Jolliff Week 6

Chapter 9

The tables were not working in chapter 9-3 when I tried to to join “service area” and “pool tags”. I was also unable to make the scatter plot. I moved on to 9-4.evrything else in this chapter went well. Super fun!


Chapter 10 

10-1 & 2 were fine in 10-3, I was unable to make the expression ZFHHChld=(!FHHChildren!-45.20/66.8. I kept going adn had an error in my model, but I think I fixed it, maybe? The poverty index wasnt showing i kept going adn made it to chapter 11.

Chapter 11 

Chapter 11 was fine, it was kinda crazy with all of the 3D things. Had some issues moving stuff around it was kind of hard to get the map to move in a way to see what you wanted to see. But overall a good chapter.

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