Updated: 1/2025
Work in the class will be evaluated as below. Due no later than May 2 at 8pm in shared folder.
To make things easier for your doddering old instructor, please create a single Google doc, call it ENVS 399 Final Report <your last name>, and put it in your shared ENVS 399 folder (and email me). In that document, either include the requested material or link to each of these additional documents.
Include these personal materials in the ENVS 399 Final Report <your last name> doc.
- 20%: Personal Annotated bibliography of course readings (links to file/s in your shared folder)
- 20%: Personal Completion of work, organization, attendance, and participation: please comment on each of these factors in terms of your efforts in the class (a few sentences each).
- 10%: Personal Course Assessment: 1-2 pages: your thoughts on the course, its structure, and how we worked out the goals (projects). Did the wheels come off? Or not? Too much flexibility? Or did the approach work? Do you think our effort will affect sustainability efforts on campus? Or are you more pessimistic? Document 3 things that worked well and three that could use some work and/or ideas for what the course should focus on. One page or so: Describe what you did (specifically) and your role in the class (compared to other students). Reflect on your role in the course but with attention to your own personal efforts (part 2. above). Do you feel that the “practicum” approach worked for you? Or would you prefer a more lecture-oriented course with less project work? Describe what you think you deserve for a course grade and justify that grade.
All group project materials should be organized and in my ENVS 399 shared folder. Include links to these group materials in your ENVS 399 Final Report <your last name> doc.
- 20%: Course project proposal: for the project/s you were involved in.
- 30%: Project Reports & Presentation:
- Work and research completed (1 paragraph)
- Group assessment of the project, what was completed this semester, and recommendations for the future. The latter is vital: what needs to happen – this summer (if anything). This fall? Who will do it? For example: how to supply ugly mugs to AVI? Do the new plantlets need watering? Think this through carefully.
- Key contacts
- Organize relevant parts of the ENVS 399 Spring 2025 shared folder for the individual project; make sure the Project Report will help future students take over this project; make sure all materials created (posters, artwork for stickers, etc.) are also in the shared folder (on my account, not yours!)
- Presentation of your efforts
Due no later than May 2 at 8pm in shared folder.