Huntington Week 7

Address Point: Data of all the registered building addresses in Delaware county

Annexations: All annexations on Delaware county’s border from 1853 onwards

Building Outline: The physical outlines of all the buildings in the county

Condo: locations of all condo complexes in the county

Dedicated ROW: All Right-of-way locations in Delaware county

Delaware County Contours: 2 foot elevation map

Farm Lot: All the farm lots in the county

GPS: All the GPS monuments in the county

Hydrology: all the major waterways

MSAG: All 28 different townships in Delaware county

Map sheet: All the maps of the county

Municipality: All the municipalities

Original Township: the original boundaries of the towns

PLSS: Public land divisions in Delaware county

Parcel: All cadastral parcel lines

precinct: All voting precincts

Recorded document: The location of all official documents recorded in the county

School District: map of all the school districts

Street Centerline: Roadmap of Delaware county

subdivision: all the condos and divided housing

Survey: land survey

Tax district: tax districts

Township: More townships

Zipcode: All the zipcodes in the county

Rose-Final Week

Delaware Data Inventory

  • Address Point: Representation of all certified address within Delaware County Auditor’s GIS Office
  • Annexation: Contains Delaware County’s annexations and conforming boundaries from 1853 to present
  • Building Outline: Consists of building outlines for all structures in Delaware County, Ohio
  • Condo: Consists of all condominium polygons within Delaware County, Ohio that have been recorded
  • Dedicated ROW: Consists of all lines that are designated Right-of-Way within Delaware County, Ohio
  • Delaware County Contours: 2018 Two Foot Contours
  • Delaware County E911 Data: Spatially accurate representation of all certified address within Delaware County
  • Farm Lot: Consists of all the farm lots in both the US Military and the Virginia Military Survey Districts of Delaware County
  • GPS: Identifies all GPS monuments that were established in 1991 and 1997
  • Hydrology: Consists of major waterways in Delaware County, Ohio
  • MSAG: The Master Street Address Guide polygon feature set of the 28 different political jurisdictions such as townships, cities, and the villages that make up Delaware County
  • Map Sheet: Consists of all map sheets within Delaware County
  • Municipality: Consists of all municipalities within Delaware County
  • Original Township: Consists of the original boundaries of the townships in Delaware County before tax district changes affected their shapes
  • PLSS: Consists of all the Public Land Survey System polygons in both the US Military and the Virginia Military Survey Districts of Delaware County
  • Parcel: Consists of polygons that represent all cadastral parcel lines within Delaware County
  • Precinct: Consists of Voting Precincts within Delaware County
  • Recorded Document: Consists of points that represent record documents in the Delaware County Recorder’s Plat Books, Cabinet/Slides and Instrument Records
  • School District: Consists of all School District within Delaware County
  • Street Centerline: The State of Ohio Location Based Response System Street_Centerlines depict center of pavement of public and private roads within Delaware County
  • Subdivision: Consists of all subdivisions and condos recorded in the Delaware County Recorder’s office
  • Survey:  Survey Points is a shapefile of a point coverage that represents surveys of land within Delaware County
  • Tax District: Consists of all tax districts within Delaware County
  • Township :Consists of 19 different townships that make up Delaware County
  • Zip Code: Contains all zip codes within Delaware County

