Miller Week 7

Delaware Data Inventory:

Address Point: Shows all the specific addresses for the county.

Annexation: Shows different parts or subdivisions of towns scattered throughout the county.

Building Outline: Shows the outline for all the structures present.

Condo: Shows all the different condo outlines.

Emergency 911 Data: Another way that shows address within the county, with a more spatially accurate data used for emergency response.

GPS: Shows all the GPS monuments made in the years 1991 and 1997.

Hydrology: Shows the county’s main water sources.

MSAG:  Shows the political jurisdictions areas in the county,

Municipality: Shows the city limits of defined towns/cities in the county.

Paracel: Shows all the county’s specific zoning areas for each property.

Precinct:  Shows the different voting areas within the county.

Recorded Document: Shows specific points where important data has been collected in the county.

School District: Shows all the school districts within the county.

Street Centerline: Gives accurate detail on all the roads present.

Subdivision:  Shows all the subdivisions and condos as well in the county.

Tax District: Shows all the tax districts in the county.



week 7

Address Point-Data of all the registered building addresses in Delaware County. Specially accurate for reports.

Annexation-Displays all boundaries within Delaware County from 1853 onwards.

Building Outline-Represents the physical outlines of all buildings in the county.

Condo-Locations of all condominium complexes in the county.

Dedicated ROW-Indicates all right-of-way locations in Delaware County.

Delaware County Contours-Provides a 2-foot elevation map of the county.

Delaware County E911 data-Offers address points for emergency response purposes. Updated regularly.

Farm Lot-Shows all farm lots divided by US military and Virginia military survey distinctions.

GPS-Identifies all GPS monuments within the county.

Hydrology-Depicts major waterways flowing through Delaware County. Updated as needed.

MSAG-Lists all 28 townships within Delaware County.

Map Sheet-Displays all map sheets available for Delaware County.

Municipality-Highlights all political subdivisions within the county.

Original Township-Defines the original boundaries of the townships before tax district changes.

PLSS-Represents public land divisions within Delaware County.

Parcel-Shows cadastral parcel lines indicating real estate ownership and taxation.

Precinct-Indicates voting precincts, updated periodically.

Recorded Document-Identifies the location of various official documents recorded in the county.

School District-Displays the boundaries of school districts within Delaware County.

Street Centerline-Provides a roadmap of public and private roads within the county.

Subdivision-Represents both subdivisions and condominium complexes in the county.

Survey-Indicates various land surveys conducted within the county.

Tax District-Shows all divisions within tax districts, updated as needed.

Township-Depicts all townships within Delaware County.

Zip code data-Lists all zip codes within Delaware County, regularly updated.

Gassert, week 7

Address point: Displays office addresses within Delaware County. Specially accurate with the intent of being able to be used for reports.


Annexation: Shows all boundaries within Delaware County from 1853 to present.


Building outline 2021: Displays all building outlines in Delaware from 2021. I’d assume this needs updated.


Condo: Displays all condominium units/polygons recorded in the county.


Dedicated ROW: Shows all right of way lines in the county.


Delaware County contours: 2-foot contours from 2018. I would also assume this could be updated to be more recent.


Delaware County E911 data: Shows the address points from the previous “Address Points” layer. This gives 911 responders information to determine relative addresses to where a call comes from.


Farm lot: Shows all farm lots divided by US military and Virginia military survey distinctions in Delaware County.


GPS: Displays all GPS monuments identified in Delaware County between 1991 and 1997.


Hydrology: Shows every major waterway that runs through Delaware County. It was last updated in 2018 and is updated when needed.


MSAG: Acronym for “Master Street Address Guide”. It shows that there are 28 jurisdictions in Delaware County.


Map Sheet: Shows all map sheets in Delaware County.


Municipality: Shows all municipalities in Delaware County. (Political subdivisions)


Original township: Shows the original boundaries of Delaware County before tax district changes.


PLSS: Acronym for “Public Land Survey System”. It shows the PLSS polygons for the US military + Virginia military survey in Delaware County.


Parcel: Shows polygons that represent the cadastral parcel lines. Cadastral meaning real estate ownership and taxation.


