Abbey S Week 4

Chapter 1:

  • GIS is composed of 5 parts: hardware, software, data, procedures, and people
  • Can be used to map relationships, patterns, and trends in addition to simple cartography
  • Interesting how GIS has been around since the 60’s. I wonder how difficult it was to use it back then
  • Point, line, polygon data = vector data
  • Features of same type = layers
  • Raster= digital surface
  • Attributes= in depth data
  • Don’t be like me and do the exercises in the classic map view, and then get confused as to why everything looks different

Chapter 2:

Exercise 2A

  • PM concentrations are highest in Africa
  • To restore contents, go the ‘View’ and select contents
  • Geoprocessing toolbox is right next to contents
  • Shanghai has the largest population

Exercise 2B

  • Symbology= the way GIS features are displayed on a map
  • The distance between San Antonio and Toronto is 1,440.32 mi

Exercise 2C

  • The highest building is 339.8 ft
  • Extrusion= stretching flat 2D features vertically to appear 3D
  • This was cool- I felt like I was playing the Sims lol

Chapter 3

Exercise 3A

  • The field name that indicates the state within the which the county features are located is called STATE_NAME
  • 10575 residents of Wayne county are between 22-29 yrs
  • Definition query: limit visible counties to only in Illinois, but source data will not change 
  • Clip: Select data based on layer of boundary (However, Illinois boundary not defined)
  • Select and export: select counties in Illinois and export to new dataset

Exercise 3B

  • Columns= fields
  • There are six years of data represented
  • Graduated colors= features are assigned a color that represents a quantity
  • Classification methods:
    • Manual interval classification
      • Modify classification breaks manually with manual intervals
    • Equal interval classification 
      • Range of data is equally divided by the number of classes chosen
    • Defined Interval Classification
      • Similar to equal interval, but define interval size to determine class number
    • Quantile classification
      • All classes have same number of features
    • Natural breaks classification
      • Based on natural groupings inherent in the data
    • Geometric interval classification
      • Creates class breaks that are based on class intervals with a geometric series
    • Standard deviation classification
      • Creates classes according to a number of standard deviation classifications

  • I did not see a clear correlation between income and 2010 obesity rates

Exercise 3C

  • I was not able to retrieve the infographics even though I was signed in to ArcGIS online 🙁

Exercise 3 dimension

  • There are 4 food deserts in Knox county
  • Spatial join= define spatial relationship between 2 layers and combine attributes into an output layer

Chapter 4

Exercise 4A

  • Coordinate systems
    • Geographic coordinate system- uses latitude and longitude to define locations of points
    • Projected coordinate system- uses map projections to transform longitude and latitude coordinates into planar coordinates
  • On the fly projection
    • Projected coordinates on first layer applied to subsequent layers
  • Metadata
    • Textual info about dataset

Exercise 4B

  • Snapping= magnet
  • The selected line has 4 vertices

Exercise 4C

  • The shape area value was halved

Chapter 5

Exercise 5A

  • Conflict types:
    • Riots/protests
    • Battle
    • Remote violence
    • Strategic development
    • Violence against civilians
  • 727015 fatalities

Exercise 5b 

  • 41 riots/protests
  • 71 fatalities

Exercise 5c

  • Layer by attribute and Summary statistics are combined
  • 26323 fatalities 


1 thought on “Abbey S Week 4”

  1. very good documentation. when you run into bugs or stuff that won’t work it’s good to move on. i can try and help figure it out if you want, but also ok (since there is so much stuff) to have you just move on and not worry about it.

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