Final Day: Presentations & Finishing Up

For our final meeting

1. Each group presents project outcomes. You can use your poster as the presentation reference.
  • start with your Theory of Change framework / plan
  • detail challenges, changes, and “scrappy” characteristics of your effort
  • summarize the results
  • reflect on
    • did the theory (theory of change framework) help; positives and negative
    • biggest challenges of the effort
    • proudest moments
    • saddest moments
    • pearls of wisdom for future students in this class with similar projects

2. Input and Thoughts from LLI Group

3. Forward

  • practical details for the near future
    • summer efforts required?
    • documentation organized for Fall ’23 work (Kahlil, Logan)

3. Hugs and tearful goodbyes

Tuesday, May 2 10-1pm: Posters in Atrium (with Remote Sensing Projects)

  • Please attend whatever parts of this you can
  • LLI invited!
  • I think there is lunch
  • I think HS councellors are invited. Maybe some other dignitaries

Tuesday, May 9 at Noon: the final write up: details on Evaluation page

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