Precinct: Shows various voting precincts. This gets updated when needed.


Recorded document: In place for miscellaneous documents like plat books, instrument records, and cabinet/slide data.


School district: Displays polygons that represent school districts within Delaware County.


Street centerline: Displays public + private roads in Delaware County. 


Subdivision: Representative of all the subdivisions and condos in the county. 


Survey: A shapefile that covers all the land surveys in the county.


Tax district: Shows all the divisions in tax districts in Delaware County. This is represented in polygons and is updated when needed.


Township: Shows all 19 townships that make up Delaware County. 


Zipcode data: Consists of all the zipcodes listed in Delaware County. This gets updated regularly.

week 6

Chapter 9

9.1 – Explored the utilization of buffers for proximity analysis, involving operations such as running the pairwise buffer tool, selecting block centroids within buffers, and aggregating population data.

9.2 – Learned the intricacies of creating and implementing multiple-ring buffers and leveraging spatial overlay to obtain statistics based on buffer areas.

9.3 – Got into the creation of multiple-ring service areas essential for calibrating a gravity model. This involved generating service area polygons, spatially joining areas, pooling tags, calculating pool use statistics, creating scatterplots, and fitting curves to gravity model data points.

9.4 – Gained insights into utilizing network analyst to locate facilities and analyze optimal solutions within a given network.

9.5 – Explored data cluster analysis techniques and the interpretation of resulting clusters.

Chapter 10

10.1 – got into raster datasets, examining their properties, importing them into a file geodatabase, setting up the geoprocessing environment for raster analysis, and performing operations such as extracting land use and symbolizing raster datasets.

10.2 – Explored the creation of density heat maps, studying project locations, utilizing Kernel Density Smoothing (KDS), creating threshold contour layers, and estimating data rates from threshold areas.

10.3 – Engaged in building a risk index model, exploring project areas, standardizing input attributes, configuring geoprocessing environments, constructing models, setting up kernel density processes, and symbolizing resulting raster layers.

Chapter 11

11.1 – Explored global and local viewing models, navigating scenes, changing basemaps, applying visual enhancements, and understanding elevation surfaces.

11.2 – Learned to create local scenes, construct TIN surfaces, manipulate surfaces, and alter TIN symbology.

11.3 – Investigated the creation of z-enabled feature classes, digitizing data on surfaces, and displaying data realistically in 3D.

11.4 – Explored the creation of features and line-of-sight analysis using lidar data, generating DSM and DTM surfaces, creating nDSM raster surfaces, determining building heights, and conducting line-of-sight analysis.

11.5 – Delved into working with 3D features, extruding floors, visualizing building floors, and editing building heights dynamically.

11.6 – Explored procedural rules and multipatch models for creating 3D content, applying building rules, and viewing multipatch models.

11.7 – Learned to create animations, add keyframes, manage transitions, and export movies from animations.

week 5

4.1 – Explored various methods of importing and moving data within GIS Pro. Messed up setting up my connection folder but got it fixed with tutor, the remaining steps were comprehensible.

4.2 – Expanded knowledge on modifying attribute tables and utilizing the fields view. Although the steps were clear, encountering difficulty with displaying the population under 20 in expressions was notable.

4.3 – Dug deeper into attribute queries, effectively narrowing down specific data. It was particularly fascinating to isolate individual instances within the crime data.

4.4 – A quick and straightforward chapter, continuing to manipulate attribute tables and reutilize earlier steps from the book.

4.5 – Continued learning new features within the toolbox, including further exploration of the symbology tool.

4.6 – Another brief chapter focusing on attribute tables. Struggled with executing a one-to-many join section.

5.1 – Successfully adjusted the type of world map, finding the process relatively straightforward.

5.2 – Working with US maps followed comparable concepts.

5.3 – Incorporated new layers into specific coordinate systems and altered coordinate systems, presenting an intriguing process overall.

5.4 – Managed to comprehend the vector data donation section

5.5 – Encountered complexity within this section, struggling to locate/import the three consensus shape files, hindering progress for the remaining tasks.

