Bahrey Week 2

The ESRI Guide to GIS Analysis, vol. 1  (second edition, 2020) by Andy Mitchell

Chapter 1

GIS analysis is defined as a process for looking at geographic patterns in data and at relationships between features. When performing an analysis, the first step is to frame the question or figure out what information is needed. Understanding the data by evaluating its features and attributes helps to determine what needs to be acquired or created. In conjunction with consideration for the initial question and how the results of the analysis will be used, the type of data informs the specific method to select. After choosing a method, the data is processed by performing the necessary steps in a GIS and the results of the analysis may be displayed as a map, values in a table, or a chart.

It is crucial to be cognizant of the types of geographic features and how they are represented as the geographic features of the data impact every aspect of the analysis process.
3 Types of Geographic Features:
1. Discrete Features – Discontinuous and have definite feature boundaries (Esri definition I found online)
2. Continuous Phenomena – Can be found or measured anywhere – blanket the entire area mapped.
3. Features Summarized by Area – Represents the counts or density of individual features within area boundaries.

Vector (feature shapes are defined by x,y locations) and raster (features are represented as a matrix of cells) are the two models of the world that represent geographic features in a GIS. Discrete features and data summarized by area are usually represented using the vector model while continuous numeric values are represented using the raster model.

All data layers should be in the same map projection (translates locations on a globe onto the flat map) and coordinate system (specifies the units used to locate features in two-dimensional space and their origin).

Geographic features have one or more attributes. Attribute values include categories (groups of similar things), ranks (order features from high to low), counts (actual number of features) and amounts (measurable quantity associated with a feature), and ratios (relationship between two quantities). Working with tables that contain attribute values and summary statistics is a vital component of GIS analysis. Selecting features to work with a subset or to assign attribute values to just those features, calculating attribute values to assign new values to features in the data table, and summarizing the values for specific attributes to get statistics are all common operations performed on features and values within tables.


Chapter 2

Maps are often used to see where or what an individual feature is. However, looking at the distribution of features on a map can reveal patterns about the area being mapped, informing where action should be taken or potential causes for observed patterns. Before looking for geographic patterns in a data set, the features to display and how to display them must be decided based on the information needed and how the map will be used. The features being mapped must also have geographic coordinates assigned and a category attribute with values before map creation begins.

Telling the GIS which features to display and what symbols to use to draw them is the first step to creating a map. All features can be mapped in a layer as a single type (drawing all features using the same symbol) or displayed by category values (drawing features using a different symbol for each category value). When mapping by category, including different categories may reveal different patterns because features may belong to more than one category. Often, no more than seven categories are shown on the same map but, if the patterns are complex or the features are close together, separate maps for each category map be created. Grouping categories by assigning each record in the database to two codes (detailed or general), creating a table containing one record for each detailed code, or assigning the same symbol to the various detailed categories that comprise each general category are methods of grouping categories to make patterns easier to see when there are more than seven initial categories. The symbols used to display categories can also help reveal patterns in the data. It is important to remember that colors are easier to distinguish than shapes and using similar colors for related categories rather than randomly assigned colors can make patterns more obvious. A map that presents information clearly will display evident patterns in a dataset.


Chapter 3

Mapping the most and the least means to map features based on the quantity associated with each to see which places meet the criteria or understand the relationship between places. Determining the type of features being mapped and the purpose of the map will assist in deciding how to best present the quantities and see patterns on the map. Symbols must be assigned to features based on an attribute that contains a quantity (counts or amounts, ratios, or ranks) to map the most and the least. After determining the type of quantities in the data, the quantities must be represented on the map either by assigning each individual value to its own symbol or grouping values into classes. To look for patterns in the data, a standard classification scheme (natural breaks/jenks, quantile, equal interval, or standard deviation) should be used to group similar values. Creating a bar chart with attribute values on the horizontal axis shows how the data are distributed across their range, informing classification scheme selection. Once the data values are classified, a map type should be chosen based on the type of features and the data values being mapped.

