
Revised 8/23/2024

Fall Semester 2024: Module 1: 8/21/2024 to 10/8/2024

This course has a flexible format to fit your schedule, but you must keep up with your work in class.

Time commitment: I’ve found that most students can complete the work for this course in around 4-6 hours per week. If you come in for 3 hours a week, like a normal lecture class, you will probably complete most of the work. 

Meetings: This 0.5 credit module course was designed to be flexible and fit into any schedule. You are responsible for setting up a time for meetings. Meeting times are below, and an appointment schedule is ( here ) or come find me during those appointment hours in 206 or 207 SCSC.

  • Please schedule a meeting with me the 2nd week and 3rd week.  
  • Please contact me for a meeting time after the 3rd week if you are behind. Don’t fall behind.
  • Pro tip: working in the lab during my office hours on a regular basis gives you access to me (for questions, feedback, and stupid jokey stuff). In other words, schedule time to get the work in this class done 
    • M: 9:15-10, 12-2
    • Tu: 9:15-1
    • W: 9:15-10, 1-2
    • Th: 9:15-12; 1-2
    • F: 9:15-10, noon-2

If you have a problem after hours or on the weekend, please email me and we can try to sort it by email or phone facetime, or Zoom. I’m early to bed, early to rise Frankliny kind of guy and will get back to you ASAP.

Read this 8 times: 

If you run into a problem you can’t solve (the tutorial does not always match up with the software perfectly), try your best, then note the issue and move on to the next section.

Please complete work for each week by the Friday of that week. Email me when posted.

Type up approximately 300 words for each reading. 

Post the requested work to this blog and email your instructor.

Create a shared folder in Google and share it with me: Jay Wobble’s  would be Geog 291 Wobble (for Final)

You will post the weekly work to this blog! Expect to see an email from OWU’s WordPress site.

Software 1: The blog you are currently on (WordPress): You will receive an email to get access to posting on the site. Due to security restrictions, you must post from a hardwired campus computer (like those in 207) or BishopNet (not BishopGuest, not your phone hotspot).  If you need access to BishopNet: While on campus go to and register your device. Talk to me if you are still having problems.

Software 2: ArcGIS Online. Watch for an email.

Software 3: ArcGIS Pro. Installed on GIS Lab (207 SCSC) computers. 

Software: ArcGIS Pro (latest version) in SCSC 207

The GIS Lab (SCSC 207) is unlocked 7am-7pm M-F. I’ll provide the class with a code to get in the room after those hours, along with OWU ID card swipe access to the Science Center.

Beginning this fall, you can no longer save files to the lab computers. Sorry.

Use a portable drive (not a flash drive). Contact Krygier if you need to check out a portable drive for the semester.

To use ArcGIS, you need an ArcGIS Online Account. Watch for an email to set up your account.

Log into a lab computer using one of two methods: Pop-up menu (lower left).

1) select pGina, then use your OWU username and password
2) select Lab Public, password: l@bguest

Double-click on the ArcGIS icon on the desktop.

Click on the OWU Single Sign On button (bottom of login window).

Enter your OWU username and password.

When done, sign out of ArcGIS (upper right corner of ArcGIS).

You can also download ArcGIS Pro on your own Windows PC. It should be a newer computer with plenty of memory and storage. Information here: Download ArcGIS Pro

Week 1: Introduction to Course (Stuff Due Friday, Augu. 23)

Books: Get books (see syllabus) or copies available in GIS lab (top map drawer near room door). Do not remove these books from the rhoom.

Assign: Review course blog (syllabus & schedule) and create a blog posting on the class blog: please give the posting this title: <Your Last Name> Week 1

  1. A basic introduction to you with a glossy 8.5 x 11 photograph or suitable alternative
  2. Read Schuurman ch. 1 (PDF) & include  comments, thoughts, etc. (300 words)
  3. Use Google and Google Scholar and ChatGPT to look into a few GIS application areas: search for “GIS Application”or “GIS” and different keywords, based on your personal interest: wolf telemetry, LGBT, carnivorous plants, hate groups, crime, sewers, crowdsourcing, etc.). Include, in the blog posting, information on two applications with at least one map or image and a source or two. 

Week 2: GIS Analysis I (Stuff Due Friday, Augu. 30)

Read: Mitchell ch. 1, 2, 3. Create a new blog entry with comments, notes, and questions on this reading. Include key concepts and definitions. About 300 words per chapter. <Your Last Name> Week 2. Follow this titling format for the rest of the course.

Meet with me (appointments are  here ) or come find me during those appointment hours in 206 or 207 SCSC.

Week 3: GIS Analysis II (Stuff Due Friday, Septe. 6)

Read: Mitchell ch. 4, 5, 6. Create a new blog entry with comments, notes, and questions on this reading. Include key concepts and definitions. About 300 words per chapter.

Meet with me (appointments are  here ) or come find me during those appointment hours in 206 or 207 SCSC.

Week 4: GIS Software I: GIS Tutorial for ArcGIS Pro (Stuff Due Friday, Septe. 13)

  • Log into the GIS Lab (207 SCSC) computers as per instructions above
  • The link to the tutorial files are in the front of the book on p. XIV
    • Download to your external hard drive
    • The downloaded file is compressed (zipped, etc.): Right-mouse click and Extract All (this removes them from the compressed file)
    • Use only the ArcGIS Pro files in the GISTforPro folder. They are for the tutorials in the book
      • You don’t have to do the Assignments for Students (unless you want).
  • Open ArcGIS Pro and log into ArcGIS Online (upper right)
  • Follow the instructions in the book: from within ArcGIS Pro, navigate to the tutorial files in the GISTforPro folder.

Read and complete: GIS Tutorial for ArcGIS Pro, Preface + Part 1 (ch. 1, 2, 3). Create a new blog entry with comments, notes, and questions on these tutorial chapters. For each tutorial chapters, save a screenshot or two of your work for the blog entry.

**Due to heavy use of the GIS lab this semester, please work off an external hard drive as suggested in a previous email. This allows you to use any open computer in the lab for your work. Dr. Mizuta and Dr. Rowley and Dr. Krygier all have courses in the GIS lab: you are free to use open computers during these classes. 

Week 5: GIS Software II: GIS Tutorial for ArcGIS Pro (Stuff Due Friday, Septe. 20)

Read and complete: GIS Tutorial for ArcGIS Pro, Part 2 (ch. 4, 5, 6, 7, 8). Create a new blog entry with comments, notes, and questions on these tutorial chapters. For each tutorial chapters, save a screenshot or two of your work for the blog entry.

Start Work on Delaware Data Inventory & Final Exam (Due Tuesday, Octo. 8). Plan accordingly!

Week 6: GIS Software III: GIS Tutorial for ArcGIS Pro (Stuff Due Friday, Septe. 27)

Read and complete: GIS Tutorial for ArcGIS Pro, Part 3 (ch. 9, 10, 11). Create a new blog entry with comments, notes, and questions on these tutorial chapters. For each tutorial chapters, save a screenshot or two of your work for the blog entry.

Week 7: Work! (Stuff Due Friday, Octo. 4 )

Work on and help with Take-home exam

Week 8: Final Submission: (Stuff Due Tuesday, Octo. 8)

Put the final in the shared folder and email your instructor!