Chapter 4
Chapter 4 was a lot of work with spatial databases and databases in general. The first part was straightforward and I got it pretty easy. However, tutorial 4-2 I ran into some problems. When trying to code GEOIDNum = !GEOID10! I kept getting error messages which took me to a webpage with a message from python saying the code was invalid. I’m not very tech savvy but I tried my best to figure it out. Eventually I had to move on from this section. Moving on, section 4-3 was interesting. This section was about carrying out attribute queries. I was a little intimidated at first seeing what looked like lines of code in the book, but it was not that bad. Below is a picture from 4-3 with data from crime incidents.
Chapter 5
This chapter was really interesting. I was happy to go back to working more with the shape of maps. The first section was fun. I was given a map of the world but with some distortions. Then I had to change the map projection to the Robinson projection, which is usually used when mapping the globe. Below is a picture of that map in 5-1. Tutorial 5-2 was pretty straightforward. I ran into some trouble in 5-3. Everything was going smoothly, I added tracts and municipalities to the map, added tracts and layers and changed the outline color, so it was pretty basic stuff. Then I needed to change the coordinate system. There was no NAD 1983 so I could not finish this part of the tutorial. This chapter ends with working with real world data, which I thought was really cool. I like how I went to the actual US census website to use real data. However, I ran into yet another problem trying to finish this chapter. I could not figure out how to access the data to put into Microsoft excel. Downloading geospatial data seems like It will be important so I plan on going back to this part later.
Chapter 6
This chapter was all about geoprocessing. 6-1 was pretty easy. I learned how to dissolve features to create neighborhoods and fire divisions and battalions. This is important for real world applications. I did not have the chapter 6 gdb so I could not export the selected features for part 6-2. I really liked 6-3 when I had to merge water features. Tutorial 6-4 was very simple and it was nice to have something easy. I simply imported two files and ran one of the tools. I will provide a picture of the data from 6-4 below. The last two sections were a little more tedious in my opinion. I am still not super confident when it comes to things like combining two sets of data.
Chapter 7
I really liked this chapter. I appreciate any part of a chapter that does not require a lot of data input, and this first part was moving buildings to their correct locations. This was my favorite part, it was like a game being able to move all the buildings around. Below I will add a picture from 7-1 of moving the first building. The rest of the chapter had similar tasks using other cartography tools.
Chapter 8
I was very pleased to see how short chapter 8 would be. This chapter is about geocoding. The first part is geocoding data using zip codes. I had to build a zip code locator, and then correct the unmatched zip codes. This part was challenging for me because at this point my brain was tired and ready to be done with GIS. But, I prevailed. The second part was really easy. 8-2 was about geocoding street addresses. I will provide a screenshot of the finished map from 8-2 below. First I built a street locator and set its geocoding option. Putting in all the data in the create locator pane was a little tedious, but very straightforward. Overall, I understood chapter 8 pretty well.