Address Point: All the addresses in Delaware County. It is published every month.
Annexation: Annexations and their boundaries in the county. which is updated and published every month.
Condo: All of the condos in the county. And is updated every month
Dedicated ROW: This is all the road right-of-way lines.
Farm Lot: farmlots in both the US Military Survey Districts within Delaware County.
GPS: Identifies all the GPS monuments which were established in 1991 and 1997. This is updated on an as-needed basis, and was updated in 2021.
Hydrology: This is all major waterways in Delaware County.
MSAG: The boundaries of the 28 political jurisdictions that are within Delaware County.
Map Sheet: map sheets within Delaware County. Last updated 2/28/2025.
Municipality: all the municipalities within the county. Last updated 2/28/2025.
Original Townships: boundaries of the original townships within Delaware County before they were changed based on tax districts.
PLSS: Public land survey system both the US military and Virginia Military Survey Districts within Delaware County.
Parcel: Consists of polygons that represent the cadastral parcel lines in the county. Updated Monthly.
Precinct: Consists of the voting precincts within the county.
Recorded Document: Plots recorded documents from the Delaware County Recorder’s Plat Books, Cabinet/Slides, and Instruments Records. Updates published monthly.
School District: all the school district lines within the county. Updated monthly.
Street Centerline: The State of Ohio Location Based Response System Street Centerlines of private and public roadways. Updated daily and published monthly.
Subdivision: all subdivisions and condos in the county. Published monthly by the county recorder’s office.
Survey: Survey points is a shapefile of a point coverage representing surveys of land within the county.