Huntington Week 6

9-1: Short tutorial on the use of buffer rings, useful for finding low-service areas.

9-2: A continuation of 9-1 that teaches you how to make multi-ring buffers.

9-3:  Multiring buffers for calculating gravity models to do things like calculate travel times to service areas.

9-4: I’m really wishing I had finished this before I did my final oops. Network analyst tools are an excellent tool to determine and analyze service areas.

9-5: Not working.

10-1: Learned how to work with raster datasets, including  extracting smaller datasets and making elevation maps.

10-2: Learning how to make heat maps using thresholds.

10-3: Making risk index models using geoprocessing

11-1: Cool 3d maps, learned how to move around the scene and change the basemap.

11-2: Learned how to create a local scene and make 3d vector data models called TIN surfaces.

11-3: Learned how to make 3d feature classes by Z-enabling them and edit 3d display settings.

11-4: Learned how to determine LOS and a whole bunch of distance data in 3d maps.

11-5: Learned how to edit various visual aspects of 3d models.

11-6: Learned about procedural methods for creating 3d models and using different texture styles.

11-7: Learning how to make an actual animation in GIS which is crazy. This is all stuff I know how to do from being an animation major and its very similar.


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