Villanueva Henkle Week 5

Chapter 4

Got through this chapter with no serious issues, but this is the point of the book where many settings don’t show up easily/have been changed slightly making them difficult to find/use. Luckily, I was able to figure it out, but it took much longer than it should have because of it.


Chapter 5

This is where I started having issues. The census data from tutorial 5-5 was not downloading from the website, despite using multiple browsers and devices, so that tutorial remains uncomplete. I was also unable to complete the “Download local data from a public agency hub” section as the data that is required is erased from the website. However, everything that did work went smoothly and settings were easy to find.

Chapter 6

Luckily, I had no serious problems with Chapter 6. The one thing that kept tripping me up was the fact that I kept joining tables the wrong way, by adding fields to the wrong table. I feel very confident in myself regarding this chapter, and don’t see myself having to go back to it often.

Chapter 7

Absolutely no problems here. I enjoyed doing some more of the easier graphic design aspects of GIS rather than the more intense calculations or learning all of the tools.


Chapter 8

Again, no issues here. Very easy and short chapter, though I can definitely see its usefulness when dealing with lots of different maps at the same time.



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