6.1 – Successfully dissolved certain features to illustrate smaller neighborhoods, finding this section lucid and accessible.

6.3 – Effortlessly merged water features using the merge tool.

6.4 – Grappled with comprehending the purpose of the append tool. Nevertheless, executing the directions to attribute tables with specific data appeared straightforward.

6.5 – Intersected features to discern fire zones, finding the overall process .

6.6 – Summarized values within Brooklyn neighborhoods, grasping the utilization of the join tables tool.

6.7 – A section utilizing the tabulate intersection tool to compare disabled populations across different fire zones.

7.1 – editing polygons, altering shapes, and splitting them, finding the section both simple and engaging.

7.2 – The creation and deletion of polygons, finding the section equally straightforward.

7.3 – Used the smooth polygon tool, appreciating its ease of use and satisfying results.

7.4 – Focused on transforming polygons, requiring numerous steps but ultimately achieving the desired outcome.

8.1 – Commenced basic geocoding, primarily utilizing zip codes as data, finding the overall process relatively straightforward.

8.2 – Explored geocoding, this time with street addresses, encountering no significant hurdles in this straightforward section.

Week 4

Chapter 1

In this chapter, we explore the foundational elements of ArcGIS, covering basic navigation and the art of symbolizing and labeling maps in both 2D and 3D formats.

1.1 Understanding Feature Classes:

Feature classes serve as the backbone of map visualization, providing vector data with associated attributes. While raster datasets create imagery through pixels, feature classes offer rich spatial information. Stored in file geodatabases with basemaps, they enhance geographical context.

1.2 Navigating ArcGIS:

Efficient navigation involves using attribute values to search for features and employing tools like spatial bookmarks for quick access. Attribute manipulation allows for nuanced data analysis, including summary statistics computation.

1.3 Mastering Attribute Manipulation:

Attributes provide crucial contextual information for maps. ArcGIS enables users to manipulate attributes, reorder columns, and compute summary statistics with ease.

1.4 Enhancing Symbolization:

Symbolizing features involves altering colors, sizes, and shapes for effective communication. The use of 3D visualization is particularly impactful in urban contexts.

Chapter 2

This chapter explores advanced mapping techniques, including thematic maps, text management, symbolization techniques, and spatial analysis.

2.1 Exploring Thematic Maps:

Thematic maps highlight specific subjects within a spatial context, using lighter colors to reduce visual clutter.

2.2 Managing Textual Elements:

ArcGIS offers tools for managing labels and pop-ups, facilitating enriched map narratives. Definition queries enable targeted data exploration.

2.3 Perfecting Symbolization:

Symbolization choices enhance interpretability. Differentiation through shape variations ensures inclusivity, while classification methods like Natural Breaks and Quantiles enrich spatial analyses.

2.4 Precision Mapping:

Precision is essential in crafting visually compelling maps. ArcGIS offers tools for refining numeric attribute classes and utilizing advanced extrusion techniques for 3D mapping.

2.5 Innovating Mapping Techniques:

Dot density maps offer a versatile approach to visualizing data. Visibility ranges ensure seamless map interactions across zoom levels.

2.6 Leveraging Spatial Analysis:

Spatial analysis enables users to derive actionable insights from geospatial data. Normalizing population data facilitates comparative analyses.

2.7 Dynamic Mapping:

Advanced visualization techniques, including dynamic symbology and interactive elements, enhance user experiences. Augmented reality capabilities open new frontiers for spatial exploration.

2.8 Data Visualization:

Charts serve as powerful tools for elucidating complex patterns and trends. ArcGIS offers diverse charting options for crafting compelling narratives.

Chapter 3

This chapter focuses on crafting engaging map layouts, sharing maps online, and creating immersive narratives with ArcGIS Story Maps.

3.1 Designing Map Layouts:

Effective map composition is crucial for conveying information clearly. ArcGIS provides intuitive tools for creating visually compelling layouts.

3.2 Sharing Maps Online:

Sharing maps online facilitates collaboration and dissemination of information. ArcGIS simplifies the process of publishing maps online, fostering greater engagement.

