. Create a new posting on the Blog
    1. Briefly comment on the readings we did prior to starting work on projects early in the semester. Just a sentence or two for each, with your thoughts.
    2. Update (if needed) and link to your summary of the project work you did prior to spring break, and the pandemic break. You should have created and posted this material already.
    3. Summarize your work post-spring break, on the Earth Day Week efforts. Please reflect on the impact of the events, and ideas for making them work better (in hindsight).
  2. Create a reflection document and send to Krygier
    1. One paragraph or so: Review Reading 14 (I don’t believe we got to discuss this) which is about Assessing Your Environmental Values (this is part of the new ENVS 100.1 course). Jot down a paragraph about your own environmental values, using the terms and concepts on that page. How do your efforts in this class relate to these values?
    2. One page or so: your thoughts on the course, its structure, and the way we worked out the goals (projects) both before and after the apocalypse. Document 3 things that worked well, and 3 that could use some work and/or ideas for what the course should focus on. Your suggestions for next year are very much appreciated.
    3. One page or so: Assess what you did and your role in the class. Review the rather broad and impossibly deep course learning objectives (on the class syllabus) and reflect on the role each played in the course, in general, but with attention to your own personal efforts. Describe if you believe you achieved these learning goals in this course. If so, describe specifically how you put these goals into practice in the course. If not, describe why you did not meet the learning goals. How do you think this course could have better prepared you to reach unreached learning objectives? Do this with the entire class in mind, including before and after spring break: I realize that many of the course plans went out the window, so just do your best in this section.
    4. What do you want for a grade in this course? Why?

Vearth week 2020 4/23

H.R. 763 Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act of 2019

To create a Carbon Dividend Trust Fund for the American people in order to encourage market-driven innovation of clean energy technologies and market efficiencies which will reduce harmful pollution and leave a healthier, more stable, and more prosperous nation for future generations.”

 This Bill Incentives lowering Carbon emissions by setting a fee on the extraction of coal, natural gas, crude oils and the like from the earth, specifically anything that will emit greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. The fee will be put on producers and importers of the products. The fee is based on the greenhouse gas content of the product multiplied by the current fee($15 starting 2019 and increasing by $10 a year until we have reached our target emissions). The fees will be put into a Carbon Dividend Trust Fund that will be used for dividend payments to citizens and administrative expenses.

  • exemptions for fuels used for agricultural or nonemitting purposes,
  • exemptions for fuels used by the Armed Forces,
  • rebates for facilities that capture and sequester carbon dioxide, and
  • border adjustment provisions that require certain fees or refunds for carbon-intensive products that are exported or imported.    

 The Congress finds that—

(1) efficient markets strengthen our economy and benefit our Nation by encouraging competition, innovation, and technological progress;

(2) efficient markets should reflect all costs of goods to ensure that they advance America’s prosperity and national interests;

(3) emissions of carbon pollution and other harmful pollutants into our Nation’s air impose substantial costs on all Americans and on future generations; and

(4) creation of a Carbon Dividend Trust Fund, to be distributed to the American people, will make markets more efficient, create jobs, and stimulate competition, innovation, and technological progress that benefit all Americans and future generations.      

As of yet, no Ohio representatives have backed this bill.

CCL already has really good talking points outlined and there’s a little script when you find your representative so I decided to find out information on what exactly we’re calling them for in hopes that that might get people to call.