Miller Week 6

9.1 – Learned how to use the pairwise buffer tool. Was able to figure out all the steps but adding a new buffer on top of a previous buffer.
9.2 – Was able to create multiple ring buffers, which would have been useful for the last step in the previous section.
9.3 – Was somehow not able to find the excel work. Overall, quite a long section, but slow and careful work made the entire section go smoothly for the most part.
9.4 – Used the network analysis to connect certain features to facilities. This section was short and mostly simplistic.
9.5 – Was able to perform a cluster analysis with previously given data. A simple section that yielded the proper results.
10.1 – Did a lot of work using raster datasets. Although the actual reasoning behind using these tools made no sense, I was still able to follow all the directions.
10.2 – Was able to make a kernel density heat map with the use of multiple tools. The end product was quite cool.
10.3 – Learned how to build a risk index model. This section was quite long, but I was able to figure out most of the steps. I was not able to find the PovertyIndex.lyrx file, so I was not able to finish that part of the section.
11.1 – Started diving into using 3D GIS, in which I learned the basic tools to navigate the system.
11.2 – Worked with creating and editing TIN surfaces. Another cool process, in which the steps made sense to me.
11.3 – Was able to add z-enabled features, which were 3D models of specific points on the map. Overall, it was neat to see the final result.
11.4 – This section was quite long and took a decent amount of work to do. I was able to get through all the steps but the bridge steps did not work. The bridge option was not available in the create features pane.
11.5 – Was able to work with 3D features, such as creating stories within buildings, and altering building heights. Overall, this was an easy tutorial.
11.6 – This section also worked with modifying buildings from a 3D model. All the parts of this tutorial worked for me but the last section, despite the steps being simplistic.
11.7 – Was able to work with creating and editing an animation using bookmarks. Overall, a very cool process that I did not know was possible. I was not able to export the animation, as the export time was somehow quite long.

Miller Week 5

4.1 – Figured out different ways of importing and to move data on GIS pro. I was not unable to figure out how to set up a folder connection, but the rest of the steps made sense.
4.2 – I was able to learn more information about modifying attribute tables, along with using the fields view. All the steps made sense, but the expression with the population under 20 was not showing up.
4.3 – Was able to work more with the attribute queries, as I was able to narrow down the specific data. It was really cool to narrow down the crime data to one individual.
4.4 – A relatively quick and easy chapter. Continued to mess with attribute tables, and reused some steps from the first part of the book.
4.5 – Continued to learn new items for the tool box. I was once again able to mess with the symbology tool as well.
4.6 – Another short chapter, I was able to work more with attribute tables. I was not able to figure out how to make a one-to-many join section.
5.1 – Was able to figure out how to change the type of world map. Pretty easy to understand.
5.2 – Pretty much the same concept as 5.1, but working with US maps.
5.3 – Worked on adding new layers to a given coordinate system, along with changing coordinate systems. Overall a cool process.
5.4 – Was able to figure out the vector data donat section, which was similar to 5.3. I need to relearn working with the symbology a bit more.
5.5 – This section was quite complicated and took a while to figure out. I was unable to find/import the three consensus shape files, which limited me for doing the rest of the section.
5.6 – I am not going to lie, none of this section worked for me. I think I am running into the problem that the data is not downloading to the proper source, in which I am not able to complete the section.
6.1 – I was able to dissolve certain features to show smaller neighborhoods. This section made sense and was easy to follow.
6.2 – I knew what this section wanted me to do, which was to combine the neighborhood and the streets within the given neighborhood. However, the directions were quite confusing, and I was not able to get the final product.
6.3 – Quite an easy process of using the merge tool to merge water features.
6.4 – Really did not understand the purpose of the append tool. However, the directions were fairly simple, as it seemed like I added more specific data to the attribute table.
6.5 – Was able to intersect features to help figure out the fire zones. The overall process was easy to follow.
6.6 – Was able to summarize certain values in neighborhoods in the Brooklyn area, which was quite interesting. Finally figured out how to use the join tables tool.
6.7 – Another straightforward section. Was able to use the tabulate intersection tool to compare numbers of disabled people in different fire zones.
7.1 – Was able to mess with editing polygons, whether it was changing their shape, or splitting them. Overall an easy and cool section.
7.2 – Also a very easy section to understand. I was successfully able to create and delete certain polygons.
7.3 – The smooth polygon tool is not only easy, but very satisfying to use.
7.4 – This section focused on transforming polygons. It took a lot of steps to accomplish this, but I did get the right result.
8.1 – Started the basics on geocoding, which mainly uses zip codes as data. The overall process was fairly easy to follow.
8.2 – Did more geocoding, but with street addresses instead. Also a straightforward section.

Gassert, week 6

Ch. 9


9.1: A buffer here is defined/represented as a polygon in surrounding map features in a feature class. There is usually a specified radius. You have to use the pairwise buffer tool to create the buffer data.


