Jocelyn Weaver – Week 5

Chapter 6:

  • Domains provide a way for you to constrain input information by limiting the choice of values for a particular field, helps maintain data integrity
  • Organization – shared online workspace that is tied to your software license
  • Tree inventory map allows urban forest managers ti identify areas in which tree conditions can be poor and prioritize maintenance

Chapter 7:

  • Geocoding- create features from information that describes or names a location, typically an address
    • Address table
    • Reference data
    • Address locator – file contains the reference data and various geocoding rules and settings
  • Buffers are polygons that are created around a feature at specified distances

Chapter 8:

  • Temporal data – data that has a time attribute
  • Hot spot analysis – determines which areas are significant, including areas that are hot and cold and areas that are not significant are white
  • Space-time cube – helps visualize the data, the bins can be viewed in 2 or 3 dimensions and can show patterns of incidents over time

Chapter 9:

  • Cells – raster is composed of a grid of cells, instead of discrete x,y coordinates that define geographic entities
  • Discrete data – shows distinct and discernible regions on a map, such as soil type
  • Continuous data – there are smooth transitions between variations in the data
  • Map algebra – language that combines GIS layers, is fundamental to raster analysis
  • NoData – no values were recorded in cell (not the same as 0)
  • Mask – means of identifying areas to be included in a geoprocessing operation
  • Hillshade – surface layer that depicts shadows to model the effect of an illumination source over terrain of the land
  • Azimuth – the direction of the sun, expressed in positive degrees
  • Altitude – angle of the sun above horizon

Chapter 10:

  • Labels – based on one or more feature attributes and placed near or on a feature
  • Label class – used to specify detailed aspects of how labels are positioned and symbolized
  • Map frames – containers for maps in your page layout
  • Scale bar – dynamic element that provides an indication of the size of a feature and distance on the map

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