Week 3: Onward!

Outcomes of our Tree Haüs meeting last evening:

Please forthwith proceed with the following tasks (based on the projects you are working on):

For the meeting with Dan McGee on Wed at 4 please get me an agenda for the meeting by noon tomorrow. This includes discussion points including:

For the meeting with Peter from B&G and also Res Life on Friday at noon in 207 SCSC: please get me an agenda for the meeting by noon Thursday; review Peter’s comments about what he wants to hear about (in the email from a few days ago) and review the stuff in the online shared Drive folder. Other issues

  • cost of getting the College Chunks to move junk left behind in rooms (cost to students; maybe use as a way to encourage participation in May Move Out)
  • how to incorporate recycling in the May Move Out

Other groups: proceed with stuff as we discussed last night

Other stuff I have in my notes:

That Denison event: Eva is going to find out if OWU is an official sponsor if we pay the $2000; Get this event on our class calendar and work on a presentation that overlaps with our class presentation at the student research symposium and Green Week

For Green Week:

  • consider teaming up with other orgs like Greeks and maybe international student groups to get more participation. Many of the frats/soror. have green programs. Many international students sometimes have a very different perspective on sustainability from their home countries.
  • consider involving the Citizens Climate Lobby, Sustainable Del. and the Watershed Coordinator in Green Week to get some off campus people involved

Week 2: Planning Spring 2017 Projects & Outreach

Projects for Spring 2017

Green Week & Earth Day 2017: For all project groups: plan events, information, outreach related to projects for week of April 17.

Priority: OWU Sustainability Plan Adoption
Project Boss: Emily Howald
Little Helpers: For all students in 499, selected help with outreach to groups and attendance at some meetings.

Goal: submitted to OWU Administration for adoption by end of semester

  1. Research and compose a signable letter of support for Plan that does not entail a financial obligation.
  2. Select groups to meet with to review Plan and sign support letter:
    1. Sustainability Task Force (present at February meeting [tba])
    2. Executive Committee (meet by ?)
    3. WCSA (meet by ?)
    4. Environment & Wildlife (meet by ?)
    5. ?
  3. Arrange meetings
  4. Present to Faculty during last faculty meeting (Green Week): April 17

Priority: May Move Out: Planning and Implementation Spring 2017
Project Boss: [Eva Blockstein, James Ormerod, Sydney Spotts]
Little Helpers:

Goal: successful 2017 May Move Out with improvements in promotion and outreach

  1. Appoint a project boss and point person or some other chain of command (by Friday Jan 27)
  2. Arrange a meeting with Peter Schantz (B&G): cc Krygier & Howald (by Friday, Jan 27). Have Krygier review email before it is sent.
  3. Review materials: Geog 499 Spring 2017 / Action: May Move Out
  4. Prepare to discuss (briefly) effort in class meeting Friday Jan. 27
  5. May Move Out Foci:
    1. Planning and implementation of May Move Out
    2. Promotion
    3. Recycling
    4. ?

Priority: Reusable Food Containers (& Chartwells Sustainability)
Project Boss: [Ryan Bishop, Sarah Hanes, Izzy Sommerdorf]
Little Helpers:

Goal: increase the ease of use and use of reusable food containers

  1. Appoint a project boss and point person or some other chain of command (by Friday Jan 27)
  2. Arrange a meeting with Dan McGee (Chartwells): cc Krygier & Howald (by Tuesday Jan 31, noon) after discussion about the range of issues to be discussed. Have Krygier review email before it is sent.
  3. Review materials: Geog 499 Spring 2017 / Action: Reusable Food Containers
  4. Prepare to discuss (briefly) effort in class meeting Friday Jan. 27
  5. Prepare to discuss effort in class meeting Monday Jan. 30
  6. Chartwell’s Sustainability
    1. Reusable Food Containers
      1. Promotion
      2. Problems with return options (lack of scanners)
      3. Problems with “image” of food containers
      4. ?
    2. Composting: status of composting
      1. Alex the Worm Guy
      2. New composting company
    3. Additional Chartwell’s Initiatives & Issues
      1. Food Recovery Network & related efforts
      2. Red meat reduction
      3. Purchasing Local Foods (Yellowbird Foodshed)
      4. Bottled water sales (check if still in decline)
      5. Other waste issues (coffee cups, etc.)
      6. ?
    4. ?

