Mattox Week 6

Zip Codes: All zip codes in Delaware County from censuses, tax mailing addresses, and postal scrive websites. 

Recorded Document: Points representing miscellaneous documents in Delaware, Ohio.

School District: School districts in Delaware county from parcel records. 

Mapping Sheet: All of the areas in Delaware county clearly divided and showing each individual map sheet all together. 

Farm Lot: Military service district farm lot boundaries.

Township: Boundaries of 19 different townships in Delaware county. 

Street Centerline: Paved private and public roads.

Annexation: Conforming boundaries dating back to 1853.

Condo:  Condominium polygon boundaries in Delaware.

Subdivision: All subdivisions and condos in Delaware. 

Survey: Surveys represented as points similar to the recorded documents. 

Dedicated ROW: Designated right-of-way lines.

Tax District: Tax districts within Delaware county. 

GPS: GPS monuments between 1991 and 1997.

Original Township: Similar to township data.

Address Points: Central points on homes representing addresses. 

Precinct: Voting from the Delaware County Board of Elections.

Hydrology: Major waterways.

Building Outline 2021: All structures in Delaware County outlined.

Parcel: All cadastral parcel lines within Delaware County. 

PLSS: Public land survey system polygons in military survey districts. 

2022 Leaf-on Imagery: I couldn’t see a map or information on this one. 

Delaware County Contours: Contours showing elevation in Delaware County. 

Delaware County E911 Data: Accident reporting points.

Brokaw Week 6

Zip Code – All zip codes within Delaware, OH however roads with no zip codes were manually populated by their location.

Recorded Document – datasets contain points that are recorded documents in Delaware County. It was made to help find missing documents in the County.

School District – This set contains all school districts in Delaware County and was created for the Auditor’s parcel records.

Map Sheet – Contains the map sheet of Delaware County. 

Farm Lot – All farm lots in the Virginia Military and US military for the Survey Districts. 

Township – To identify the geographic boundaries of each township. 

Street Centerline – The center of private and public roads. Used for 911 emergency response, appraisal mapping, accident reports, disaster management. 

Annexation – All Delaware County annexations and conforming boundaries from 1853.

Condo – Dataset consists of condominiums polygons in Delaware County. 

Subdivision – All subdivisions and condoms recorded in Delaware County Recorder’s office.

Survey – The survey points are a shapefile of a point coverage that represents all surveys of land. All surveys were scanned and saved as a pdf file.

Dedicated ROW – all dedicated road right of way polygons in Delaware County. 

Tax Districts – Data set has all tax districts in Delaware County, Ohio.

GPS – identifies all GPS monuments set between 1991 and 1997 the Coordinates are in Universal Transverse Mercator Northing and Easting. 

Original Township – all original boundaries of the townships before the tax district changed . 

Address Points (DXF) – The State of Ohio Location Based Response Systems (LBRS) address points show a spatially accurate placement of address in a parcel. 

Precinct – Polygons that determine each voting boundary. 

Hydrology – all major waterways in Delaware County. 

Building Outline 2021 – all building outlines of structures. 

Parcel – all parcels in Delaware County.

PLSS – all polygons depicting the boundaries of 2 public military  land survey districts.

Street Centerlines (DXF) – The State of Ohio LBRS street centerlines are the center [pavement of all private and public roads. 

Address Point – The State of Ohio LBRS address points data are spatially accurate representation of all certified addresses. 

2022 Leaf-On Imagery (SID file) – includes 2021 Imagery (SID file), Township, Original Township, and Recorded Document. 

Delaware County Contours – 2018 2ft contours for the county is a geodatabase format. 

Delaware County E911 Data – The layer can reverse geocode a set of coordinates to determine the closest valid address for 911 agencies. 

Address Points – layer is intended to support appraisal mapping, and 911 Emergency Response. 

Street Centerlines –  layer is intended to support appraisal mapping, and 911 Emergency Response. 

2021 Imagery (SID File) – contains 2022 Leaf-On-Imagery (SID file), zip code, recorded document, dedicated ROW.

Gullatte week 6

Zip Code: The data set has all zip codes in the Delaware County area. The data set is updated as needed. Zip codes are also cross referenced with the Census Bureau’’s zip code. 

Recorded Document: The data set are points that represent recorded documents. Recorded documents include vacations, subdivisions, centerline surveys. Surveys. Annexation, and miscellaneous documents in Delaware county. It was created to create some kind of order to help locate miscellaneous documents. 

School District: The data set has all School districts in Delaware county. This is updated as needed. 

Map Sheet: The dataset consists of all map sheets in Delaware County

Farm Lot: Data set has all the farm lots in the US Military and the Virginia Military survey districts in Delaware County. This set was made to facilitate identifying all farm lots and their boundaries 

Township: The data set has 19 different townships that make up Delaware County. Updated on a as needed basis. Created to help identify geographic boundaries of each township. 

Street Centerline: Ohio Location based response system depicts center of pavement on streets within Delaware County. This was created from field observations. 

Annexation: Dataset has Delaware county’s annexations and boundaries from 1853 till now. Updated as needed. 

Condo: Data set has all condominium polygons in Delaware County. 

Subdivision: This dataset has all subdivisions and condos within Delaware County. Is updated daily. 

Survey: Points in this dataset represent surveys of land in Delaware County. Dataset updated daily 

Dedicated Row: Data consists of all lines that are right-of-way within Delaware County. Was created through updates through the county’s parcel data. 

