McNichols Week 3

Chapter 4

Mapping density shows you where the highest concentration of features is, useful for looking at patterns and mapping areas of different sizes more than it is for the location of individual features. A density map using areal units like hectares or miles makes it easier to see higher concentrations of features than by simply mapping the individual points. When making a density map you can map points or lines as a density surface, or you can map information already summarized by defined areas like counties. There’s a difference between mapping features (locations of businesses) or feature values (the number of employees at each business) which can create drastically different patterns and have different use cases. You can map density either by a defined area or by density surface. Dot maps are a defined area density map that collects a specified number of features represented as a single dot. The concentration of thee points will represent density graphically rather than density value. Dot maps provide a quicker sense of density to the reader, as the dots are easier to read. When calculating a density value for defined areas you do so based on the areal extent of each polygon, dividing the total population of features within that area by the areal value. This is usually displayed as a shaded map. Calculating by density surface is usually done through a GIS raster layer, which uses the features found within a cell to define its density value. The cell searches for features within a defined radius around it and assigns itself a value before the GIS repeats this in the next cell, this creates a running average of features per area and results in a smoothed surface.

Chapter 5

People map what’s inside an area to monitor what’s occurring inside it or to compare several areas. This helps people know whether to take action (if drug arrests occur within proximity to a school there’s harsher punishment) and it lets people compare what areas have more or less of certain features (conservation organization targeting areas with the most old growth forest). To find what’s inside you can draw area boundaries over the features, letting you selected and summarize the features contained within. Single area mapping lets you look at service areas around a central facility, or buffer that define a protected distance around certain features, administrative or natural boundaries, manually drawn areas, or the resulting boundaries drawn by a model. You can also find what’s inside several areas you’re treating as one (contiguous like zip codes, disjunct like state parks, or nested like 50- and 100-year floodplains).

Chapter 6

You can use GIS to find out what’s happening within a set distance of a feature, and what’s in traveling range. Finding out within a set distance identifies the area, and the features inside it, that will be affected by an event or activity. This could be a city planner needing to notify all residents within 500 feet of a proposed liquor store, or inclement disastrous weather like flooding. Finding within a set distance also lets you monitor activity within it like preventing logging within stream buffers. Traveling range is measured using distance, time, or cost. Finding traveling range can help design the area served by facilities like fire stations or stores. You can measure straight-line distance, measure distance or cost over a network, or measure cost over a surface. Though it may not immediately seem like it time is a measure of cost. Sometimes it will matter whether you are measuring over a flat plane or over the curvature of the earth. If your area of interest is small like a city, a county, or a state it would be easier to use a flat plane because the curvature does not affect measurements that severely. For larger areas of interest, you’ll need to account for the curvature of the earth.

McNichols Week 2

Chapter 1: Introducing GIS Analysis

GIS analysis is a process for looking at geographic patterns in data and the relationships between features. A framing question helps you figure out what information you need. The next step is understanding your data and what you need it to do to help answer your questions. The features, and attributes, and potentially needing to make new data by calculating new values in the data table. You then choose a process to get the information you need process the data and analyze the results. There are a lot of different types of features: discrete, continuous phenomena, or summarized by area. Discrete lines and locations can be pinpointed, continuous phenomena like temperature can be measured anywhere (there’s no place that has no temperature). Continuous data is usually interpolated from a series of discrete points. Summarized data is the count/density of individual features within defined boundaries (number of households in a county). Geographic features can be represented with vectors or rasters. Vector features are a row in a table, and features are defined by x,y locations in space, good for discrete data. Rasters represent features as a matrix of cells in continuous space, best for continuous numeric values. Continuous categories can be represented by either. Raster can be used for discrete features when combining them with other layers. Categories are groups of similar things that help you organize and make sense of your data. Ranks put features into an relative order of higher to lower. Counts and amounts show you total features, counts are the actual number of features on a map and amounts are any measurable quantity associated with a feature. Ratios show the relationship between two quantities and are created by dividing one quantity by another for each feature. Proportions are a ratio that shows you what part of a total each value is. Densities show the distribution of features or values per unit area.