Priority: Green Infrastructure in Residence Halls & SLUs
Project Boss: [Ryan Bishop, Emily Howald]
Little Helpers:

Goal: implement at least Phase 1 of the plan below

  1. Appoint a project boss and point person or some other chain of command (by Friday Jan 27)
  2. Review materials: Geog 499 Spring 2017 / Action: Sustainable Residence Halls
  3. Develop a proposal in phases for green infrastructure
    1. Phase 1: Split recycle/garbage bins in rooms on one res hall floor / one RA
      1. Understanding the recycle and waste stream on the residential side of campus. Contact B&G.
      2. Understanding the procedures for moving recyclables: housekeeping (Aramark) vs. students managing their own waste/recycling.
      3. Funding of the recycle/garbage bins (WCSA grant?)
      4. ?
    2. Phase 2: more extensive infrastructure changes to floor / RA
      1. Sustainable Living Vision + Treehouse SLU ideas
      2. Evaluation?
      3. Include ideas in development of new SLUs?

Delaware Foodshed Collaborative
Project Boss: Emily Howald
Little Helpers: Maddie Coalmer, Larynn Cutshaw

Goal: continue the conversation about how a sustainable campus garden can be established and maintained.

  1. Arrange meeting of the following
    1. Chris Fink, Laurie Anderson
    2. Seminary Hill Farm: Tadd Peterson, Noel Dheer
    3. Stratford (?)
    4. Chris Burger (Master Gardeners of Delaware)
  2. Related issues:
    1. Activity courses (gardening)
    2. Salvaging current garden and prepping future garden space
    3. Potential to use existing gardens (south of campus)?

Project Boss: Eva Blockstein

Goal: Proposal to evaluate composting for students and efforts towards that goal established (implement outdoor composting, acquire Zera composter).

  1. Develop proposal for implementation and evaluation of composting on campus
    1. Traditional outdoor composting bins for SLUs
    2. Kitchen food scrap composter: https://www.zera.com ($999)
      1. Grant money from WCSA or SIP?
    3. Scraps and food waste saved and picked up by company potentially working with Chartwell’s and City of Delware
  2. Goal: recommend a sustainable approach to composting for students and SLUs

Activity Courses: Sustainability
Project Boss: Emily Howald
Little helpers: Maddie Coalmer, Larynn Cutshaw

Goal: to have two activity courses (gardening, some kind of repair focus for 2nd module Spring 2017 or Fall 2017)

  1. Emily Howald will continue to work to get instructors and help define two initial courses.
  2. Assistance with recruiting students to take courses, document ideas for additional courses

Proposed Environment & Sustainability Program
Project Boss: John Krygier
Little Helpers: Maddie Coalmer, Larynn Cutshaw

Goal: OWU approves an Environmental Science major and revised Environmental Studies major as part of the new Environment & Sustainability Program.

  1. Wait on forthcoming faculty meetings to work out details of program and major revisions
  2. Ideas for a new introductory Environment & Sustainability course
  3. Potential assistance to get proposal adopted

Green Fee Revisited
Project Boss: Ryan Bishop

Goal: review efforts in 2012 to implement green fee and assess the viability of reintroducing the idea (as a way to fund a sustainability coordinator).

  1. 2012 materials in Geog 499 Spring 2017 / Action: Green Fee (2012)


Additional Projects: Potentially Outsource to Geog 360 or Independent Studies

  1. Outreach to regional campuses: Ohio Five Student Coalition for Climate Action (OFSCCA)
  2. Earth Hour & Light Pollution (w/ Mallory Cochran, Max Kerns)
  3. Reduction in Bottled Water Purchases & Hydration Stations
  4. Bikeshare Revisited: evaluate the utter failure of past projects and the potential of a collaboration with the City of Delware on a sustainable bike project.
  5. Plastic Bag Reduction on Campus

Outreach for Spring 2017

  1. Jenifer Way-Young, Delaware Health: recycling, composting, food recovery, May Move Out, community gardens
  2. Karen Crosman, OWU Development: Grants
  3. Colin Smith, Delaware Watershed Coordinator
  4. Rand Griffin
  5. Delaware Citizens Climate Lobby
  6. Sustainable Delaware


Sustainability Practicum 2016: Wrap Up

Finishing Up The Spring 2016 Semester

Wet elephants

We waded in and made progress this spring. To wrap things up please do the following and get it to me by Thursday May 5:

1. Project Reports

  • Allie and Blake: Reusable Food Containers
  • Allie: Food Collaboration
  • Emily, James and Zanna: May Move Out

For each report (about 3 pages) compile the following:

  • work and research completed
  • key contacts
  • where we stand and next steps (to ensure 100% reusable containers, Fall 2016)
  • organize the Geog 499 shared folder for the individual project, make sure the Project Report will help future students take over this project; make sure all materials created (posters, artwork for stickers, etc.) are also in the shared folder
  • your assessment of the project and what was completed this semester, and recommendations for the future

2. Course & Personal Assessment: about 3 pages

One page or so: your thoughts on the course, its structure, and the way we worked out the goals (the revised Sustainability Plan and specific projects). Did the wheels come off? Or not? Did we do more than throw a pinecone (see below)? Do you think our effort will affect sustainability efforts on campus? Or are you more pessimistic? Given that I will offer the course again next spring, document 3 things that worked well, and 3 that could use some work and/or ideas for what the course should focus on. Your suggestions for next year are very much appreciated.

One page or so: assessment of your personal efforts in the course. Describe what you did (specifically) and your role in the class (compared to other students in the class). Given your efforts, and in comparison with your pals in the class, let me know what you think you deserve for a letter grade.

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Progress, Spring Semester 2016


Despite the lack of postings to this class blog, we have made significant progress in the Sustainability Practicum this semester.

Students have tackled the May Move Out, adjusting it to deal with no funds to run it this semester (and this has been accomplished) while working on marketing and communicating the May Move Out to students at OWU (including a new mascot, the Moooove Out Cow). The May Move Out is a go, and we are anticipating beating our 2015 haul of 9.5 tons of stuff donated to Goodwill.

We are also tackling the technical issues that have limited the use of the reusable food containers at HWCC. We hope to resolve those problems and be ready to go 100% reusable containers for the fall of 2016.

Best of all, we have a newly concocted OWU Sustainability Plan that is very different from the 40 page monster created in the spring of 2015. The new plan can be viewed in all its glory (with some background) here at OWU Sustainability Plan.


Week 15 Progress & Wrapping Up

Hungry dog

As the end of the semester nears, we need to ensure that your work and recommendations for future efforts are documented in a concise and coherent way.

Everyone: Comments on the Draft Sustainability Report: Please compile comments received about the report in the April 4 STF meeting. Please add the comments to the Google Drive draft plan at appropriate locations in the document.

Everyone: Grants / Foundations: Please put information you documented along with your name in the document in the Action: Grants / Foundation folder.

Group UC160: Please create a brief report on your recommendations for a section of UC160 focused on Sustainability. Resources and report in folder Action: UC160 Sustainability.

Group Student Symposium: Please create a brief report on the presentation (date, time, questions, etc.) and your recommendations for future similar presentations or outreach. Resources and report in folder Action: Student Symposium.

Group Dominion Foundation Grant: Please create a brief report on the Dominion Foundation Grant – Building Energy Monitors – and recommendations about writing this grant. We have basic information about these monitors but could use ideas for how to actually use them (building vs building or floor vs floor competitions to reduce energy use). Resources and report in Action: Grants / Foundations. Resources:

  • Energy_OWU.pdf: Student project report: see page 3 for recommendation for building energy monitors; the rest of this report sets the context for how we could document and compare energy data.
  • NSF_TUES_Grant.pdf: see page 7-8 in this grant proposal.

Group Badges: Please create a brief report on information and ideas for using Badges to promote sustainability and sustainability efforts on campus. Please look back at my discussion on the Week 11 Progress posting on this blog and include links to resources.

Group Food: Please create a brief report focused on the four goals we discussed with Gene Castelli for the food section of the sustainability report:

  • Real Food Challenge: Gene will update on his progress
  • Composting: Gene will get data (food scraps waste and Trim Trax program); summarize data from Geography 360 project on composting
  • Dishwasher and Reusable Dinnerware: Gene will get data on use of disposable dinnerware before and after introduction of reusable dinnerware (HWCC). Summarize data from Geography 360 project on dishwasher and reusable dinnerware (Allie France)
  • Bottled Water: Gene will get data on amount of bottled water sold on campus and continue to collect this data so we can monitor. Summarize data from Geography 360 project focused on water bottles and Ban the Bottle (Olivia Lease).
  • Student Position: Need for 10-15 hours per week of student labor to compile data. This could be the Legacy Internship position or potentially a new position created by the STF. Include a proposal for this position for fall of 2015.
  • Local Food Outreach: Finally, include as a goal OWU outreach to both Stratford and MTSO regarding their farms/gardens. Briefly summarize what each are doing. Also include mention of the Delaware Community Market.