Tax district: Dataset consists of all tax districts within Delaware County. Updated as needed. 

GPS: Data shows all GPS monuments that were established in 1991 and 1997. Updated as needed. 

Original Township: Data shows the original boundaries of townships in Delaware county before the boundary shapes were changed. 

Address Points: The Ohio location based response system data gives an accurate placement of addresses in Delaware County. 

Precinct: Data consists of voting precincts in Delaware county. Updated as needed and maintained by the Delaware County Auditor’s GIS Office. 

Hydrology: Set contains all of Delaware County’s major waterways and updated on a as needed basis. 

Building Outline 2021: Set has all building outlines of structures in Delaware County. 

Parcel: Consists of all cadastral parcel lines in Delaware County. 

PLSS: Set contains all Public land surveys systems in the US Military and the Virginia Military Surveys Districts of Delaware county. 

2022 Leaf-On-Imagery: 2022 Imagery 12 in Resolution??

Delaware County Contours: 2018 Two Foot contours. 

Delaware County E911 data: Ohio’s location based response system data set is an accurate representation of all certified addresses in Delaware county. Intended to support mapping, 911 emergency response, accident reporting. Geocoding, and disaster management. 


McFarland Week 6

Delaware County Data:

Zipcode: Contains all of the zip codes that are represeted in Delaware County. Data based on Census Bureau zip code files, and is updated on an as needed basis.

Recorded Document: Contains points for recorded documents. Documents include: vacations, subdivisions, centerline surverys, surveys, annexations, and miscellaneous documents within the county.

School District: Contains all of the boundaries for all of the school districts represented in Delware County. Updated as needed, and published on a monthly basis.

Map Sheet: Consists of all map sheets in Delaware County. All individual map sheets correlate to a numeric value to help distinguish between certain areas.

Farm Lot: Contains al of the farm lots in Delaware County. Data is based on US Military and Virginia Military surveys.

  • Kind of confused on why the whole county is broken into farm lots, but i’m thinking it was how it was originally divied up during westward expansion. Not sure, though.

Township: Contains all 19 townships that make up Delaware County. Updated on an as-needed basis and published monthly.

Street Centerline: Represents the centerlines of all public and private roads within Delaware County. Updated on a daily basis as it is intended to support 911 emergency responses, accident reporting, disaster management, and more.

Annexation: Shows all of the annexations and conforming boundaries from 1853 to present day. Updated on an as-needed basis and published monthly.

Condo: Contains all condominium complexes in Delaware county. Based on data from the Delaware County Recorders Office.

Subdivision: Consists of all subdivisions and condominium complexes in Delaware County. Updated daily and published Monthly. A subdivision is a parcel of land that is divided into two or more pieces for sale.

Survey: Represents the many surveys of land within Delaware County. Updated daily and published monthly.

  • Not sure what the surveys represent, but there is a lot of data in this shapefile.

Dedicated ROW: Represents all Right-of-Way lines within Delaware County. Updated daily and published Monthly.

  • Not sure how this layer really works or what each section represents, but it looks interesting!

Tax district: Contains all tax districts within Delaware County. Data is based on the Auditor’s Real Estate Office for the county.

GPS: Identifies GPS monuments that were establushed in the 1990’s. Updated as-needed and published monthly.

  • Again, not sure what these monuments are or what their GIS implications are, but looks interesting nonetheless.

Original Township: Consists of the original township boundaries in Delaware County. Unaffected boundaries before tax district changes.

Address Points-DXF: Contains points for all addresses in Delaware County. Maintined by the county Auditor’s GIS Office. Points represent the center of each building “as best as possible”.

Precinct: Represents all voting precints in Delaware County and is based on data from the County Board of Elections. Both updated and published as needed.

Hydrology: Consists of all major waterways in Delaware County. Data was enhanced in 2018 with the use of LIDAR data.

  • LIDAR is light detection and ranging.

Building Outline 2021: Shows all building outlines in Delaware County. So much data in this layer that you need to zoom in to view the outlines.

Parcel: Represents all cadastral parcel lines within the county. Data maintained by the County Auditor’s Computer Aided Mass Appraisal system.

PLSS: Consists of all Public Land survey polygonsin the county. Data is also based on Military survey data from US and Virginia Militaries.

Street Centerlines- DXF: Another representation of street centerlines for the LBRS. The LBRS is The State of Ohio Location Based Response System.

Address Point: Spatially accurate depiction of certified addresses in the county. Used to determine the closest valid address from a set of coordinated for 911 responses.

2022 Leaf-On Imagery: Imagery from 2022 12in Resolution.

Delaware County Contours: 2018 Two Foot Contours for the county.

Building Outlines – DXF: Another representation of building outlines in the county.

  • DXF stands for Drawing Exchange Format, which is a “legacy format originating in the CAD industry to exchange 2D vector data” as defined from the arcgis website.

Delaware County E911 Data: Another representation of accurate certified addresses in the county used for 911 responses.


Here’s my final map with all three instructed layers along with a scale bar, legend, north arrow, and title. Unfortunately, my screenshot is horrible quality. Also, I had to unzip all of the files to be able to drag them into ArcGIS.


P.S. Thanks, other logan for the idea of creating a whole layout rather than just a screenshot with the visible layers.