Chapter 2: Mapping where things are

People use maps to see where or what an individual feature is, but by looking at the distribution of features on a map patterns emerge that help you better understand the area you’re mapping. Mapping where things are can show where you need to take action or what areas meet your criteria. You can explore causes for patterns you see. What information do you need from the analysis? Just whether features are present or not, or whether certain features occur in proximity to one another or repeatedly in the same areas. When preparing the map its important to cater the level of detail to your audience, whether technically skilled or general public level of knowledge that will require two different levels of information in order to be effective. In preparing your data each feature needs geographic coordinates, they need category values to identify its type and potentially subtypes. To make a map you need to tell the GIS what features to display. You can map them as a single type with a single symbol, or you can map by different categories and symbolize them distinctly. The number of categories is important to keep condensed in order to be easily understandable, at smaller scales you can get more detailed. There’s details on grouping categories effectively, choosing symbols, mapping recognizable reference features, all of which help make your map understandable. All of this comes together to assist in your analysis of geographic patterns. Features clustering together or appearing in patterns may infer meaningful relationships between those features or a common underlying cause.

Chapter 3: Mapping the most and the least

People map the most and the least to find places that meet their criteria and take action or to see the relationships between places. Mapping features based on quantities adds a sense of feature density that just the location of features doesn’t provide. Like before you can map discrete features, continuous phenomena, or summarized by area. Locations and linear areas usually represented by graduated features and areas are often shaded to represent quantities. Continuous phenomena can be defined areas or a surface of continuous values. Areas displayed as graduated colors and surfaces can be graduated colors, contours, or a 3D perspective view. Data summarized by area usually displayed by shading each area based on its value or using charts to show the amount of each category in each area. You want to keep in mind whether you’re exploring the data or presenting a map to your audience when you’re constructing your map. Quantities can be counts, amounts, ratios, or ranks. Counts and amounts let you see the value of each feature as well as its magnitude with other features. Counts and amounts can be used for discrete features or continuous phenomena. If summarizing by area using ratios will make it clearer, because using counts or amounts can skew the patterns if the areas vary in size. Using ratios evens out differences between large and small areas, or areas with many features and those with few. Averages are good for comparing places that have few features with those that have many. Proportions show you what part of a whole each quantity represents. Densities show you where features are concentrated. Ranks put features in order from high to low and show relative relationships rather than measured values.

McNichols Weeks 5/6 Missing Files (6-9)

Files for chapters 6 through 9 on my flash drive got deleted the first go around. I’ve re-downloaded the tutorials and this post is gonna be those  chapters.

Chapter 6

Nothing much to report on, now that I actually have the files I need and they’re formatting properly everything is pretty smooth sailing.

Chapter 7

Same as above, easy to grasp, everything went well.

Chapter 8

8-1 says 1120 of 1123 should have been matches, but none of mine did. I double checked all previous directions and I don’t think I’ve made any mistakes so I’m unsure how this happened. After a quick scroll through the attribute table it looks like 100% of the addresses have zip codes listed, so I have no idea how this happened or what data to use to rematch attendee data by zip code. Every single entry is also marked “U” for unmatched. Moving on because I’ve dealt with enough corrupted files. 8.2 went fine.

Chapter 9

I got through 9-1 and 9-2 before my data deleted, so I’m starting with 9-3.  TheFields tab within the spatial join tool doesn’t have what the book describes and I can’t select FacilityID as the OutputField, there’s no MergeRule option. Moving on. 9-4 went well, no issues. Same with 9-5


McNichols Week 6

Chapter 9

I got partway through chapter 9 before turning in for the night, I’m back on the morning of the 24th and all the files from the chapter 9 folder are gone now too. 10 and 11 are still there in their entirety, but this probably means the missing files aren’t because of an improper download. I’m going to finish chapters 10 and 11 before I redownload anything.

Chapter 10

Everything went pretty smoothly, the only hiccup I ran into was at the very end when I’m supposed to insert different variable weights and create different poverty index layers. The Poverty Index tool seemed to not be able to read any new values I put into it, even the defaults were reading as missing values. I opened the editor, everything was colored, then I clicked validate and the raster calculator and poverty index turned grey. I’ve checked all the other variables in the editor and they’re all the same as when the program worked. Not sure why it broke.

Chapter 11

I really like the 3d maps. I think I opened the wrong topographic basemap but when told to visit another area I thought I’d give myself a visit as I’m writing this. Hi me! I’m not sure why my 11-3 trees are floating, and the diagram in the book definitely shows the realistic tree not thematic like it told me to select. Everything else went pretty smoothly. Now that I’ve finished the book I can go back for the chapters where my files got deleted, which will probably be its own post instead of editing preexisting ones.

McNichols Week 5

Chapter 4

I’ve enjoyed using the calculate fields tool so far, especially once I start turning that into visual representations on the map using the symbology. The parts of the program we worked with in week 4 are starting to feel intuitive. Narrowing down the search parameters in 4.3 made sense.