Finishing Up The Semester


I. Against Sustainability: 2 or so pages

Echo chambers are not good! This situation occurs when all in a group believe just about the same thing and only interact with those who share similar beliefs. To throw a different voice into our efforts as we close the semester, I would like each of you to read a recent invective focused on sustainability on college campuses written by the National Association of Scholars (NAS). 

The NAS is a “think tank” funded by a small number of politically conservative organizations (Sarah Scaife Foundation, John M. Olin Foundation, the Bradley Foundation, the Castle Rock Foundation, and the Smith Richardson Foundation – all linked to in the Wikipedia article on the NAS). These foundations were built as an alternative source of “scholarly” efforts outside of colleges and universities (which are seen as being too liberal and unsympathetic to conservative causes).

Conservative organizations have targeted environmental studies and sustainability in higher education for several decades and the recent report is a good example of their concerns. Along with such critiques come efforts to focus research efforts in government and higher education on topics other than the environment. For example, the official Republican Party Platform has been erasing environmental issues from the science policy section of their platform and instead focusing on issues such as space exploration and neuroscience. Some have suggested that the funding (particularly from private donations) for neuroscience programs in higher education, for example, is an effort to shift focus away from typically popular environmental studies/science and sustainability programs. Curious!

Take a look at the report, linked below, and we will discuss during our last meeting (Thursday April 30). I would like you to write up a few pages of your thoughts on this report as part of your final efforts in the class (Due Thursday May 7 at noon).



2. Course & Personal Assessment: 2-4 pages

One page or so: your thoughts on the course, its structure, and the way we worked out the goal (creating a draft Sustainability Plan). Did the wheels come off? Or not? Did we do more than throw a pinecone (see below)? Do you think our effort will affect sustainability efforts on campus? Or are you more pessimistic? Given that I will offer the course again next spring, document 3 things that worked well, and 3 that could use some work and/or ideas for what the course should focus on. Your suggestions for next year are very much appreciated.

One page or so: assessment of your personal efforts in the course. Describe what you did (specifically) and your role in the class (compared to other students in the class). As usual, given your efforts, let me know what you think you deserve for a letter grade.

Also due Thursday May 7 at noon.

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Week 11 Progress

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Progress on Goals for Draft Sustainability Plan

  • Groups are generating goals for Plan and adding as comments to document
  • Deadline: class, Tuesday March 31
  • STF Meeting: Wednesday April 4th at 4pm in 311 HWCC
  • Basic Framework: include a range of goals:
    • Goals for Administration, Faculty, Staff, Students
    • Annual / Biannual or short term vs long term goals
  • Please talk to me about goals for input, and indicate (with a comment) when your goals for a section are complete.

2015-16 UC160 Course

  • Committed to teaching a section of UC 160 The OWU Experience with a sustainability & environment focus Spring 2016
  • Coordinate with this course, also being taught Spring 2016
  • Post ideas for this course in the shared document (Geog 499 folder) called Action: UC160 Sustainability

2015 Student Symposium: April 15

We need a few class members to speak, and the rest to develop presentation materials. Post ideas for this presentation in the shared document (Geog 499 folder) called Action: 2015 Student Symposium

Panel 7: Social Sciences
Faculty Moderator: Dr. Christopher Fink, Health and Human Kinetics
5:15 – 5:50 SCSC 161

5:15 Nathan Madonich and Sara Scinto, An Exploration of the Structure, Dynamics, and Impact on Quality of Life of Selected Short Food Supply Chains (SFSCs) in Italy and the United States

5:30 GEOG 499 – Seminar: OWU Campus Sustainability Plan, Draft Sustainability Plan for OWU

The room is equipped with a projector and a computer so you can use any visual material you choose. Each talk is scheduled for 10 minutes with 5 minutes for questions and answers. There are 5 minutes for transition between panelists. I encourage you to arrive early to load your presentation on the local computer to speed up the transitions. You are expected to stay and listen to all of the papers presented at your panel. You are also invited to the reception during the Poster Session at 6:15 in the SCSC Atrium.

Grants & 2015 Dominion Foundation Grant

  • Dominion Foundation information here
  • PDF of grant content (content starts on page 6 – under Request Information) here
  • Share additional grant opportunities you have found (as per previous request) in the shared document (Geog 499 folder) called Action: Grants / Foundations

QR Codes and Sustainability at OWU


Alumni Emily Hau sent along a Yale (where she works) thing that we may be able to do something with – a QR code that goes to the sustainability web site or potentially goes to info about specific programs. Not sure if people use these codes much but may be worth thinking about ideas.

