Kelner Week 4

Chapter 1:

I personally found the start of this chapter monotonous but that comes with learning a new program. Once I got the hang of it I was able to get through the tutorials fairly quick. The biggest problem I have with ArcGIS is finding stuff and I sometimes just sat for 5-6 minutes looking for something, quite literally, right in front of me. Other than that this chapter went pretty smoothly.

Chapter 2:

Chapter 2’s tutorials also went well aside from the data being corrupted in Tutorial 2-3 I believe so I ended up skipping it. It was a pretty cool getting to see how  much thought goes into fonts and text colors when naming the neighborhoods and water ways. I did struggle to find the white halo effect for the neighborhood text but otherwise things went well.

Chapter 3:

I struggled with the online sharing and may need to look at it later but I really enjoyed making the map and legend page. It was also cool to see the other side of GIS with making the bar graph and how diverse the system can be with showing data. Other than the online issue, things went well but I still get lost and can’t find stuff for a bit.

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