Gassert, week 5

NOTE: internet was not being nice to me when I uploaded this, so there are no pictures of progress right now. I will add those ASAP when BishopNet agrees with me


Gassert week 5




4.1: Just an intro to the geodatabase files. Relatively easy to follow along with this.


4.2: Still learning how to use the contents panes correctly. If you make a mistake, it’s very difficult to try and go back to fix it. The book did not match up with the software, making the calculations wrong.


4.3: “Attribute queries” that label what and when of something, time/date/day, and people. The SQL button is used to show the criteria selected.


4.4: Intro to the aggregation of the data with spatial joints. I was able to figure this out pretty easy.


4.5: We sort of did this in the week 4 tutorials, adding shapes to show data. This was familiar.


4.6: This also felt similar to an earlier tutorial from week 4. Was easier to do this now that I recognized the instructions and the software.


Ch. 5


5.1: Used coordinates to look at a map projection. I didn’t know that the lines on this kind of map was called a graticule.


5.2: Used similar setup to look at a map of the US rather than the whole world. 


5.3: Sort of similar to the previous two examples, except this was more specific to a smaller area.


5.4: Showed how to use vector data. Showed how to utilize X,Y coordinates and how to add it to the map.


5.5: Calculating stuff is not my strongsuit. I decided to try and come back to this and 5.6 later.


5.6: I did come back to this and 5.5 and my brain stopped working.




6.1: Used the “pairwise dissolve tool” to generate groups. 


6.2: Used the clip tool to select a specific area. Pretty self explanatory.


6.3: Not sure if there was a book discrepancy, but this didn’t work right. There was an error message (which others seemed to encounter too).


6.4: Used append tool to merge data


6.5: Showed more depth to the merge data part and how it can be used to show streets in divisions.


6.6: Merged data from tables. Fairly quick and simple.


6.7: Used the intersection tool. Pretty easy to follow along on the application.


Ch. 7


7.1: This shows how to edit features and shapes on a map. I feel like this could have been in an earlier tutorial rather than now. I wish I had this knowledge a week or two ago.


7.2: Same as 7.1, I wish I knew how to create feature classes myself sooner in more straightforward words.


7.3: This took a hot minute to load for me, but it eventually worked. 


7.4: REALLY didn’t want to load. I think the connection was bad today or something. I’d like to come back and try it again to see if it works on a day it’s not storming.


Ch. 8


8.1: Seeing this chapter was only two sections was so relieving. The book tells you what tool does what and why it’s there, which I wish the book did way before now. This gave details about how to use geocoding with zip codes.


8.2: This made slightly less sense than 8.1, but I figured out that it wants me to use geocoding for street addresses.

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