  • Post ideas for how we might use QR codes in the shared document (Geog 499 folder) called Action: QR Codes / Sustainability

Badges! We need some Stinkin’ Badges!

You are probably familiar with Boy or Girl Scout merit badges. The point was simple, an organization set up guidelines for a goal or task and, when completed, the badge is issued. For the Scouts, the badge is a recognition of effort and accomplishment.

Think about your experience in college. You get credits and eventually a degree: all similar in a way to a scout badge. Specific courses and a degree are all recognition of effort and accomplishment. There are, however, many things you do as part of your college education that are not officially recognized: internships, volunteer projects, SLU projects. An increasing number of efforts like this on campus are related to sustainability and environment. You can put these on your resume, but why not go a step further with some kind of formal recognition for non-credit accomplishments: this is the idea of Digital or Open Badges.

Digital or Open Badges are getting the most attention in the growing world of MOOCs (Massive Online Open Courses). MOOCs are free online courses, typically offered by institutions of higher learning or organizations. You can learn stuff, but typically you don’t get any credit for the effort (eg., they don’t count towards a degree). So credentials are something you have to pay for. Digital Badges, associated with the completion of MOOCs offer some semblance of a credit (or credential) in contexts where you are not getting official university credit. They are, in essence, a way around the pay for a credit or degree model of education.

There are many models of Digital Badges but most require some kind of official organization to set guidelines which, when met, result in a badge. It is preferable if the requirements for the badge is set up and overseen by educators and professionals familiar with the content the badge represents. The badge is not issued until there is clear evidence that the specified tasks have been completed.

What about a series of sustainability and environment badges for efforts by students (and staff and faculty) at OWU? I envision an oversight group (maybe STF, but it would be good to include off campus professionals). While symbolic, the idea is that the badge is a more official and potentially meaningful way to recognize effort and accomplishment than a line on a resume.

Look over some resources on Badges and lets discuss if and how we might consider implementing a system here at OWU.

Post ideas for how we might use QR codes in the shared document (Geog 499 folder) called Action: Stinkin’ Badges

  • Question: badges vs. .25 credit (like physical education courses)

Week 9 Progress and Post Spring Break Work


Week 9 Progress

  • Waiting on feedback on draft sustainability plan from STF (meeting Wednesday March 4th at 4pm in 311 HWCC) and alumni reviewers
  • Submitted Legacy Internship proposal for Food Sustainability
  • Considering teaching a section of UC 160 The OWU Experience with a sustainability & environment focus (Fall 2015 or Spring 2016)

Post Spring Break Work: updated Monday March 16

A few new additions in red below.

1. Put Thursday April 9 4pm meeting of STF on your calendar. Let me know who can attend.

2. Potential grant opportunities and fundable projects: please identify a minimum of three foundations and their specific grants we can consider.

  • Foundation Center (Karen Crosman has a subscription and can search more options through the Center; I suggest compiling any questions you have or searches you suggest and we will send her a list from all of us).
  • Columbus Foundation: several people with OWU connections are in significant positions at this Foundation, which is more or less a “meta” foundation which administers many smaller foundations and grant sources. Some are limited to the City of Columbus or Franklin Co., but others are available to Delaware Co.
  • General Foundation Search: keep in mind what Karen talked to us about foundations and search for additional options. Sometimes it helps to have a project or projects in mind (dishwasher, natural gas powered vans) other times it helps to see what a foundation funds (to get ideas for possibilities on campus).

3. Review entire draft of sustainability plan and document ideas for specific, measurable goals. Please generate a minimum of ten sustainability goals for our sustainability plan.

  • Determine which groups are covering which sections.
  • Meeting with Gene Castelli (Chartwell’s related content).
  • Review other sustainability plans for goal ideas and examples.
  • Review President’s Climate Commitment page on Geog 499 Class blog (in tabs at top of page, or here) for ideas for sustainability plan goals. We have to review the 2009 report and focus on the issues which led to OWU not signing the Commitment and address those.
  • Another source of ideas for goals are the Ceres Principles.
  • Practice Greenhealth has a relatively succinct overview of how to put sustainability goals into practice. While aimed at hospitals, the principles seem to by and large work well for an academic institution:

Week 8 Progress



  • Krygier has completed a first draft of Sustainability Plan and opened it up to comments from Geog 499 students.
  • Krygier has revised President’s Climate Commitment page on Geog 499 Class blog (in tabs at top of page, or here). Use this Commitment to generate some goals for the Sustainability Plan.
  • May Move Out meeting Tuesday Feb 24 at noon (207 Sci Ctr) to review draft of May Move Out plan and schedule.
  • Proposal for Legacy Internship position for Food Sustainability distributed for comments. Due Friday, Feb. 27.