3.3 Creating Immersive Narratives:

ArcGIS Story Maps enable users to weave interactive maps, text, images, and videos into captivating narratives. Users can create compelling stories that resonate with their audience.

Huntington Week 7

Address Point: Data of all the registered building addresses in Delaware county

Annexations: All annexations on Delaware county’s border from 1853 onwards

Building Outline: The physical outlines of all the buildings in the county

Condo: locations of all condo complexes in the county

Dedicated ROW: All Right-of-way locations in Delaware county

Delaware County Contours: 2 foot elevation map

Farm Lot: All the farm lots in the county

GPS: All the GPS monuments in the county

Hydrology: all the major waterways

MSAG: All 28 different townships in Delaware county

Map sheet: All the maps of the county

Municipality: All the municipalities

Original Township: the original boundaries of the towns

PLSS: Public land divisions in Delaware county

Parcel: All cadastral parcel lines

precinct: All voting precincts

Recorded document: The location of all official documents recorded in the county

School District: map of all the school districts

Street Centerline: Roadmap of Delaware county

subdivision: all the condos and divided housing

Survey: land survey

Tax district: tax districts

Township: More townships

Zipcode: All the zipcodes in the county

Rose-Final Week

Delaware Data Inventory

  • Address Point: Representation of all certified address within Delaware County Auditor’s GIS Office
  • Annexation: Contains Delaware County’s annexations and conforming boundaries from 1853 to present
  • Building Outline: Consists of building outlines for all structures in Delaware County, Ohio
  • Condo: Consists of all condominium polygons within Delaware County, Ohio that have been recorded
  • Dedicated ROW: Consists of all lines that are designated Right-of-Way within Delaware County, Ohio
  • Delaware County Contours: 2018 Two Foot Contours
  • Delaware County E911 Data: Spatially accurate representation of all certified address within Delaware County
  • Farm Lot: Consists of all the farm lots in both the US Military and the Virginia Military Survey Districts of Delaware County
  • GPS: Identifies all GPS monuments that were established in 1991 and 1997
  • Hydrology: Consists of major waterways in Delaware County, Ohio
  • MSAG: The Master Street Address Guide polygon feature set of the 28 different political jurisdictions such as townships, cities, and the villages that make up Delaware County
  • Map Sheet: Consists of all map sheets within Delaware County
  • Municipality: Consists of all municipalities within Delaware County
  • Original Township: Consists of the original boundaries of the townships in Delaware County before tax district changes affected their shapes
  • PLSS: Consists of all the Public Land Survey System polygons in both the US Military and the Virginia Military Survey Districts of Delaware County
  • Parcel: Consists of polygons that represent all cadastral parcel lines within Delaware County
  • Precinct: Consists of Voting Precincts within Delaware County
  • Recorded Document: Consists of points that represent record documents in the Delaware County Recorder’s Plat Books, Cabinet/Slides and Instrument Records
  • School District: Consists of all School District within Delaware County
  • Street Centerline: The State of Ohio Location Based Response System Street_Centerlines depict center of pavement of public and private roads within Delaware County
  • Subdivision: Consists of all subdivisions and condos recorded in the Delaware County Recorder’s office
  • Survey:  Survey Points is a shapefile of a point coverage that represents surveys of land within Delaware County
  • Tax District: Consists of all tax districts within Delaware County
  • Township :Consists of 19 different townships that make up Delaware County
  • Zip Code: Contains all zip codes within Delaware County

