Kocel, Week 7

Address point 

  • A spatially accurate representation of all certified addresses in Delaware Ohio 


  • Delaware County’s annexations and conforming boundaries from 1853 to present.

Building outline 2023 

  • Building outlines for all structures in Delaware county, OH


  • All condos in Delaware that have been recorded 

Delaware County E911 Data

  • The E911 address points layer is a spatially accurate dataset of addresses in Delaware county used for emergency responses and helps 911 agencies by proving location data for buildings. 


  • This dataset maps GPS monuments established in 1991 and 1997, with coordinates in Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM). It is updated as needed and published monthly.


  • The MSAG polygon dataset maps the boundaries of the 28 political jurisdictions in Delaware County, Ohio, including townships, cities, and villages. It is used for location-based services and is updated as needed, with monthly publications.


  • This data set has all the municipalities in Delware County 


  • This dataset contains polygons representing all cadastral parcel lines in Delaware County, Ohio, maintained by the Auditor’s GIS Office. It is updated daily based on recorded documents and published monthly.


  • This dataset maps voting precincts in Delaware County, Ohio, maintained by the Auditor’s GIS Office under the Board of Elections’ direction. It is updated and published as needed.

Recorded Document 

  • This dataset contains points representing recorded documents in Delaware County, Ohio, such as surveys, annexations, and subdivisions not covered by active plats. It is updated weekly and published monthly.

School district 

  • This dataset maps all school districts in Delaware County, Ohio, based on the Auditor’s parcel records.

Street centerline 

  • The LBRS Street Centerlines dataset maps the center of public and private roads in Delaware County, Ohio, with address ranges based on field observations and permits. It supports mapping, emergency response, and roadway inventory, with daily updates and monthly publications


  • This dataset includes all recorded subdivisions and condos in Delaware County, Ohio.


  • The Survey Points dataset maps land surveys in Delaware County, Ohio, based on documents from the Recorder’s Office and Map Department. It is updated daily and published monthly.

Tax district 

  • This dataset maps all tax districts in Delaware County, Ohio, as defined by the Auditor’s Real Estate Office

Cole Week 7

Data 1: PLSS – This is a feature layer, PLSS meaning Public Land Survey System. It was created to facilitate the PLSS and boundaries for the US and Virginia Military Survey Districts of Delaware County It is updated on an as-needed basis

Data 2: Township – Feature Layer: This shows all the townships that are in Delaware County.

Data 3: 2024 Aerial Imagery: Spring 2024, planes flying over Delaware county in spring

Data 4: Delaware County E991 Data – Feature Service: This map shows the 991 emergency response, accident reporting, geocoding, and disaster management in Delaware County. It helps 911 agencies comply with phase II 911 requirements

Data 5: Building outline 2021 – Feature Layer: This shows the outlines for all the structures in Delaware County in 2021, when it was last updated.

Data 6: Original Township – Feature Layer: This is a map of what the original township boundaries were. This was before tax district changes affected township shapes.

Data 7: Zip Code – Feature Layer: All the zip codes in Delaware County are in here. Tax-exempt parcels were added by whichever zip codes they were most related to.

Data 8: School District – Feature Layer: This contains all the school districts in Delaware County. It was created by the Delaware County Auditor’s parcel records of the school districts.

Data 9: Building Outline 2023: Same as Data 5 but for year 2023.

Data 10: Recorded Document: A map that shows all the recorded documents in the Delaware County Recorder’s Plat Books, Cabinet/Slides, and Instruments Records.  Some of these documents include ones containing vacations, subdivisions, centerline surveys, surveys, annexations, and miscellaneous. It is updated weekly and posted monthly.

Data 11: Dedicated ROW: Contains all the lines that are designated as right-of-way in Delaware County. They are stores within Delaware County Recorder’s office. There are currently 1256 records.

Data 12: Subdivision: This contains all subdivisions and condos in Delaware County. Currently 5917 records.

Data 13: Address Point: Represents all the certified addresses in Delaware County. There are currently 113797 records.

Data 14: Map Sheet: Shows all the map sheets in the county.

Data 15: Farm Lot: This shows all the farmlots that are in both the US and Virginia Military Survey Districts of Delaware County. 2077 records

Data 16: Annexation: This shows all the annexations and conforming boundaries since 1853. 421 records

Data 17: Survey: This represents the surveys of land in Delaware County. Old survey volumes 1-11 are not included. 17848 records

Data 18: Tax District: This shows all of the tax districts in Delaware County. 61 records

Data 19: Hydrology: This shows all the major waterways in Delaware County. It was enhanced in 2018 with LIDAR-based Data. 24 records

Data 20: GPS: This shows all the GPS monuments in Delaware County. 351 records

Here is a screenshot of center streetline, hydrology, and parcel:

Flores week 7

Address Point: It is a representation of all certified addresses in Delaware county, it is maintained by the Delaware auditor’s GIS office. It is for 911 emergency response 

Annexation: Boundaries of Delaware from 1853 to present, it is published monthly 

Building Outline 2023: This dataset has the outlines of buildings in Delaware, it is updated on a as-needed basis

Condo: this records all the condominiums in Delaware

Delaware County E911 Data: This dataset is specifically for locating houses during 911 calls, this has a layer of reverse geocode to determine closest valid address 

GPS: this dataset has marked all the GPS checkpoint marks, that provide coordinates for GPS systems

MSAG: Master street address guide, it has 28 political jurisdictions, like towns, cities and villages. It locates its boundaries within Delaware. 

Municipality: This dataset has all municipalities of Delaware 

Parcel: This dataset has all the cadastral parcels 

Precinct: This dataset has voting precincts of Delaware, it is maintained by under the direction of Delaware County Board of Elections 

Recorded Document: data points represent recorded documents in Delaware. It was created to facilitate the process of locating miscellaneous documents  

School District: It consists of all school districts in Delaware 

Street Center-line: This dataset shows accurate representation of the road systems, public and private paved roads. 

Subdivision: Contains subdivisions and condos 

Survey: This dataset represents land surveys 

Tax District: This data has tax districts in Delaware county, it is defined by the Delaware real estate office 

Siegenthaler Week 7

Address Point

A comprehensive and spatially accurate dataset of all certified addresses within Delaware County, Ohio. This dataset is updated daily and made available on a monthly basis.


Tracks changes to municipal boundaries in Delaware County, including annexations and territorial adjustments since 1853. Updates occur as needed when changes happen, with monthly publications.

Building Outline

Outlines the physical structures across Delaware County.

2021 Dataset: Last updated in 2021, with updates occurring as needed.

2023 Dataset: Last updated in 2023, with updates occurring as needed.


A dataset containing all condominium properties in Delaware County, represented as polygons.

Dedicated Right-of-Way (ROW)

Contains all designated road right-of-way areas in Delaware County. This dataset aligns with parcel data updates and is updated as needed, with monthly publications.

Delaware County Contours

A topographic dataset displaying two-foot elevation contours across the county, based on 2018 survey data.

Delaware County E911 Data

Utilizes the Address Point dataset to determine the closest emergency response location for any given address. This dataset is updated daily and published monthly.

Farm Lot

Identifies the locations of farm lots throughout Delaware County. Updates occur as needed when new surveys are conducted.

GPS Monuments

A record of established GPS control points (monuments) throughout Delaware County, used for geospatial referencing.

  • Last updated in 2021, with updates occurring as needed.


Maps major waterways, including rivers, lakes, and streams. The dataset was last enhanced in 2018 and is updated as needed.

Master Street Address Guide (MSAG)

Maintains a record of all official street addresses in Delaware County, along with their respective jurisdictions (cities, townships, and villages). Updates occur as needed.

Map Sheet

Contains all official map sheets for Delaware County.


Defines and maintains the boundaries of all municipalities within the county.

Original Township Boundaries

Displays the historical township boundaries before modifications due to tax districts. This dataset remains unchanged over time.

Public Land Survey System (PLSS)

Contains land division information based on public land surveys, including those conducted by the U.S. Military and Virginia Military surveys. Updated as needed, with the latest update on February 28, 2025.

Parcel Data

Includes all land parcel boundaries within Delaware County. Maintained by the Delaware County Auditor’s GIS Office, updated daily, and published monthly.

Voting Precincts

Outlines all voting precincts within Delaware County, maintained by the Board of Elections and updated as needed.

Recorded Documents

A dataset containing points linked to recorded property-related documents within Delaware County. Updated weekly and published monthly.

School Districts

Defines the geographic boundaries of all school districts in Delaware County. Updated as needed.

Street Centerline

Represents the centerline of all public and private roads in Delaware County. Used for transportation planning, emergency response, and accident reporting. Updated daily.


Records all subdivision developments and condominium communities. Updated daily and published monthly.

Survey Data

A dataset showing locations of land surveys conducted throughout Delaware County. Maintained by the Map Department, updated daily, and published monthly.

Tax Districts

Defines tax district boundaries in Delaware County, maintained by the Real Estate Office. Updated as needed.

Township Boundaries

Shows the defined borders of the 19 townships in Delaware County. Updated as needed and published monthly.

Zip Code Data

Represents the ZIP code boundaries within Delaware County, refined using postal and census data.

Counahan Week 7

Address Point: A dataset of all certified addresses in Delaware County, updated daily and published monthly.

Annexation: A record of annexations and boundary changes within Delaware County since 1853, reflecting territorial adjustments. Updated monthly.

Building Outline: A collection of structure outlines throughout Delaware County, with the latest update in 2023.

Condo: A dataset of all condominium-style housing units within Delaware County.

Dedicated Right-of-Way (ROW): Identifies all designated road right-of-way areas within Delaware County.

Delaware County Contours: Displays two-foot elevation contours based on 2018 topographic data, providing a detailed terrain map.

Delaware County E911 Data: Uses address point data for reverse geocoding to determine the closest emergency services location. Updated daily and published monthly to enhance 911 response accuracy.

Farm Lot: A dataset marking farm lot locations within Delaware County.

GPS Monuments: Includes all established GPS monuments in Delaware County, last updated in 2021.

Hydrology: Highlights major waterways, including lakes and rivers, within Delaware County. Updated monthly using LiDAR data.

MSAG (Master Street Address Guide): Contains all street addresses within Delaware County along with their respective jurisdictions (townships, cities, and villages). Updated as necessary.

Map Sheet: A dataset featuring all official map sheets for Delaware County.

Municipality: Defines the boundaries of all municipalities within Delaware County.

Original Township: Displays historical township boundaries prior to modifications caused by tax district changes. This dataset remains static and is not actively updated.

Public Land Survey System (PLSS): Represents the public land survey system used to define land divisions in Delaware County. Updated as needed.

Parcel Data: A dataset containing all parcel lines within Delaware County, maintained by the Delaware County Auditor’s GIS Office. Updated daily and published monthly.

Voting Precincts: Shows the boundaries of all voting precincts within Delaware County, managed by the Board of Elections.

Recorded Documents: A collection of property-related recorded documents for Delaware County.

School Districts: Outlines the boundaries of all school districts within Delaware County.

Street Centerline: Represents the central axis of all public and private roads in Delaware County, used primarily for transportation planning, accident reporting, and emergency response. Updated daily.

Subdivision: Tracks all subdivision and condominium developments in Delaware County. Updated monthly.

Survey Data: A collection of survey results across Delaware County, maintained by the Map Department. Updated daily and published monthly.

Tax Districts: Defines the boundaries of tax districts within Delaware County, managed by the Real Estate Office. Updated as necessary.

Township Boundaries: Depicts the 19 current townships in Delaware County. Updated as needed and published monthly.

Zip Code Data: A dataset of all ZIP codes within Delaware County.

White Week 7

Address Point: A comprehensive dataset of all certified addresses in Delaware County, updated daily and published monthly.

Annexation: Tracks territorial adjustments, including annexations and boundary changes, since 1853. Updated monthly.

Building Outline: Provides outlines of all structures within Delaware County. Last updated in 2023.

Condo: Lists all condominium-style housing units within Delaware County.

Dedicated Right-of-Way (ROW): Represents all designated road right-of-way areas in Delaware County.

Delaware County Contours: Displays two-foot elevation contours derived from 2018 topographic data, offering a detailed view of the county’s terrain.

Delaware County E911 Data: Uses address point data for reverse geocoding to enhance emergency response by identifying the nearest emergency services location. Updated daily and published monthly.

Farm Lot: Identifies farm lots throughout Delaware County.

GPS Monuments: Catalogs all GPS monuments established within Delaware County. Last updated in 2021.

Hydrology: Maps major waterways, including lakes and rivers. Updated monthly using LiDAR data.

MSAG (Master Street Address Guide): Maintains all street addresses and their corresponding jurisdictions (townships, cities, and villages). Updated as needed.

Map Sheet: A complete dataset of official map sheets for Delaware County.

Municipality: Defines the boundaries of all municipalities within Delaware County.

Original Township: Displays historical township boundaries before tax districts altered their shapes. This dataset remains static.

Public Land Survey System (PLSS): Represents the public land survey system used for defining land divisions. Updated as needed.

Parcel Data: Contains all parcel lines, maintained by the Delaware County Auditor’s GIS Office. Updated daily and published monthly.

Voting Precincts: Outlines all voting precincts in Delaware County, maintained by the Board of Elections.

Recorded Documents: A collection of property-related recorded documents for Delaware County.

School Districts: Defines the boundaries of all school districts within Delaware County.

Street Centerline: Represents the center of pavement for all public and private roads. Used for transportation planning, accident reporting, and emergency response. Updated daily.

Subdivision: Records all subdivision and condominium developments. Updated monthly.

Survey Data: Contains survey results across Delaware County, maintained by the Map Department. Updated daily and published monthly.

Tax Districts: Defines tax district boundaries, managed by the Real Estate Office. Updated as needed.

Township Boundaries: Depicts the 19 townships within Delaware County. Updated as needed and published monthly.

Zip Code Data: Provides all ZIP code boundaries within Delaware County.

Week 7 – Naples

Address Point

This dataset is a spatially accurate representation of all addresses within Delaware County, Ohio. The database is updated on a daily basis, with the updates being published monthly.


This dataset contains all Delaware County, Ohio boundaries, including all annexations and conforming boundaries from 1853 to present day. The dataset is updated on an “as-needed” basis (when an annexation occurs), with the updates being published monthly.

Building Outline 2021

This dataset contains building outlines for all structures within Delaware County. The dataset was last updated in 2021, and is updated on an “as-needed” basis.

Building Outline 2023

This dataset contains building outlines for all structures within Delaware County. The dataset was last updated in 2023, and is updated on an “as-needed” basis.


This dataset contains polygons for all condominium housing within Delaware County, Ohio.

Dedicated ROW

This dataset contains all lines that have Right-of-Way in Delaware County, Ohio. It coincides with the daily updates of Delaware County’s Parcel data. It is updated on an “as-needed” basis, being published monthly.

Delaware County E911 Data

This dataset utilizes the Address Point dataset in order to geolocate the nearest emergency services location to an address within the county. The dataset is updated on a daily basis, being published monthly.

Farm Lot

This dataset contains all farm lots in Delaware County. It is updated on an “as-needed” basis (when new surveys are taken).


This dataset contains locations for all GPS Monuments (metal discs that determine longitude and latitude) established in Delaware County, Ohio from 1991 to 1997. It was last updated in 2021, with the dataset being updated on an “as-needed” basis.


This dataset contains all major waterways in Delaware County, Ohio. Enhanced in 2018, the dataset is updated on an “as-needed” basis.

Map Sheet

This dataset contains all map sheets within Delaware County, Ohio.

Original Township

This dataset contains the original boundaries of townships within Delaware County, Ohio, prior to tax districts altering their shapes.

Public Land Survey System (PLSS)

This dataset contains the conclusions from Public Land surveys conducted by the U.S. Military, as well as the Virginia Military survey results. It is updated on an “as-needed” basis, with the most recent update being today (Feb 28, 2025).


This dataset contains parcel lines creating distinct land parcels. The dataset is updated on an “as-needed” basis.


This dataset contains voting precinct boundaries in Delaware County, Ohio. It is updated on an “as-needed” basis, being updated by the Delaware County Board of Elections.

Recorded Document

This dataset contains points that are related to recorded documents in Delaware County, Ohio. The documents are typically related to land uses, updated weekly, published monthly.

School District

This dataset contains all boundaries for school districts within Delaware County, Ohio. It is updated on an “as-needed” basis.

Street Centerline

This dataset contains the centerpoint of public and private roads within Delaware County, Ohio. This information is used for things from 911 responses, to appraisal mapping, and even disaster management.


This dataset contains the boundaries for subdivision and condominium communities. It is updated daily, published monthly.


This dataset is a shapefile, that contains representations of where land surveys have taken place within Delaware County, Ohio. It is updated daily, being published monthly.

Tax District

This dataset contains the boundaries of all tax districts within Delaware County, Ohio. It is updated on an “as-needed” basis, being published monthly.


This dataset contains the boundaries of all townships located within Delaware County, Ohio. It is updated on an “as-needed” basis, being published monthly.

Zip Code

This dataset contains the boundaries of all zip codes within Delaware County, Ohio. The boundaries have been “cleaned-up” utilizing postal data as well as census data.

Week 6 Fry (Catch up)

Chapter 7: In the first tutorial I was able to manipulate the polygons within a campus map, using the editing features. This was helpful because I had not yet used the editing frames, and I had to make sure to be saving each edit after I made it. Tutorial 2, went more in depth with the features used to create and manipulate polygons within maps. I was able to create my own polygons and get a better understanding of the types of polygons that are useful in this kind of mapping. Tutorial 3 taught me how to smooth layers, it was helpful because I was able to still see the underlying mapped features but have a translucent marker over top to designate the boundaries of the noted features. I hit a snag with the fourth tutorial because gis for some ridiculous reason would not allow me to select the polygon layer which therefore meant I could not finish the tutorial because I could not manipulate the layer in any way but it was interesting to learn about how to import this layer of polygons into an existing map, and I hope in the future GIS will work properly so I can get the polygon to layer over map properly.

Chapter 8: The first tutorial helped me plot a large data set on the map, then I was able to make sure every data point was properly matched. This is helpful because in most cases when a vast data set is being placed in a mapping system there is bound to be mistakes or mix ups but learning how to find and correct those within GIS is important to making sure I know how to properly create and use the mapping I am learning. I was also able to use the collect events feature to quickly create a map that visually shows the frequency of events relative to location on the map. This was significantly faster than other methods the tutorials have used in the past to create maps like this. I continued this work in Tutorial 2, where I was able to again use the attribute table to determine the incomplete data in the set. I was also able to use street addresses for attendees and put them on a map which clearly has a cluster in the center, which is useful to know for the organizers of this hypothetical event, and is how these skills can be applied to the real world.

Chapter 9: From the first tutorial I learned how to create buffers and have the mapping system count other mapped features within those buffers. I was able to count how many kids were living within certain distances from a pool, and this could be repeated in many applications, it would be useful to many types of research that might actually be done. The second tutorial expanded on this by teaching me how to obtain more statistics from within these buffer areas which is helpful for more complete data analysis. The third tutorial helped me determine which pools were open, and made a map based on the proximity of the commute to an open pool. It also helped me use the data from this map to count the number of pool tag holders in these regions. This is more data analysis that is helpful for real world applications, not just with pools but with any resource, and can even be applied to animal populations. Tutorial 4 taught me how to use the data and demand tools to determine which pools maximize attendance, this is also an interesting concept to use for real world applications. Tutorial 5 taught me how to create clusters of data points, differentiate their statistics, and create separate labels and map symbols for those groups.

Chapter 10: Tutorial 1 was informative, it taught me how to use, manipulate, and extract the raster data from the mapping system. This helped me to visualize data sets and to integrate two different raster layers by changing the transparency of a layer. This will be helpful in the future when trying to create a multifaceted map that can display more than one type of data/information at the same time. In tutorial 2, I used some of the same skills as well as many I learned previously in order to create a density/heat map which was very interesting. Previously each of the skills that was used here had been used in a different capacity but bringing them all together to create this map really helped me to see the usefulness of some of the skills I have learned in earlier chapters of this course. Tutorial 3 was an even more immersive use of these skills bringing together what was learned in tutorial 2 with more of my past skills and it really made me feel good to make this map almost completely on my own.

