Brock Week 5

Chapter 4:

  • Tutorial 4-1: introduction to working with file geodatabases
  • Tutorial 4-2: Messed up what I removed from the contents pane. Attempted to go back to fix this mistake, but it doesn’t seem like an easy fix
  • Tutorial 4-3: three primary kinds of attribute queries
    • Most fundamental type: addresses the what and when. Often combines several crime types with the use of logical operators
    • Secondary type: adds criteria such as time of day or day of the week 
    • Third type: adds criteria based on the attributes of the people or the objects 
    • SQL button: SQL shows the criteria that the query builder built
  • Tutorial 4-4: introduction to aggregating data with spatial joins
  • Tutorial 4-5: using central point features for polygons
  • Tutorial 4-6:creating a new table for one-to-many join

Chapter 5:

  • Tutorial 5-1: my coordinates were 17oW, 14oN for the western most tip of Africa. Country Senegal. Worked with world map projections
    • The network of lines on the map is called graticule and it has 30-degree intervals east-west and north-south
  • Tutorial 5-2: worked with US map projections
  • Tutorial 5-3: set projected coordinate systems 
  • Tutorial 5-4: worked with vector data formats 
    • Shapefile extensions: .shp, .dbf, .shx
  • Tutorial 5-5: 
  • Tutorial 5:6 I was not able to complete this section because was having a “national outage” or something like that when I tried to access the data

Chapter 6:

  • Tutorial 6-1: dissolving features to create neighborhoods and fire divisions and battalions 
  • Tutorial 6-2: extracting and clipping features for a study area
  • Tutorial 6-3: merging water features 
  • Tutorial 6-4: appending firehouses and police stations to ems facilities 
  • Tutorial 6-5: the “your turn” section data joining deal was not data joining dealing aka not working.
  • Tutorial 6-6: using union on neighboring and land-use features 
  • Tutorial 6-7: using the tabulate intersection tool 

Chapter 7

  • Tutorial 7-1: edited polygon features
  • Tutorial 7-2: created and deleted polygon features. The your turn section was not your turning aka not working
  • Tutorial 7-3: used cartography tools 
  • Tutorial 7-4: transformed feature

Chapter 8

  • Tutorial 8-1: geocoded data using zip codes
  • Tutorial 8-2: geocoded street addresses

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