Veerjee Week 4

Chapter 1 – Introducing ArcGIS

Tutorial 1 – Nothing too terribly complicated or difficult. I was able to figure out how to add various base maps through some of the bigger buttons. I had also figured out some of the basics of layers & saving.

Tutorial 2 – This one seemed to not be too difficult either. However I did eventually run into an issue where in the pop-up tab, I was unsuccessful in finding the hyperlink. But I did eventually find out that I had accidentally shrunk the tab and couldn’t find the hyperlink at a glance. To find attributable data to a thing we are looking for, click on it, then look into the popup panel, click on the data under the arrow to find more information about said item. Holding ctrl will shut on/off all of the displayed things under the ‘content’ bar. If I wish to find something very specifically, go to the map tab, find selection group, and then click ‘select by attributes’. Then run the seach for the feature I am looking for.

Tutorial 3 – 

To find data regarding a certain part of the map, right click on the entry. When working with FOV. Do not delete things that I need later. In order to only select a certain type of data when I click on the map, I will want to find ‘list by selection’ under the content window. Afterwards I will want so check what I want selectable & uncheck those I do not.

Tutorial 4 – Symbiology is found when you right click on something in the contents tab. It is in a weird place sorta in the bottom of the middle.


Chapter 2 – Map Design

  Tutorial 1 – To do unique colors for categorical information provided by departmentalizing the data: use the unique value function within the primary symbology pane within the symbology pane. And change the fields as needed. Afterwards do more -> format all symbols.

Tutorial 2 – To remove duplicate labels; open the label properties page via right clicking the layer. Once this is done, fine ‘position’ and click the conflict resolution button. Then expand the remove duplicate labels area, and click ‘remove all duplicate labels’

Tutorial 3 – “Definition Queries”. To add a definition query begin with… Right clicking the data set under contents and going to properties. And there are many different choices that can be made with the symbology of certain features. It is best to try keeping them consistently different. 

Tutorial 4 – I have ran into an issue where the map is telling me that I do not have a valid data source attached. I am going to move onto Tutorial 5 and hope that this error does not happen again.

Tutorial 5 – To show symbols over another field of data that is supposed to represent the population of an area. Go into symbiology of the thing you want to overlay, and go with graduated symbols in order to show 2 datasets simutensously. You may do this with 2 sets of similar data to show a comparison.

Tutorial 6 – When making comparative graduated color maps, Do the same thing as tutorial 5, but with graduated colors. Once this is done, Open the symbology pane for the map we want to compare. Then click options & import symbology. Afterwards open the apply symbology from the layer pane and apply settings to say that we are targeting a different field using the same settings from the original symbology layer. 


Tutorial 7 – No significant challenges or issues. I guess I should note that the ‘dot value’ means that for every dot it represents X many people when setting up a symbology for population density.


Tutorial 8 – When wanting to make something appear at a certain distance & disappear when further, use the ‘Maximum scale’. And when vice versa, use the ‘minimum scale’


Chapter 3 – Maps for End Users


Tutorial 1 – To put my map into like a page, go to insert, then go into new layout. Then select what i want, go to map frame, find the map I want to insert, and then click ‘default extent’. Drag a box from -x,-y to x,y to determine where I want the map on my page. If I want to make suure the maps are of a particular dimensions, right click the image (map), go to properties, and then manually edit the width and length. Full extent is found in the navigate portion of the layout. To make sure the whole map fits in the frame, go to the ‘Map’ section and find the arrows that point out in the form of a box. An issue I ran into was that I could not snap the maps, i had to zoom in and drag very precisely. When trying to create like a chart, I need to go to the data tab once I have selected a map, afterwards there is some somewhat self explanatory stuff to explain the ins and outs of creating said chart, however if I get completely lost it is on pages 65 – 66. 

Tutorial 2 – It would not let me share my map, however I understand the gist of sharing things online. If this becomes a bigger issue I will contact professor Kryger and ask for some help. 

Tutorial 3 – Minor issue where during the creation of the different headings, there was nothing called ‘subheading’, so I settled on selecting Heading 2. And also due to me being unable to upload my map from Tutorial 2 for some reason, instead of putting a map in the sidecar section, I had put an image of one of my previous maps. 

Tutorial 4 – I ran into an issue where i am unable to upload my maps (from 3-2) and I cannot do very much in this tutorial. However fro what I am able to see,  it does not seem like a big challenge. Some things for mt to keep in mind to create a dashboard I need to click the upper right of my screen to find the Dashboards. I would then add my map as the core part of this dashboard. On my dashboard I am able to edit the map’s extent, and add various elements & edit my dashboard. This could include various tables, various adjustments to the size, adding charts, and interactions. If I think I am done with my dashboard, in the upper left I will want to click menu, then content. Then share my dashboard, I can find the URL to this dashboard elsewhere easily.

Gist Week 5

Chapter 4

Went pretty smoothly, nothing crazy happened.  Here are some of my maps!


