Gullatte week 1

Introduction: My name is Rheigna Gullatte and I am an environmental studies, geography major with a sociology minor. This is what I did this week. 

Poking around the website: 

  • I started exploring and clicked on community and forums. This is a cool little place where people can talk and post their findings about GIS related stuff. There is also a blog. When clicking my settings and my profile, it just has the basic necessities like every app or website does. 

Get Started: What is ArcGIS Online:

  • With this, you are able to create maps, apps, scenes, and even notebooks
  • With ArcGIS Online you are able to look at 2D and 3D maps and data. You can even share and collaborate with other people. It’s meant to be very accessible and you can even have this on your phone so you’re able to work in the field as well. 


  • These are the two screenshots from basic training 
  • I learned that there are different access levels so everyone has a chance to use this software. 
  • I also learned that web scenes can show 3D geographic data
  • The other training I did was called GIS Basics. 
  • In GIS Basics, I learned that GIS is made up of five different components including hardware, software, data, people, and workflows.
  • Workflows can be used to improve efficiency by defining processes and repeatable tasks. 


Google Scholar:

  • One of my keywords was “poverty”. I found an article called, “Contraception Deserts:The Effects of Title X Rule Changes on Access to Reproductive Health Care Resources”. The article is essentially about how access to contraception has been a struggle and supported in a bipartisan way. Title X is the main funding source for affordable reproductive care and it is simply not enough causing contraception deserts. 


  • I read the article “Forest Understory Monitoring Protocols for Stanley Park Ecology Society Vancouver BC”. My keyword was “weather”. The article is about the native plants and vegetation in the forest and how they are trying to save the plants from climate change and environmental stressors. 

Other:  I was in GIS 291 so I believe I completed the Delaware date inventory and know how to navigate around this account.

McFarland Week 1

My name is Logan McFarland and I am a freshman who just finished GEOG291, so I am excited for this next GEOG!

Poking around my account:

  • When looking around the ESRI website I found myself looking at pricing for ArcGIS Pro and Wow it’s expensive! almost $800 for a professional basic bundle.
  • The training available is both interesting and very expansive covering many different kinds of topics.

Using ESRI Resources:

  • It seems like the online version of ArcGIS is more useful for sharing and analyzing maps than it is for actually creating them because creating them is more geared toward the desktop version of ArcGIS.
  • There are apps that can be used in the field that are useful for field workers who cannot take a computer out with them.

ESRI Training:

  • This course was eye opening to the many different uses of ArcGIS Online.
  • The quizzes were relatively easy and the step-by-step guide for the different sections was helpful.

Applications for ArcGIS Online:

I did a similar application for GEOG291, but instead of trout fishing areas I decided to use big game hunting areas.

This map shows all of the big game hunting areas for the state of Wyoming.


Another application that I found from the same organization, Trout Unlimited, was a map of the movement corridoors for pronghorn in Nevada. This is useful for both hunters and those concerned with the management of pronghorn populations, like government organizations, alike.

Hollinger Week 1

Hi! My name is Lauren Hollinger! I’m a sophomore from Canton, Ohio majoring in Data Analytics and Geography.

  • Spend a Few Minutes Poking Around Your Account (2 Comments)
      1. Something interesting I found in the My Settings tab is you can customize your units of measurement (US Standard/Metric) and set a default map viewer. This would be useful for different projects/data/locations.
      2. Some more resources I wasn’t super familiar with, but found interesting: The training tab takes you to a number of courses you can complete, the forum/community tab is a place where users can share information and ask questions, and the Blog tab takes you to a number of blog postings of different projects and even tutorials.
  • Use ESRI Resources to Learn a Bit (Get Started: What is ArcGIS Online?) (2 Comments)
      1. The ArcGIS Notebooks seemed very interesting to me. I would like to explore this interface at some point to see how Python coding and analysis can aid in GIS visualization. 
      2. Another thing I learned was about apps. You can create your own apps that will help users and yourself interact with maps and visualizations you make. You can add different content and data to these apps. There are different steps and considerations to take into account when creating an app. These include thinking about your audience, the components you want to include, and what type of app will best suit your needs. 
  • Complete Web Course: ArcGIS Online Basics (2 Comments and Pictures)
      1. I thought the apps were a very interesting component of ArcGIS Online. I hadn’t really interacted with these before and I liked how they could give viewers of your map a more digestible and interactive way to view and sort information.
      2. I also liked the different sharing levels within ArcGIS online. I like how you can keep your projects private to you and your administrators while you work on them, share between groups for more collaborative projects, and even make your projects visible to the public or everyone within your organization. I also think it’s really useful how you can create different groups within your organization and provide them with different data. This differentiation could be really useful in a workplace with a lot of different departments and jobs.
      3. Pictures:   
  • List 1 or 2 Courses that seem Interesting
      1. The lab course Collecting and Visualizing Data with ArcGIS QuickCapture seemed interesting to me. I like how it appears to be a fast and simple way to collect data in the field, which would save researchers time. 
      2. The Going Places With Spatial Analysis course also interested me. It’s a 6-week free course starting in January. It says it’s a good course for people who know “something about data analysis” and want to gain a deeper understanding of implementations of spatial data. So, I think it would be a fun course to take at some point with my data background. 
  • Look into a few GIS Application Areas
    1. One application I found interesting was from the U.S. Department of Energy’s National Energy Technology Laboratory. They did a study of the active Newberry Volcano in Oregon. As you scrolled through the information in the black panel on the left, the map to the right would change to reflect the geologic and volcanic features they were talking about. Plus, I learned that California’s Death Valley actually structurally influences this volcano’s basin, and I went there this summer so I thought that was super interesting. This was made in ArcGIS Online with the StoryMaps feature. Link to this story map:
  2. 2. Another interesting application I found was the use of ArcGIS online to predict models for Natural disasters. Over the summer, my boyfriend made a connection with someone who works for FEMA in Washington, D.C. so, I got to learn about how FEMA utilizes ArcGIS for natural disaster relief, cleanup, and predictions. So, I searched for one of their maps. This one is a predictive model for a hurricane located off the coast of Mexico. The link to this ArcOnline Map: 
  • Complete Delaware Data Inventory (I already completed this in 291)