Chapter 5

There is no “Display XY Data” option when I right click Libraries in tutorial 5.4. In 5.5 one of the fields we’re supposed to be working with is formatted incorrectly. Estimate should be before male, and its also missing “Workers 16 years and over” or the equivalent. I can only guess that its the equivalent to the other column we’re trying to keep. I got the table loaded in properly, but I couldn’t figure out how to add it to the contents pane. I moved on to the next step and closed the table, then opened it again just to make sure I wasn’t missing anything and now the table is repeatedly failing to load. Closing and restarting the application fixed these issues. Figured out how to add the table, we’re good.

Chapter 6

Tutorial 6.1 doesn’t seem to have any data loaded in it at all, and there’s no instructions about repairing missing data so I’m assuming this is an issue with the files I initially downloaded. When I look at the file folder in my file finder outside of the program the .gdb folder has files in it but the tutorial doesn’t seem able to take any of them as its empty when I’m looking through the ArcGIS program. After flipping through the rest of the chapter 6 tutorials it seems like they’re all unable to read data, every single content layer is empty and I can’t find anything to insert into them while within ArcGIS.

The folders for Chapter 7 and Chapter 8 are completely empty as well. Chapters 9-11 have everything in full so I’m not sure how this would have downloaded improperly. Nobody else seems to be reporting these kinds of issues. I will probably need to re download the files for this class so I can do this section properly, but for right now I’m just going to get this posted.

McNichols Week 4

Chapter 1 –

Everything in this chapter was pretty easy and straightforward. The first time I tried running the program though it tried backing up my files and the computer froze. Getting to mess around in the 3D environment was cool, it reminded me of a project called 177776: The Future of Football, that I highly recommend reading. That project makes frequent use of models like the one we were working with in this chapter.

Chapter 2 –

My popups don’t seem to populate with any information, but as it hasn’t stopped me from what I need to do yet I’m finishing the work I’m assigned and will figure it out later. Ran into an error with tutorial 2.4 where the “Over age 60 receiving food stamps” layer didn’t have a valid data source, unsure how to fix that. The language in the text book of “Out Beyond” is outdated for Maximum/Minimum scale and I wasted a few minutes looking for a feature that’s not in the program.

Chapter 3 –

Sometimes the textbook refers to the Content Pane as the Catalog Pane and that’s caused me confusion. In 3.2 I am unable to share the maps because I don’t have publishing privileges. I don’t know what could be causing this issue, as I did all the registration steps that we needed to for ArcGIS. In 3.3 it said I am unable to log in to my account, not that my account didn’t exist, so I’m not sure what to do there but I did read the chapter. This barrier also means I can’t complete 3.4. I’ll come back for these assignments, but there’s other work I need to finish for this class first.

McNichols Week 1

Hi! I’m Ethan McNichols, I’m a senior Environmental Studies major and double minor in Data & Society and Social Justice. I’m a member of OWU’s cross country and track teams, and on campus I’m involved with the TTRPG club (games like Dungeons and Dragons) and TCG club (like Magic the Gathering)

Prior to this course, I’ve had some amount of experience with GIS due to my summer internship at the Ohio EPA. I worked in the Stormwater program in the Department of Surface Water, and would use their internal GIS system primarily to locate permitted locations to conduct storm water inspections at. I also did some editing and correction of the dataset the software was operating off of, as there was a large batch of permits that had incorrect or missing location values. As the reading gets into GIS is an incredibly broad term and I’ve only had meaningful interaction with a very small part of that umbrella, so I’m excited to learn more throughout this class.  I think its interesting that some GIS scholars view its conception as an inevitability, the natural conclusion to the converging technologies and disciplines of the time, especially as it relates to the documentation and interaction with population data like the census. I really enjoyed reading about the back and forth about GIS as the visualization of spatial patterns and the “intuitive” reasoning that it interacts with, as well as the distinction between GIS as science and as system as the field has grown and established itself.

A use of GIS technology that I find incredibly compelling is the website Queering the Map, where a community-generated database of personal moments and stories with the user’s queerness are mapped onto relevant locations. We’ve got a few of these data points on campus at the dorms and SLUs, and there are a few more scattered throughout Delaware. The project is a documentation of a spatial relationship to queerness, the places and communities that hold those experiences.

The other GIS system I looked at was GIS for Climate, a database maintained by ESRI which contains filters for flooding projections in the United States, days above 90 degrees Fahrenheit, and a lot of other climate change related spatial analysis.