Graduated Symbols – Used to map discrete locations, lines, or areas.
Graduated Colors – Used to map discrete areas, data summarized by area, or continuous phenomena.
Charts – Used to map data summarized by area, or discrete locations or areas.
Contour Lines – Used to show the rate of change in values across an area for spatially continuous phenomena.

To visualize the surface of continuous phenomena, three-dimensional (3D) perspective views are utilized. When creating a 3D view, the viewer’s location, z-factor (specified value to increase the variation in the surface), and location of the light source are manipulated to determine what the view will look like. A map that presents information clearly will display where the highest and lowest values are.

Bahrey Week 1

Hello! My name is Ashley Bahrey and I am a junior Zoology, Environmental Science, and Geography major. I am from Cleveland, Ohio and I like to make jewelry and crochet in my spare time. I also have three cats that I love and adore!!!

I am one of the people that Nadine Schuurman is talking about in chapter 1 of GIS: A Short Introduction that previously did not know many of the core ways in which GIS is integrated in my daily life. The discussion around how GIS does not have a rigid identity because it is used to ask both where spatial entities are and how spatial entities may be encoded made me begin to consider just how interdisciplinary the use of GIS must be. I found Schuurman’s way of differentiating between spatial analysis and mapping by pointing out that mapping does not create more information than was originally provided to be very helpful in understanding these concepts. While Canada was credited for developing one of the earliest computer cartography systems, I thought it was interesting that GIS roots emerged somewhat simultaneously around the world in the 1960s. I really appreciate the lengths that Schuurman goes to make the content of this chapter straightforward and accessible. Her comparison of GIS to a calculator nicely set up the conversation she creates around GIS as a tool that can be used to visualize spatial data and “utilize fuzzy data”. Thinking of the visual aspect of GIS as a means of increasing the accessibility of spatial analysis is intuitive to me and definitely underscores the importance of GIS as a method of communicating big ideas in ways that can be digested by people with varying backgrounds. I also found the discussion surrounding the differences between GISystems and GIScience to be very informative, providing context for a new focus on researching the technical and theoretical problems associated with GIS. Additionally, the point that Schuurman raises about how map readers may interpret symbols and map representation differently seems paramount to visualizing spatial data in a way that can be accurately and efficiently utilized. Detailing some of the many ways that we rely on GIS in our everyday lives sets the stage for Schuurman’s overarching point that the intellectual and disciplinary ties of GIS must be studied in tandem with the technology itself to understand how modern society is organized and influenced by the digital realm. 


Search 1:GIS Application Eastern Bluebird Population Monitoring

This is a species distribution map for eastern bluebirds (Sialia sialis). While eastern bluebirds are categorized as of least concern (LC) on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, it is important to understand the range and habitat use of this species because these birds experienced serious population declines beginning in the early 20th century due to competition with invasive species and pesticide use. As low-aggression secondary cavity nesters, bluebirds were left with fewer places to nest. The installation of cavity nesting boxes designed to keep the larger birds like the invasive European Starling and bluebirds trails caused populations to rebound in the 1960s. Now, the population trend for eastern bluebirds is increasing. 

BirdLife International (2025) Species factsheet: Eastern Bluebird Sialia sialis. Downloaded from on 16/01/2025.

Search 2: “GIS Socioeconomic Status and Environmental Contaminants

Figure 1

This is a map of three ranges of critical health code violations (CHV) in 10,859 retail food service facilities overlaid on a map of poverty levels by census tracts in the city of Philadelphia, PA. The large number and close proximity of food service facilities make visual interpretations of mapping difficult, but this study found that food service facilities in higher poverty areas had a greater number of facilities with at least one CHV and underwent more frequent inspections compared to those in lower poverty areas. Additionally, the results of this study showed that facilities in census tracts with high concentrations of Hispanic populations had more CHVs than those in other demographic areas (Darcey & Quinlan 2011).

Darcey, V. L., Quinlan, J. J. (2011). Use of Geographic Information Systems Technology to Track Critical Health Code Violations in Retail Facilities Available to Populations of Different Socioeconomic Status and Demographic. Journal of Food Protection 74(9): 1524-1530.