9.2: Use multiple ring buffer tool to configure polygons. Use the “spatial join tool” to utilize the spatial overlay for statistics. 


9.3: This was complicated and I believe I messed something up. It gave me an error and when I went back to try and fix it, it wouldn’t load.


9.4: This one was also weird to me, as I believe whatever I did wrong in 9.3 got me backwards.


9.5: Got back into the correct lane for this part (I think). I feel the “your turn” part could’ve had a little bit more guidance.


Ch. 10


10.1: Used the raster layers for attributes. This shows things like precipitation and land topography. This sort of map looks vaguely familiar to me and it was easy to use.


10.2: There was a little bit of discrepancy here with the tools I was suppose pd to use, but I figured it out. The KDS thing for smoothing data was easy to use and learn because it’s pretty flexible.


10.3: Another part with a “your turn” section. The book doesn’t really give a whole lot of pointers and useful images to know what you’re doing. I felt what I did was at least half complete.


Ch. 11


11.1: After 3D stuff sparing to work in the past, this one actually loaded! These tutorials were a little easier to follow along with since the visuals weren’t too convoluted.


11.2: Pretty linear, showed me local elevation data. This data looks pretty precise.


11.3: Adding stuff was actually pretty fun. You can do this by specifying z values.


11.4: There were a lot of parts to this that seemed off with the book. This part was hard for me to understand.


11.5: This was a little like 11.3, but with more to it. This showed you how to edit buildings to have more floors to make them more accurate in 3D. You use the duplicate vertical tool to do this.


11.6: This part, you need the CityEngine rule package file (listed as .rpk) to have all the assets to do this. It has the textures and 3D models included. 


11.7: This part was super laggy and late to load things in. The tool you use for the animation is in the view tab under the animation group (which makes sense).  

Howard Week 7

Available Data Date Summary for Delaware County GIS Files

Zip Code Map Data Layer- Contains all zip codes within the county, originally created in the early 2000’s but updated regularly and published monthly. Also includes the information used to populate both the zip_right and zip_left attributes for the county’s road centerline data.

Recorded Documents Data Layer- represent documents like vacations, subdivisions, centerline surveys, annexations, and other misc documents within in county recorder’s plat books, cabinet/slides and instruments records.

School District- this shows all the school districts within the county.

Precinct- consists of polygons showing the boundaries of each voting precinct boundary in the county.

Building outlines- has the outlines of all buildings in Delaware.

Original township- Consists of the original township boundaries in the county before tax district changes affected their original shape

E911 Data- is a spatially accurate representation of all certified addresses in the county, used for location, 911 emergency response, accident reporting, geocoding, and disaster management.

Township- data set that consists of the 19 townships in the county.

PLSS-consists of all Public Land Survey System polygons in the US Military and Virginia Military Survey Districts of the county.

Delaware County Contours- consists of 2 foot contours in 2018.

Street Centerlines- depict pavement centers of all public and private roads in the county, from the State of Ohio Location Based Response System.

Parcel- consists of polygons representing all cadastral parcel lines within the county.

Address Points- provides a spatially accurate placement of addresses within a parcel in the county, meant for 911 emergency response, support of appraisal mapping, accident reporting, geocoding, and disaster management.

Subdivision- consists of all condos and subdivisions recorded in the county.

Condo- consists of all condominium polygons recorded in the county.

Hydrology- consists of all major waterways within the county, enhanced by Lidar-based data in 2018.

Tax District- consists of all tax districts within the county, defined by the county’s auditor’s real estate office.

Dedicated ROW- consists of all lines that are designated as right-of-way within the county.

GPS- identifies all GPS monuments created in 1991 and 1997 in the county.

Survey- is a shapefile consisting of point coverage that represents surveys of land within the county

Map Sheet- consists of all map sheets within Delaware county.

Annexation- contains all annexations of conforming boundaries from 1853 to present day within the county.

Farm Lot- consists of all farmlots and their boundaries in the US Military and Virginia Military Survey Districts of the county.