Chapter 5

This chapter was kind of rough for me. The first issue I ran into was not being able to find the NAD 1983 coordinates and the NAD 1983 UTM Zone 11N, in tutorial 5-3. This also wouldn’t let me then change from degrees to meters, but I know how to do it which is the important part. In 5-4 I couldn’t find the Display XY Data button either. In 5-5, I was unable to add my census data to the tutorial. It said that my census folder was empty, even though it contained all of the information I needed, so I couldn’t complete that whole tutorial. In 5-6 I couldn’t add the data from the Living Atlas, it wanted me to sign in, but wouldn’t accept my credentials, so again I could not complete that tutorial. So unfortunately, this chapter wasn’t the best for me.


Chapter 6

This chapter went by really smoothly, which was refreshing after the hassle of the last chapter. I didn’t come across any issues. Some maps from this chapter are below 🙂


Chapter 7

This chapter was also pretty straightforward. I did enjoy getting to create and move polygons, it was more fun and relaxing than using tools and doing heavy statistical things. In 7-4 I was unable to transform the polygons, it let me add the links but not do the transform function. Other than that I got everything else done!


Chapter 8

This chapter was super quick and easy! Nothing crazy happened.

McNichols Week 5

Chapter 4

I’ve enjoyed using the calculate fields tool so far, especially once I start turning that into visual representations on the map using the symbology. The parts of the program we worked with in week 4 are starting to feel intuitive. Narrowing down the search parameters in 4.3 made sense.

Chapter 5

There is no “Display XY Data” option when I right click Libraries in tutorial 5.4. In 5.5 one of the fields we’re supposed to be working with is formatted incorrectly. Estimate should be before male, and its also missing “Workers 16 years and over” or the equivalent. I can only guess that its the equivalent to the other column we’re trying to keep. I got the table loaded in properly, but I couldn’t figure out how to add it to the contents pane. I moved on to the next step and closed the table, then opened it again just to make sure I wasn’t missing anything and now the table is repeatedly failing to load. Closing and restarting the application fixed these issues. Figured out how to add the table, we’re good.

Chapter 6

Tutorial 6.1 doesn’t seem to have any data loaded in it at all, and there’s no instructions about repairing missing data so I’m assuming this is an issue with the files I initially downloaded. When I look at the file folder in my file finder outside of the program the .gdb folder has files in it but the tutorial doesn’t seem able to take any of them as its empty when I’m looking through the ArcGIS program. After flipping through the rest of the chapter 6 tutorials it seems like they’re all unable to read data, every single content layer is empty and I can’t find anything to insert into them while within ArcGIS.

The folders for Chapter 7 and Chapter 8 are completely empty as well. Chapters 9-11 have everything in full so I’m not sure how this would have downloaded improperly. Nobody else seems to be reporting these kinds of issues. I will probably need to re download the files for this class so I can do this section properly, but for right now I’m just going to get this posted.

Pratt Week 5

Chapter 4:

It took a minute to get used to the software again, but I figured it out. I like that search tool it’s really swag.

Chapter 5:

Tutorial 5 is giving me a crazy headache. The data from the census website was not formatted like it was noted in the book, which was frustrating. I worked at it for a while but decided to leave it incomplete because the three shapefiles did not download correctly. Otherwise, everything went well.

Chapter 6:

No real issues except the three different merge tool options. I liked learning about merging features, I fear it will  be useful in the future.

Chapter 7:

I love to smooth and merge features especially when they’re fun and colorful buildings!!!!!!!!!!!!

Chapter 8:

No issues except slight fear when seeing the caution signs. I don’t know why they’re there but the program worked so it’s fine.

Plunkett Week 5

Chapter 4: I struggled a bit with the program at the beginning of this one. Certain things weren’t in the same spot as they used to be, which took a little experimenting, but I figured it out.

Chapter 5: Some of the maps would break if I was too zoomed out or too zoomed in so I kept having to find a perfect middle so it wouldn’t glitch out. Definitely went smoother than Chapter 4. However, for 5-5, the website to download the census data keeps giving me a 404 code so I cannot complete that section.

Chapter 6: Once again certain things would trip me up, but I would eventually figure them out. My biggest problem is getting stuff from files for some reason. Other than me confusing myself it went pretty smoothly.

Chapter 7: Not much to say besides that it went quicker than the other chapters. I did struggle with drawing polygons on occasion. It was nice to do something that wasn’t too complicated. My outline also refused to turn white so I was stuck with blue.

Chapter 8: I couldn’t do much with this one because none of the locators were created in the contents section. It said it ran and that the locator was completed but I could not pull it up.


Villanueva Henkle Week 5

Chapter 4

Got through this chapter with no serious issues, but this is the point of the book where many settings don’t show up easily/have been changed slightly making them difficult to find/use. Luckily, I was able to figure it out, but it took much longer than it should have because of it.


Chapter 5

This is where I started having issues. The census data from tutorial 5-5 was not downloading from the website, despite using multiple browsers and devices, so that tutorial remains uncomplete. I was also unable to complete the “Download local data from a public agency hub” section as the data that is required is erased from the website. However, everything that did work went smoothly and settings were easy to find.

