Smith week 5

Chapter 4:

Chapter 4 was relatively straight forward. I experienced no difficulties importing data, however it was time consuming and had a learning curve. I find myself spending less time searching for things like the catalog pane or the toolbox.

Chapter 5: 

Taught me how to work with world map projections… i was unfamiliar with how many way the map was projected. It was interesting to see even on a continental level the states change via world map… I also had a learning curve with working with the tabular data.

Chapter 6:

Chapter Six was all about creating a neighborhood.  It was cool to be able to work with the fire departments and police station layers. 

Chapter 7:

This was my favorite chapter/ most interesting to me. I thoroughly enjoyed working with the tools to create maps. I however was left with some questions like when and why should i be using these tools. 

Chapter 8:

This chapter although being small was very insightful. I got to work with zipcodes from my home state and even ended up working with zipcodes from an area at which i used to live which was super cool. 

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