Schtucka week 7


Address point: This shows all of the confirmed and office addresses inside of Delaware County. This also is a spatially accurate display.
Annexation: This shows Delaware County’s annexations with their boundaries. This is updated as-need and has data from 1853 to present.
Building Outline 2021: This is a map from 2021 that shows all of the building outlines in Delaware County.
Condo: This shows all of the condominium polygons that are within Delaware County. However, it only shows the ones that have been recorded with the Delaware County Recorders Office.
Dedicated ROW: This shows all of the Right-Of-Way line data within Delaware County. This data is updated as-need and is created by updating daily.
Delaware County Contours: This shows the contour lines of Delaware County from 2018. These are given in two foot contours.
Delaware County E911 Data: This shows which address points from Address_Points layer that gives 911 agencies the information to determine the closest address to a caller.
Farm Lot: This data set shows determined farmlots. It includes those that are US Military and Virginia Military Survey Distinctions within Delaware County.
GPS: This includes all of the GPS monuments in Delaware County that were established in 1991 and 1997.
Hydrology: This shows all of the major waterways inside of Delaware County. This was created in 2018 using LiDAR technology and is updated as-needed.
MSAG: Short for Master Street Address Guide. This shows 28 political jurisdictions that create Delaware County.
Map Sheet: This shows all of the map sheets inside of Delaware County.
Municipality: This shows all of the municipalities that are inside of Delaware County.
Original Township: This shows what boundaries Delaware County originally had before tax district changes.
PLSS: Short for Public Land Survey System. This shows the Public Land Survey System polygons in US Military and Virginia Military Survey inside of Delaware County.
Parcel: This shows all of the cadastral parcel lines inside of Delaware County. These are represented as polygons.
Precinct: This shows the different Voting Precincts inside of Delaware County. This dataset is updated as-need.
Recorded Document: This shows points that are representative of record documents in Delaware County Recorder’s Plat Books, Cabinet/Slide and Instrument Records.
School District:This shows polygons for all of the school districts of Delaware County.
Street Centerline: This shows public and private roads inside of Delaware County. It represents the center of the pavement.
Subdivision: This shows all of the recorded subdivisions and condos in Delaware County Recorder’s office. This is updated on a daily basis.
Survey: This is a shapefile that shows surveys of land in Delaware County.
Tax district: This shows all of the different tax districts inside of Delaware County represented by polygons. The data is updated as-need.
Township: This shows the 19 different townships that Delaware County consists of. This is updated as-need.
Zipcode: This shows the zip codes of Delaware County represented by polygons.

Brock Week 6

Chapter 9:

  • Tutorial 9-1: Learned how to use buffers for proximity analysis, run the pairwise buffer tool, select block centroids within buffers, and sum the number of a population
  • Tutorial 9-2: Learned how to create and use multiple-ring buffers and use spatial overlay to get statistics by buffer area
  • Tutorial 9-3: learned how to create multiple-ring service areas for calibrating a gravity model, create multiple-ring service area polygons, spatially join areas and pool tags, calculate pool use statistics for service areas, make a scatterplot, and fit a curve to the gravity model data points
  • Tutorial 9-4: learned how to use network analyst to locate facilities and analyze optimal solutions
  • Tutorial 9-5: Learned how to perform data cluster analysis and interpret the clusters

Chapter 10:

    • Tutorial 10-1: learned how to process raster datasets, examine raster dataset properties, import a raster dataset into a file geodatabase, set the geoprocessing environment for raster analysis, extract land use using a mask, symbolize a raster dataset using a layer file, create and symbolize hillshade for elevation, use hillshade for shaded relief of land use, and create elevation contours
    • Tutorial 10-2: learned how to make a density heat map, study the project location, run KDS, create a threshold contour layer for locating a service, use threshold areas to estimate data rates
    • Tutorial 10-3: learned how to build a risk index model explore the project area, standardize an input attribute, set the geoprocessing environment for raster analysis, create a new toolbox and model, add processes to the model, configure a kernel density process, configure the raster calculator process, run a model in edit mode, symbolize a KDS raster layer, and save its layer file, add variables to the model, use in-line variable substitution, use layer file to automatically symbolize the raster layer when created, and run a model tool
  • Notes: for some reason when I ran my model it didn’t look like the pictures in the book

