McNichols Week 5

Chapter 4

I’ve enjoyed using the calculate fields tool so far, especially once I start turning that into visual representations on the map using the symbology. The parts of the program we worked with in week 4 are starting to feel intuitive. Narrowing down the search parameters in 4.3 made sense.

Chapter 5

There is no “Display XY Data” option when I right click Libraries in tutorial 5.4. In 5.5 one of the fields we’re supposed to be working with is formatted incorrectly. Estimate should be before male, and its also missing “Workers 16 years and over” or the equivalent. I can only guess that its the equivalent to the other column we’re trying to keep. I got the table loaded in properly, but I couldn’t figure out how to add it to the contents pane. I moved on to the next step and closed the table, then opened it again just to make sure I wasn’t missing anything and now the table is repeatedly failing to load. Closing and restarting the application fixed these issues. Figured out how to add the table, we’re good.

Chapter 6

Tutorial 6.1 doesn’t seem to have any data loaded in it at all, and there’s no instructions about repairing missing data so I’m assuming this is an issue with the files I initially downloaded. When I look at the file folder in my file finder outside of the program the .gdb folder has files in it but the tutorial doesn’t seem able to take any of them as its empty when I’m looking through the ArcGIS program. After flipping through the rest of the chapter 6 tutorials it seems like they’re all unable to read data, every single content layer is empty and I can’t find anything to insert into them while within ArcGIS.

The folders for Chapter 7 and Chapter 8 are completely empty as well. Chapters 9-11 have everything in full so I’m not sure how this would have downloaded improperly. Nobody else seems to be reporting these kinds of issues. I will probably need to re download the files for this class so I can do this section properly, but for right now I’m just going to get this posted.

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