Luna – Week 4

Getting To Know ArcGIS

  • Chapter 1  Question Answers and Screenshots
    • There were no questions for this chapter, but as a whole, I thought using the website was an approachable way to introduce the basic functions.
  • Chapter 2 Question Answers and Screenshots
    • PM concentrations are highest in Africa.
    • I used my search bar to restore the Contents pane and find a geoprocessing tool.
    • Shanghai has the largest population.
    • The height of the tallest building is 339 ft.
  • Chapter 3 Question Answers and Screenshots
    • The field name that indicates state is STATE_NAME and there are 10,575 residents between the ages of 22 and 29 years in Wayne County.
    • 7 years are represented by the table.
    • Obesity was more common in lower income cities in 2010.
    • There are four food deserts in Knox County.
  • Chapter 4 Question Answers and Screenshots
    • The selected line has 4 vertices.
    • Shaper_Area decreased.
  • Chapter 5 Question Answers and Screenshots
    • I can name the types of conflict events.
    • There were 14,211 fatalities in South Sudan between 2010 and 2018.
    • There were 71 fatalities in Rwanda between 2010 and 2018.
    • There were 41 violence against civilians events in Rwanda and 12 of those were fatal. 
    • Summary Statistics and Select are combined in this script.
    • 26,323 Nigerian fatalities resulted from violence against civilians from 2010 and 2018.

1 thought on “Luna – Week 4”

  1. All good. Assuming you got through with not too many problems. I’m still scratching my head about some of the problems other students are having. So be it! A solid plod through a whole bunch of techie stuff and you seem to be getting the gist of the software.

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