Chapter 11

    • Tutorial 11-1: Learned how to explore a global scene and its properties, navigate a scene with a mouse and keyboard keys, change the basemap, and exaggerate and apply a shade and time to a surface
    • Tutorial 11-2: learned how to create a local scene and TIN surface, set a local scene, create a TIN surface, change the scene’s surface and coordinate system, change the symbology of a tin
    • Tutorial 11-3: learned how to create z-enabled feature classes, digitize data and objects on surfaces using z-mode, display data and objects realistically
    • Tutorial 11-4: learned how to create features and line-of-sight analysis using lidar data, create a LAS dataset, generate a raster DSM and DTM, create an nDSM raster, create random points for buildings, add surface information to random points, assign maximum value (height) to random points, join  maximum z-value (height) to building footprints and display as 3D buildings, use lidar to determine bridge elevation heights, draw a bridge using Z Mode elevation, conduct a line-of-sight analysis
  • Notes: something went wrong with running the different tools because my 3D Bldgs layer did not produce a lot of tall buildings. When I was entering in the information in the varying tools it was taking a long time to process on ArcGIS Pro, so I think that might have been where the issue was. The bridge section seemed to give me a lot of issues that I couldn’t figure out. For some reason, I did not have the layers that the 11-6 tutorial was asking me to turn on for the Smithfield Street section so I did not get to complete that section.
  • Tutorial 11-5: learned how to work with 3D features, extrude floors, use a range slider to view building floors edit a building’s height using dynamic constraints and the attribute table 
  • Tutorial 11-6: learned how to use procedural rules and multipatch models, apply building rules using stacked blocks, apply an international building rule, view multipatch models of buildings and street furniture
  • Tutorial 11-7:learned how to create animation, add an animation to the project and create keyframes, play an animation and change the duration, create a pause, add and delete keyframes, create a movie from the animation


Andisman, Week 6

Chapter 9: Spatial Analysis: Buffers, service areas, facility location models, and clustering


  • A buffer is a polygon surrounding map features of a feature class. The radius of the buffer is specified and, generally, the radius is used to find what’s hear the feature being buffered
  • Use the Pairwise Buffer Tool. Created buffer data can be summarized and analyzed using the Summarize tool


  • Multiple ring buffers can be configured to be separate polygons to therefore allow you to select other features within given distance ranges from the buffered feature. Use the Multiple Ring Buffer Tool
  • Use the Spatial Join Tool to use spatial overlay to get statistics by buffer area. It joins all attributes of the multiple ring buffer to block centroids and sums the numbers inside each ring


  • Service areas are like buffers but are based on travel over a network, usually a street network dataset
  • Gravity model: Assumes that the farther apart two features are, the less attraction between them. The falloff in attraction with distance is often nonlinear and rapid, as in Newton’s gravity model for physical objects, where the denominator of attraction is distance squared
  • Use the 7 step workflow


  • When using the location allocation model, demand is represented by polygon centroids, blocks, block groups, tracts, zip codes, and so on, for which you have data on the target population
  • This section ran a model to choose the best of the locations to remain open using geographic access as the criteria. Use the Location Allocation tool under the Analysis tab, in the Workflows section, under Network Analysis to create a new layer in the Contents pane


  • The goal of data mining is exploration. Data clustering, a branch of data mining finds clusters of data points that are close to each other but distant from points of other clusters
  • A limitation of clustering is that there is no way of knowing true clusters in real data to compare with what an algorithm determines are clusters. Therefore, it is purely exploratory. 
  • K-means clustering is a simple method in the Multivariate Clustering Tool that partitions a dataset with n observations and p variables into k<n clusters. K-means assumes that all attributes are equally important for clustering because it uses distance between numeric points as its basis. 5 clusters is generally most informative. 
  • Each observation is a 3D vector and is characterized by its centroid with the corresponding means of each cluster variable