Miller Week 6

9.1 – Learned how to use the pairwise buffer tool. Was able to figure out all the steps but adding a new buffer on top of a previous buffer.
9.2 – Was able to create multiple ring buffers, which would have been useful for the last step in the previous section.
9.3 – Was somehow not able to find the excel work. Overall, quite a long section, but slow and careful work made the entire section go smoothly for the most part.
9.4 – Used the network analysis to connect certain features to facilities. This section was short and mostly simplistic.
9.5 – Was able to perform a cluster analysis with previously given data. A simple section that yielded the proper results.
10.1 – Did a lot of work using raster datasets. Although the actual reasoning behind using these tools made no sense, I was still able to follow all the directions.
10.2 – Was able to make a kernel density heat map with the use of multiple tools. The end product was quite cool.
10.3 – Learned how to build a risk index model. This section was quite long, but I was able to figure out most of the steps. I was not able to find the PovertyIndex.lyrx file, so I was not able to finish that part of the section.
11.1 – Started diving into using 3D GIS, in which I learned the basic tools to navigate the system.
11.2 – Worked with creating and editing TIN surfaces. Another cool process, in which the steps made sense to me.
11.3 – Was able to add z-enabled features, which were 3D models of specific points on the map. Overall, it was neat to see the final result.
11.4 – This section was quite long and took a decent amount of work to do. I was able to get through all the steps but the bridge steps did not work. The bridge option was not available in the create features pane.
11.5 – Was able to work with 3D features, such as creating stories within buildings, and altering building heights. Overall, this was an easy tutorial.
11.6 – This section also worked with modifying buildings from a 3D model. All the parts of this tutorial worked for me but the last section, despite the steps being simplistic.
11.7 – Was able to work with creating and editing an animation using bookmarks. Overall, a very cool process that I did not know was possible. I was not able to export the animation, as the export time was somehow quite long.

Miller Week 5

4.1 – Figured out different ways of importing and to move data on GIS pro. I was not unable to figure out how to set up a folder connection, but the rest of the steps made sense.
4.2 – I was able to learn more information about modifying attribute tables, along with using the fields view. All the steps made sense, but the expression with the population under 20 was not showing up.
4.3 – Was able to work more with the attribute queries, as I was able to narrow down the specific data. It was really cool to narrow down the crime data to one individual.
4.4 – A relatively quick and easy chapter. Continued to mess with attribute tables, and reused some steps from the first part of the book.
4.5 – Continued to learn new items for the tool box. I was once again able to mess with the symbology tool as well.
4.6 – Another short chapter, I was able to work more with attribute tables. I was not able to figure out how to make a one-to-many join section.
5.1 – Was able to figure out how to change the type of world map. Pretty easy to understand.
5.2 – Pretty much the same concept as 5.1, but working with US maps.
5.3 – Worked on adding new layers to a given coordinate system, along with changing coordinate systems. Overall a cool process.
5.4 – Was able to figure out the vector data donat section, which was similar to 5.3. I need to relearn working with the symbology a bit more.
5.5 – This section was quite complicated and took a while to figure out. I was unable to find/import the three consensus shape files, which limited me for doing the rest of the section.
5.6 – I am not going to lie, none of this section worked for me. I think I am running into the problem that the data is not downloading to the proper source, in which I am not able to complete the section.
6.1 – I was able to dissolve certain features to show smaller neighborhoods. This section made sense and was easy to follow.
6.2 – I knew what this section wanted me to do, which was to combine the neighborhood and the streets within the given neighborhood. However, the directions were quite confusing, and I was not able to get the final product.
6.3 – Quite an easy process of using the merge tool to merge water features.
6.4 – Really did not understand the purpose of the append tool. However, the directions were fairly simple, as it seemed like I added more specific data to the attribute table.
6.5 – Was able to intersect features to help figure out the fire zones. The overall process was easy to follow.
6.6 – Was able to summarize certain values in neighborhoods in the Brooklyn area, which was quite interesting. Finally figured out how to use the join tables tool.
6.7 – Another straightforward section. Was able to use the tabulate intersection tool to compare numbers of disabled people in different fire zones.
7.1 – Was able to mess with editing polygons, whether it was changing their shape, or splitting them. Overall an easy and cool section.
7.2 – Also a very easy section to understand. I was successfully able to create and delete certain polygons.
7.3 – The smooth polygon tool is not only easy, but very satisfying to use.
7.4 – This section focused on transforming polygons. It took a lot of steps to accomplish this, but I did get the right result.
8.1 – Started the basics on geocoding, which mainly uses zip codes as data. The overall process was fairly easy to follow.
8.2 – Did more geocoding, but with street addresses instead. Also a straightforward section.