For the next week:

  • Review draft sustainability plan for adjustments prior to distribution to STF members. Discussion in class Tues., Feb. 24The draft goes to STF members on Wednesday Feb 25 in preparation for the Wednesday March 4 STF meeting at 4pm. Please plan to attend that meeting if possible.
  • Review President’s Climate Commitment page on Geog 499 Class blog (in tabs at top of page, or here) for ideas for sustainability plan goals. We have to review the 2009 report and focus on the issues which led to OWU not signing the Commitment and address those.
  • Another source of ideas for goals are the Ceres Principles.
  • Hold off on the grants issue until next week.


Week 7 Progress



  • drafts of content sections complete and to Krygier for review & revision
  • draft of May Move Out plan and schedule completed
  • draft of proposal for Legacy Internship position for Food Sustainability
  • meeting with Karen Crosman & discussion of Dominion Foundation grant

For the next week:

  • prepare yourself for specific requests from Krygier as he reviews the content of the content sections. The draft goes to STF members on Wednesday Feb 25 in preparation for the Wednesday March 4 STF meeting at 4pm. Please plan to attend that meeting if possible.
  • review key sites related to foundation funding and begin to document potential projects and foundations for funding the projects
  • Foundation Center (Karen Crosman has a subscription and can search more options through the Center; I suggest compiling any questions you have or searches you suggest and we will send her a list from all of us).
  • Columbus Foundation: several people with OWU connections are in significant positions at this Foundation, which is more or less a “meta” foundation which administers many smaller foundations and grant sources. Some are limited to the City of Columbus or Franklin Co., but others are available to Delaware Co.
  • General Foundation Search: keep in mind what Karen talked to us about foundations and search for additional options. Sometimes it helps to have a project or projects in mind (dishwasher, natural gas powered vans) other times it helps to see what a foundation funds (to get ideas for possibilities on campus).
  • Document what you find with links and questions and we will compile this information together as part of the Sustainability Plan.

Week 6 Progress


As we scoot towards our rough draft of the sustainability plan by Thursday Feb 19 make sure you review the additional student projects I uploaded to the Geog 499 shared folder:

Info: More Past Student Projects


Building on the excellent news about the May Move Out Grant, Thursday we also have Karen Crosman (OWU Development) coming to talk about the Dominion Foundation Grant – take a look at the details before we meet Thursday.


First round of interviews: make sure you have your answers typed in the form in the shared folder.

Second round of interviews: I am thinking this is the round (a different group takes over) where we talk to (email, Skype, phone, in person) alumni, Sustainable Delaware, etc. I propose we wait until we have a revised draft of the plan (Wed Feb 25). I think we can also include Mary’s idea of random interviews of selected students, faculty, staff.

A third round of interviews can happen in early April after we have a 2nd draft of the plan. This can be an online survey, in part to get feedback from as many people as possible but also to help promote the plan.

External Reviews:

External Reviews of OWU’s Sustainability Efforts: One more task (probably in the Co-curricular & Community category – Sarah, Thomas, Cindy) is to compile the various places OWU sustainability efforts are documented and review them for accuracy. There seem to be cases where students submitted information, other cases where we are not sure who submitted the information. The Sustainability Task Force can oversee these external reports in the future, but we need to gather the relevant information in one place. A few of these (I am sure there are more):

Campus Sustainability Report Card

The Princeton Review Green Colleges

Digital Tasks for Each of You

Please do the following:

Follow this blog so you get an email when I put up a new posting (this is not working at the moment, will let you know when it is)

Follow the Sustainability and Environment blog

Join the OWU Alumni LinkedIn group, and also the Environmental Studies Sub Group.

Scrappy Sustainability

Finally, in an interview with the OWU Magazine I talked up our efforts and suggested they get a photograph of our group for the article. I also started calling what we are doing “Scrappy Sustainability” as per our discussion about schools with large endowments (who can easily afford the costs of sustainability) vs. our situation at OWU. Might be a good sound bite, but we should discuss more.

Live long and vesper,

John K.