McNichols Week 6

Chapter 9

I got partway through chapter 9 before turning in for the night, I’m back on the morning of the 24th and all the files from the chapter 9 folder are gone now too. 10 and 11 are still there in their entirety, but this probably means the missing files aren’t because of an improper download. I’m going to finish chapters 10 and 11 before I redownload anything.

Chapter 10

Everything went pretty smoothly, the only hiccup I ran into was at the very end when I’m supposed to insert different variable weights and create different poverty index layers. The Poverty Index tool seemed to not be able to read any new values I put into it, even the defaults were reading as missing values. I opened the editor, everything was colored, then I clicked validate and the raster calculator and poverty index turned grey. I’ve checked all the other variables in the editor and they’re all the same as when the program worked. Not sure why it broke.

Chapter 11

I really like the 3d maps. I think I opened the wrong topographic basemap but when told to visit another area I thought I’d give myself a visit as I’m writing this. Hi me! I’m not sure why my 11-3 trees are floating, and the diagram in the book definitely shows the realistic tree not thematic like it told me to select. Everything else went pretty smoothly. Now that I’ve finished the book I can go back for the chapters where my files got deleted, which will probably be its own post instead of editing preexisting ones.

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