Naples Week 2

Chapter 1:

Chapter 1 focuses on an overall introduction to GIS. This introduction does not reduce GIS to ‘only a software,’ but also emphasizes the impact it has made across diverse disciplines. Through new technologies, researchers sharing their findings online, and advancements in the software itself, GIS has created a space for itself in disciplines from healthcare to construction. However, while this emphasis of the diversification of uses for GIS is important, what is more important is how the standard use of GIS has not changed. A user must still be able to structure their analysis properly and know which tools are applicable to the tasks they are carrying out. The part of GIS that has always interested me (without even knowing what GIS is) has been comparing mapping changes. Growing up in the rust belt in the early 2000s, much of what I remember as my hometown has been torn down. I remember neighborhoods upon neighborhoods of abandoned homes, however now even the streets they once stood on are gone. Chapter 1 goes on to expand upon what GIS Analysis is and the process of carrying it out. The portion under the subheading Frame the Question, “Or you may need to present results to policy makers or the public for discussion, for scientific review, or in a courtroom,” truly stuck out to me. I am currently taking Dustin’s Scientific Communication class. This concept of angling research and the language of said research to your audience is something that has interested me since beginning my undergraduate career. The way geographic features were described and explained was something that I cannot say I have ever seen before this reading. However, that being said I believe that these definitions are extremely valuable and should be introduced to those working outside the discipline of Geography/GIS. The skill of being able to read maps (both those for travel and information) is something that people my age are extremely lacking in. Taking these concepts such as ‘Discrete Features,’ or ‘Continuous Phenomena’ are elements of maps that I have often seen/heard of. However, this is the very first time I have ever been given a name to put to them.


Chapter 2:

As I’m reading through the first few chapters of this book, it is doing such a good job explaining these concepts that I often try to, but fall flat with my family/people outside of my major. It is very refreshing to see definitions that use simple language without diminishing content. The example, on page 24, of police mapping where crimes occur seems well intended, however, in practice wouldn’t this need exponentially more context and information? If implemented exactly how the example is written, could the GIS use be directly linked to potential over-policing? I appreciate the sections in the book where it is written in a way that prevents you from overthinking. For example, on page 26, it discusses using appropriate features, implying sometimes ‘less is more.’ Much of this chapter is introducing basic ‘rules’ to follow when mapping. Things such as creating multiple small maps if information is too compact, or choosing bright colors for important information and leaving more pastel/dull colors for necessary yet not critical info are themes that run strong throughout this chapter. All of this information, while it may seem lackluster or somewhat boring, is actually very crucial to making high quality legible maps. This portion of the chapter can also be related back to Dustin’s Scientific Communication class. In order to make your map as effective as possible, you must know your audience. A crucial part of ‘knowing your audience’ is changing the formatting of information without diminishing the quality of said information. In providing the reading multiple different examples of how to communicate the same information, the book is preparing future GIS users on adapting to their audience. One portion of the chapter that I am still not fully comprehending is the discussion of how GIS uses coordinates. I understand the basic premise discussed that you select the coordinates where you would like a symbol, to define boundaries of a land parcel, etc, however, are these coordinates that I have to retrieve on my own? If so, what is the process of doing so? I could be totally overthinking this (which would be a relief).


Chapter 3:

Chapter 3 keeps the focus on this set of ‘rules’ that are important to remember when making effective maps. However, where chapter 2 took a strict focus on the interpretability of maps, chapter 3 focuses on the quantitative aspects of these maps. Opening with the concept of mapping the most and the least, this first topic discusses how to successfully and efficiently communicate your numbers through the map. A very good example of this is the comparison between the mapped Locations of businesses vs. Businesses mapped by number of employees on page 52. The concept of Continuous Phenomena was somewhat difficult for me to grasp at first. I do believe that I was fully overcomplicating it for myself. However I still do have some questions about it. As continuous phenomena can be defined as areas or a surface of continuous values, how would I determine which is more effective? Is this something that I would just have to evaluate on a case-by-case basis? Am I thinking too much into this? Page 56 discusses the different ways that you can present this quantitative data and how this would impact the perspective of your audience. This portion of the chapter focuses on whether the use is ‘exploring the data or presenting a map.’ I have been consistently, pleasantly surprised by this book. I had assumed that these chapters were going to be boring, strictly informational pages discussing the actual usability of GIS. However, this approach of providing a user the practical, real-world uses for the software is very refreshing. It is getting me excited to stare at maps for hours on end. The section discussing counts, amounts, ratios and ranks was very helpful for me. As someone who does not have a brain for math, the explanation of what to use when was exactly what I needed.

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