Chapter 6

Luckily, I had no serious problems with Chapter 6. The one thing that kept tripping me up was the fact that I kept joining tables the wrong way, by adding fields to the wrong table. I feel very confident in myself regarding this chapter, and don’t see myself having to go back to it often.

Chapter 7

Absolutely no problems here. I enjoyed doing some more of the easier graphic design aspects of GIS rather than the more intense calculations or learning all of the tools.


Chapter 8

Again, no issues here. Very easy and short chapter, though I can definitely see its usefulness when dealing with lots of different maps at the same time.



Deal Week 5

Chapter 4

The first issue I ran into with this chapter was at tutorial 2.  When trying to transform the values for the row we created GEOIDNum it would not calculate them, and instead gave me an error message that there are “no records within table, or selection set has 0 records”.  I had the correct code created to do it GEOIDNum=!GEOID10!. In the created GEOIDNum row where it says the calculations are supposed to appear it just says Null. I ran into the same issue trying to calculate PopYouthUnder20. In fact the whole rest of tutorial 2 did not work for me. I had no other issues.

Chapter 5

The first issue I had with chapter five was at the end of tutorial 5. It just kept giving me an error code when I tried to make GEOIDNUM equal to GEOID but it just said an unexpected error so I am assuming it was an issue with the program and not something I did wrong. Similarly then the whole last Join Data and create a chloropleth map would not work. I think the issue is that my bike data was saying it was inputted and it was not. I redid it multiple times and every time it said it worked but it did not. The last issue I ran into was the very last part of tutorial 6. From the online database we were supposed to get our data from they no longer had the data set we were supposed to use. Overall this chapter was hard and frustrating for me, things went wrong I got confused and had to redo stuff often.

Chapter 6

The first issue I ran into with this chapter was in tutorial 2. I could not figure out how to export just the selected features, or streets. Ok scratch that it took me forever but I finally found where you export only selected features. Other than that small hiccup this chapter went very well.

Chapter 7

This chapter went well. I did not have any problems. It is more overwhelming to work on an Imagery base map but it didn’t slow me down just annoyed me.

Chapter 8

I have nothing to say about chapter 8, I had no issues and it was short and sweet.

Kelner Week 4

Chapter 1:

I personally found the start of this chapter monotonous but that comes with learning a new program. Once I got the hang of it I was able to get through the tutorials fairly quick. The biggest problem I have with ArcGIS is finding stuff and I sometimes just sat for 5-6 minutes looking for something, quite literally, right in front of me. Other than that this chapter went pretty smoothly.

Chapter 2:

Chapter 2’s tutorials also went well aside from the data being corrupted in Tutorial 2-3 I believe so I ended up skipping it. It was a pretty cool getting to see how  much thought goes into fonts and text colors when naming the neighborhoods and water ways. I did struggle to find the white halo effect for the neighborhood text but otherwise things went well.

Chapter 3:

I struggled with the online sharing and may need to look at it later but I really enjoyed making the map and legend page. It was also cool to see the other side of GIS with making the bar graph and how diverse the system can be with showing data. Other than the online issue, things went well but I still get lost and can’t find stuff for a bit.

Godsey Week 5

Chapter 4:

I had multiple complications with this chapter. About halfway through, I got stuck on the first tutorial and ended up redoing my work, but I reached the same outcome while trying to create the MaricopaTracts geodatabase. I had to skip the first two tutorials and continued with tutorial three without any more issues. 

Chapter 5:

Similar to Chapter 4, I had a few issues with this chapter. The first problem I encountered was in tutorial 3 when trying to add data in the layer group, browsing Chapter5.gdb I was unable to locate the Municipalities dataset. Similarly, in tutorial 6, I could not find the items from the National Land Cover Database when searching Living Atlas.

Chapter 6:

Thankfully, Chapter 6 went relatively smoothly, with only one issue. During tutorial 6 I couldn’t figure out how to use the NTAName field to join the BrooklynNeighborhoodsResidentialLandUse table to BrooklynNeighborhoods. 

Chapter 7:

Chapter 7 went smoothly; the only thing I couldn’t figure out was how to use the Split tool.

Chapter 8: 

Chapter 8 was pretty simple, but I did encounter one issue in tutorial 2. I couldn’t get the street locator tool to create the Streets_CreateLocator even though the tool said it was successful. 


Pratt Week 4

Ch. 1  ArcGIS pro

This is such fun software! It was hard to get used to at first, but with practice and repetition, all was well. My favorite was Ch1Tut4 when we got to make features 3D. It’s like if a bar graph and a map had a baby. My eyes hurt now so I’m done here. Excited for 3 more hours in the GIS lab next week.

Tutorial 2

forgor to take a picture for tutorial 3 and 4 rip

why are there so many for chapter 2

Ch. 2

accidentally  eliminated the map for tutorial 1 and i dont know how to get it back so… moving on to tutorial 2-2

tutorial 3

tutorial 4

tutorial 5

tutorial 6

tutorial 7

tutorial 8

chapter 3

tutorial 1

i got lost this is as far as i got:

tutorial 2

wouldn’t let me share it online because i dont have the privledges (??) so couldn’t go any further. but now i know how to share!

tut 3 story map:

tutorial 4 map: