Miller Week 6

9.1 – Learned how to use the pairwise buffer tool. Was able to figure out all the steps but adding a new buffer on top of a previous buffer.
9.2 – Was able to create multiple ring buffers, which would have been useful for the last step in the previous section.
9.3 – Was somehow not able to find the excel work. Overall, quite a long section, but slow and careful work made the entire section go smoothly for the most part.
9.4 – Used the network analysis to connect certain features to facilities. This section was short and mostly simplistic.
9.5 – Was able to perform a cluster analysis with previously given data. A simple section that yielded the proper results.
10.1 – Did a lot of work using raster datasets. Although the actual reasoning behind using these tools made no sense, I was still able to follow all the directions.
10.2 – Was able to make a kernel density heat map with the use of multiple tools. The end product was quite cool.
10.3 – Learned how to build a risk index model. This section was quite long, but I was able to figure out most of the steps. I was not able to find the PovertyIndex.lyrx file, so I was not able to finish that part of the section.
11.1 – Started diving into using 3D GIS, in which I learned the basic tools to navigate the system.
11.2 – Worked with creating and editing TIN surfaces. Another cool process, in which the steps made sense to me.
11.3 – Was able to add z-enabled features, which were 3D models of specific points on the map. Overall, it was neat to see the final result.
11.4 – This section was quite long and took a decent amount of work to do. I was able to get through all the steps but the bridge steps did not work. The bridge option was not available in the create features pane.
11.5 – Was able to work with 3D features, such as creating stories within buildings, and altering building heights. Overall, this was an easy tutorial.
11.6 – This section also worked with modifying buildings from a 3D model. All the parts of this tutorial worked for me but the last section, despite the steps being simplistic.
11.7 – Was able to work with creating and editing an animation using bookmarks. Overall, a very cool process that I did not know was possible. I was not able to export the animation, as the export time was somehow quite long.

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