Chapter 11: Tutorial 1 really helped me to get oriented in the 3D global view of the mapping interface, with a brief overview of shortcuts and how to manipulate the view point and manipulate the base layers. Tutorial 2 helped me learn to create a TIN layer and my own local view of the 3D map of Pittsburgh, which made the use of a 3D map make a little bit more sense. Tutorial 3 taught me how to add and enable and turn off z-enabled features to my 3D map which was interesting, and I know it will eventually come in handy for something other than trees in a park. Tutorial 4 got more in depth into the practical uses and functions of the 3D mapping interface. It brought in the Raster skills learned last chapter and used them in a 3D map this time. I learned how to manipulate a lot of the different features of the 3D map and use various different types of data to get different views. Both the fifth and sixth tutorials centered around using the 3D interface to add three dimensional shapes (buildings) onto the map in progressive detail. And finally, in tutorial 7 it culminated into a 3D animation which I think will be less useful to me in the future as it would be to someone in more of a city planning or architectural career path.

Weber Week 7

Address Point: Represents all certified addresses in Delaware County. Updated daily and published monthly.

Annexation: Tracks annexations and boundary changes within Delaware County since 1853. Annexation in this context refers to territorial adjustments, and the dataset is updated monthly.

Building Outline: Contains outlines of all structures within Delaware County. The dataset was last updated in 2023.

Condo: Includes all condominium-style housing within Delaware County.

Dedicated Right-of-Way (ROW): Represents all designated road right-of-way areas within Delaware County.

Delaware County Contours: Depicts two-foot elevation contours derived from 2018 topographic data, providing a detailed view of the county’s terrain.

Delaware County E911 Data: Utilizes address point data for reverse geocoding to determine the nearest emergency services location. This dataset is updated daily and published monthly, improving 911 response efficiency.

Farm Lot: Identifies farm lots within Delaware County.

GPS Monuments: Includes all GPS monuments established in Delaware County. Last updated in 2021.

Hydrology: Displays major waterways, including lakes and rivers, throughout Delaware County. Updated monthly using LiDAR data.

MSAG (Master Street Address Guide): Contains all street addresses within Delaware County and their corresponding jurisdictions (townships, cities, and villages). Updated as needed.

Map Sheet: Comprehensive dataset containing all official map sheets for Delaware County.

Municipality: Identifies the boundaries of all municipalities within Delaware County.

Original Township: Shows historical township boundaries before tax districts altered their shapes. This dataset is static and not actively updated.

Public Land Survey System (PLSS): Displays public land survey used for defining land divisions in Delaware County. Updated as needed.

Parcel Data: Contains all parcel lines within Delaware County. These are maintained by the Delaware County Auditor’s GIS Office, updated daily, and published monthly.

Voting Precincts: Outlines all voting precincts in Delaware County, maintained by the Board of Elections.

Recorded Documents: A collection of recorded documents from Delaware County. Used for locating property-related documents.

School Districts: Defines the boundaries of all school districts within Delaware County.

Street Centerline: Represents the center of pavement for all public and private roads in Delaware County. Primarily used for transportation planning, accident reporting, and emergency response. Updated daily.

Subdivision: Records all subdivision and condominium developments in Delaware County. Updated monthly.

Survey Data: Represents survey results across Delaware County, maintained by the Map Department. Updated daily and published monthly.

Tax Districts: Defines tax district boundaries in Delaware County, managed by the Real Estate Office. Updated as needed.

Township Boundaries: Depicts the 19 current townships that make up Delaware County. Updated as needed and published monthly.

Zip Code Data: Contains all ZIP codes within Delaware County.

Jolliff Week 6

Chapter 9

The tables were not working in chapter 9-3 when I tried to to join “service area” and “pool tags”. I was also unable to make the scatter plot. I moved on to 9-4.evrything else in this chapter went well. Super fun!


Chapter 10 

10-1 & 2 were fine in 10-3, I was unable to make the expression ZFHHChld=(!FHHChildren!-45.20/66.8. I kept going adn had an error in my model, but I think I fixed it, maybe? The poverty index wasnt showing i kept going adn made it to chapter 11.

Chapter 11 

Chapter 11 was fine, it was kinda crazy with all of the 3D things. Had some issues moving stuff around it was kind of hard to get the map to move in a way to see what you wanted to see. But overall a good chapter.