Chapter 10 Raster GIS


  • Raster layers are for continuous features like satellite images, topography, and precipitation. You can also use raster layers to display an attribute such as population for large numbers of vector features like city blocks or countries. 
  • Raster dataset is a generic name for a cell based map layer stored on a disk in a raster data format
  • All raster datasets have at least one band of values. A band is comparable to an attribute for vector layers and stores the values in a single attribute in an array. The values can be + or – integers or floating point numbers
  • Color capture and representation in raster datasets is important. Spatial resolution is the length of one side of a square pixel 
  • The Raster to Other Tool can import a raster dataset into a file geodatabase 


  • Kernel Density Smoothing (KDS) is a widely used method in statistics for smoothing data spatially. The input is a vector point layer, often of center points of polygons for population data or point locations
  • It accomplishes smoothing by placing a kernel, a bell shaped surface with surface area 1, over each point. If there is population, N, at a point, the kernel is multiplied by N so that its total area is N. Then all kernels are summed to produced a smoothed surface, a raster dataset 
  • The key parameter of KDS is its search radius, which corresponds to the radius of the kernel’s footprint. If the search radius is small, you will get highly peaked mountains, or, if large, you get wider rolling hills. 
  • There are no exact guidelines on how to choose a search radius
  • Can be good for representing demand surface for a good or service because its data smoothing represents the uncertainty of locations for future demand relative to historical demand
  • Use the Kernel Density Tool


  • Instead of code scripting, you can drag tools to a canvas and connect them in a workflow using ModelBuilder that you can use to run code. 
  • If you have a reasonable theory that several variables are predictive of a dependent variable of interest such as poverty (whether the dependent variable is observable), the Dawes method contends that you can proceed by removing scale from each input arable and averaging the scales inputted to create a predictive index. This can be used for a risk index model. 
  • Alternatively, you can assign different weights to different variables according to your preference. A good way to remove scale from a variable is to calculate z scores, subtracting the mean and dividing by the standard deviation for each value of a variable. Each standardized variable has a mean of zero and a SD of one (and therefore no scale).

Chapter 11: 3D GIS


  • Global viewing model: For large extent, real world content in which the curvature of the earth is important
  • Local viewing model: Small extent content in a projected coordinate system or for situations in which the curvature of the earth isn’t important
  • Understanding a scene’s elevation surface, map units, and heights is important to the scene
  • Use mouse wheel to tilt view, J or U on keyboard to move map up/down, A or D to rotate view clockwise or counterclockwise, W or S to tilt camera up/down, arrow keys to move the view, B and left arrow to look around, N to view true north, P to look straight down
  • You can exaggerate a landscape with visual effects to help it stand out. It doesn’t change the elevation, just makes it more prominent. This can include lighting or time of day. Use the Elevation Surface Layer tab for light position and vertical exaggeration. Use Contents pane + properties of 3D scene for Date/time/illumination


  • An advantage of local scenes is using your own elevation surface data such as triangulated irregular networks (TIN’s) or lidar data, using a projected coordinate system, managing features below a surface, and more accessible editing of data
  • TIN’s are typically used for high precision  modeling of small areas to allow for the calculation of surface area and volume. They are also useful for viewing underground features. Use the Create Tin Tool 


  • You can import 3D models and symbolize 2D features as 3D features and specify the source of your z-values when you create features
  • The Current Z Control Tool is used to set the 3D elevation source for drawing or obtaining Z-values
  • This is useful if more than one source is defined for a global or local scale, or if you java another source not already included in the map
  • The Create Feature Class geoprocessing tool allows you to determine the required output feature class’ z-values
  • I planted trees 🙂


  • The generation of 3D buildings from lidar LAS datasets requires two surface models: a digital surface model (DSM) and a digital terrain model (DTM)
  • A LAS dataset created from original LAS data provides fast access to lidar data without the need for data conversion to work with LAS files for a specific study area
  • Use Create LAS Dataset tool
  • DSMs represent the surface of the earth, including buildings, tree canopies, and other things that create a surface above the terrain. 
  • LAS Dataset to Raster tool to create DSM
  • DTM contains only the topology, a bare earth terrain surface. In many cases, it is the same as a digital elevation model (DEM). Before creating the raster, you filter the ground features
  • An nDSM surface is the difference between the DSM and DTM surfaces that is normalized to the bare earth surface. You can use this raster surface to apply point features used for buildings to determine their height. Use the Create Random Points Tool. Assign z-values (height) from the nDSM raster surface using the Add Surface Information Tool. The Summary Statistics tool calculates the maximum Z Value for all buildings using the building’s random points