Adjei Week 1

Hello, my name is Josh, and I’m from Maryland. For this week’s assignment, I needed to learn how to access my OWU ArcGIS account. Upon gaining access to my account, I was welcomed by a dashboard displaying the school’s campus maps below. At the top of the screen, I noticed several indexes, including Groups, Content, Organization, and more. Digging deeper, I discovered training resources, such as tutorials on how to master ArcGIS. These tutorials are available in the form of written guides or instructional videos that you can access.


screen shot from web course:

Pois Week 1

My name is Zoie Pois and I am a senior double majoring in Zoology and Environemntal science.

I poked around a bit and looked through the various tabs at the top to see what each one correlated with. Under gallery, there were things from 2020, including this image of floods I didn’t really know happened on campus. 

Under Esri, I was told, “To get connected to My Esri, you need an invitation from your My Esri administrator. This may be your organization’s Primary Maintenance Contact”

I think the mobile aspect of ArcGIS online seems really beneficial for moving around out in the field and collecting data for projects. 

I believe I already completed the remaining things for week 1 during Geog 291

Lauren Campbell Week 1

My name is Lauren Campbell and I am a senior. I plan to graduate in December but recently discovered I was .33 units short of the 34 unit requirement, so I am taking this course so I can graduate! This will be an interesting learning experience for me.

  1. Spend a few minutes poking around your account: 
  • Under “My ESRI,” it says I need an invitation from my ESRI administrator.
  • There are many different training options for the platform, some of which take multiple days (even weeks!) to complete!

2.Use some ESRI resources to learn a bit about ArcGIS Online. Complete a read-through of Get Started: What Is ArcGIS Online.

  • I think map viewer is a cool concept. Especially because it creates interactive maps and provides real-time updates as you work.
  • You can create 3D scenes with accurate distances between two points, generate elevation profiles, change the daylight and weather in the scene, add multiple layers, and include basemaps. This all sounds very complex!

3. Complete a free course that introduces you to ArcGIS Online. 


4. Look into a few GIS application areas. Include, in the blog posting, information on two applications with at least one map or image and a source or two.

  • The first map demonstrates gender identity and sexual orientation and is owned by Dianaclavery_uo. This layer shows the percent of adults who are LGBT as well as adults whose gender and sexual orientation are not listed on the survey. The color and size of the symbol depicts the percentage and the size depicts the count.
  •  Source:  Household Pulse Survey Data Tables. Data values in this layer are from Week 34 (July 21 – August 2, 2021), the first week that gender identity and sexual orientation questions were part of this survey. Top 15 metros are based on total population and are the same 15 metros available for all Household Pulse Data Tables.

  • I also looked at research called “Music and Place” by Tyler Brown. This person was interested in finding out if references to place in pop music affect our perception of the United States. Their findings suggested that the places most referenced in pop music do not align with where most Americans live, and that more research would be needed to definitively conclude anything else.

VanderVelde – Final

Evelyn VanderVelde

Spring 2023

GEOG 192

Dr. Krygier


above is a link of the Michigan counties overtime that I created for a previous class that I have converted into a dashboard including information about the map and a table of counties and their average population over time. As well as showing information about each county in a pie chart.

App Created

App i created with the map, this map is published and shared with everyone who can use the map on their phones or on their desktops.


Buroker Final

Ben Buroker

Spring 2023

Geog 192

Dr. Kyrgier


Final Web Apps


Parcels and Street Centerlines Web Page:


This web page contains a map of both the Delaware land parcels and Delaware street centerlines. The thinking behind this was that viewers could compare both the street centerlines and parcels and make some basic observations about the location of different streets and parcels. I used an experience builder template to make this page and included an image of the Delaware County crest and an image of a Delaware County map from an online source to make the page look a little bit more finished and complete. Clicking on specific parcels allows viewers to see the attribute table information and look at specific acreage, ownership, and land use type for each parcels. Similarly, viewers can click on roads/streets in the centerline map and view which road , interstate, or street they have selected. 


Hydrology Dashboard:


This dashboard contains a map of the Delaware County hydrology. The map can be zoomed in and out of, and viewers can navigate throughout the map with their mouse. Contained in the left sidebar of the map are some images and titles of notable hydrology in Delaware County, along with a box containing the Area and Name of the hydrological features in the county. Viewers can click through this box, or select individual features in the map and read about the area and name in a pop-up box. This map would be useful for people interested in learning more about the locations and names of the hydrology of Delaware County.

Munroe Week 9 (Final)

The first application I created was a StoryMap highlighting the former houses in Delaware that served as Greek life houses. This has interested me for a while, and I compiled all the addresses from the OWU archives last school year. I created an application in the StoryMap where viewers can click on the addresses and see pictures and information I’ve compiled on the history of the houses. I’ve already sent this to Nancy Rutkowski, and she’s archived it with the alumni office.

For my second application, I created an instant app using configure countdown. The data I used came from a course I took last year, GEOG112, with Dr. Krygier. I made an app that shows the top 10 counties in Missouri with the highest population decrease. I went back into the web map I created last year, switched up the symbology, and created popups with line graphs depicting the population decline. The only thing I couldn’t get to transfer over to the app was the rounding of percentages, so the percentages are very long in the popups compared to what I had before.