  • Editing building polygons that are already 3D features to create multiple floors in a building and view floors using a range slider and manually edit polygons’ heights using z constraints
  • Use the Duplicate Vertical Tool to create floors. You can also use this tool to copy points or lines (like furniture or pipes) in a positive or negative direction
  • Add a range slider to visualize certain floors


  • A CityEngine rule package (.rpk) is a file that contains a compiled rule and all the assets (textures and 3D models) that rule logic uses for creating 3D content. You can use these packages to create symbology that constructs and draws the procedural feature on the fly from the source data
  • Another method that creates 3D models and stores them as a feature class is called a multipatch, whose features are a collection of patches that represent the boundary of a 3D object. It stores color, texture, transparency, and geometric data in its features
  • When you apply procedural rules, you must display features as layers in a scene. The feature class polygon itself does not have to include Z Values, but it must be in a scene, and you can use 2D layers such as building polygons 


  • Animations are created by capturing an ordered set of viewpoints (such as bookmarks) as keyframes and managing how the camera transition between them
  • Find the animation tool under the View tab in the Animation group, then click Add
  • To export an animation, in the export group, click the Movie button. In the export movie pane, in the movie export presets group, click Draft.

Maglott-Week 6

Chapter 9: 

This chapter introduced the Service Area Layer tool, which allowed you to add a network of things together. Overall, I didn’t have too much trouble with this chapter. I had some trouble with 9.3 because I could not add the new fields to create the scatterplot. I’m not really sure if it was an issue on my end or a bug in the tutorial. I also selected sum for the DemandWeight in 9.4 but I didn’t notice anything happening or change. I’m not sure if J was supposed to see a change or not. One thing new this chapter mentions is K-means which is used for clustering. I noticed under the clustering method that there were also k medoids. I’m curious what they could be for.


Chapter 10

This chapter introduced some new concepts and tools. One was the Kernel Density Smoothing tool which allowed you to smooth data spatially. We also got a chance to use ModelBuilder and build models in ArcGIS Pro. I think this tool could be really helpful if you are creating something for an employer. Additionally, the drop shadow under the process and output boxes symbolizing they have been run is neat. The Validate button can also be used  to ensure they are ready to run again or edit. I ran into a few issues with FHHChld weight and NoHighSchoolWeight. I learned that you have to click save before rerunning the model for there to not be error marks by these parameters. I eventually  got model to work

Chapter 11

I really enjoyed learning the keyboard shortcuts for moving around the map in this chapter. You can use J for down and U for up, A to go left and D to rotate right ,W and S tilt up and down , and B+move mouse allows you to look around in one spot sort of like a 360 tour video. By selecting Map properties for 3D-> illumination-> date and time, you can see the shadows and 3D features of the map in real time, which I thought was cool. I thought it was cool how we were able to display 3D images on the map like the trees. We also used the Create LAS Dataset tool in 11-4 which made a really cool 3D model of the city. I thought it was cool how we could modify the scale of the building in section 5. This was done by selecting Modify under the edit tab and the clicking scale on the pane that popped up. This would be really helpful if you were trying to design a new building.

My most favorite lesson from this book was section 7 where it goes over how to make a animation with the bookmarks. I thought that this was both really cool and something I could definitely see myself using in the future for an employer project. We were able to make the animation by going to manage bookmarks, then clicking the add button under animations on the view tab. Next, we clicked create first keyframe and then clicked the first bookmark. After selecting the second bookmark we clicked Append Next Keyframe at the bottom to add it to the animation. After repeating this with all the bookmarks, they were strung together into a short clip. You can also make it pause on a scene by clicking the scene and selecting hold. Click insert after moving to a different location on the map to make the animation go to that area.