Fry Week 3

Chapter 4 centers around the concept of density and mapping it. Mapping density makes it easier to understand which areas are the most concentrated in some type of resource or landmark, for example in the book it references small businesses. Instead of simply plotting each location on a map where they could become overlapped and difficult to understand, you map with darker colors in areas of high density and include a key so that density can be better visualized. Mapping density rather than simply the location of features on a map gives you a measure of their density per area. Density can be mapped using a graph, a dot map, or calculating density for each designated area. Creating a density surface in GIS is usually preferable but it requires the most data input and more individual data on locations rather than data separated by region or county lines. GIS can also take a map density by area map and use the data to construct a dot density map to represent density graphically.
When using GIS to create a density surface there are many factors to consider including cell size, search radius, calculation method, and units of measurement. Another thing to consider when creating a density surface is that data that is summarized by defined areas can be used to make these types of maps but it must be generalized by the centroid of each defined area. This means that the summarized data is assigned to the point at the center of the defined area for which it is summarized. Additionally, for these maps a graduation of colors is assigned to each value so that the density can be visualized. The results of creating these types of maps in GIS are almost entirely dependent on the choices made with the many variables that can be manipulated in the program, meaning the same data can look different in final products where different visualization choices were made.

Chapter 5 discusses the need to map what is inside an area. This is necessary because the bonds for these areas can be “within 1000 feet of a school” or something like that to impose stiffer punishments on crime. This is an example of finding what is inside one area but you can also use mapping to find what is inside several areas such as each district in a city. In either case, you first have to know the boundaries of your area(s). Then, the discrete or continuous nature of the features you are measuring has to be taken into account. You can also use GIS to list features, count them, or get a summary. You also have to consider if the features being measured are completely in the area because discrete features can easily be partially in or out of a defined boundary.
There are three ways to find what is inside the area. First, drawing both the areas and the features, this way you can see the boundaries of your area and what features are inside it. This is specifically good if you only need to know which features are inside and outside of an area. Second, you can specify the area and the layer that contains your features so that GIS selects a subset of the features which is inside the area. This is best for getting a list of the features inside an area. Finally, you can overlay the areas and the features to create a new layer which compares the two layers and summarizes the statistics for each area. Which is best for doing both at the same time, as it is the most flexible.
Using the results of these summaries can be tricky. Some ways it can be used include: the count of a total number of features in an area, the frequency of a number of features with similar values in an area, or to summarize a specific numeric attribute such as the sum of certain features. These similar principles can be applied to much more complicated data, overlaying layers onto each other and creating understandable visualizations of complicated data over a range of areas.

Chapter 6 focuses on mapping what is nearby to a feature. This is important because some features may require notifying anyone living within a set distance. However, “nearby” is a concept that ranges in distance, within GIS you must define the distance which is being considered as nearby. Sometimes it is just straight distance away, or in some cases distance has to be measured using networks of transportation such as roads. Distance and cost can both be used to measure what is nearby, cost can include the amount of time it takes to get somewhere from your location. You also must consider the information you require from your analysis, sometimes it may be a list of everything “nearby”, a count of the total number of restaurants nearby, or a summary statistic for the area.
To determine “nearby” you can use GIS to set an inclusive ring based on straight-line distance, which is best for defining the area of influence around the feature. To do this you have to create a buffer in GIS at a certain distance from the feature you are discussing. Additionally, using this method you can use GIS to find the distance between two features, or to create a spider diagram with your chosen feature at the center. Another option is using distance or cost over a network (such as roadways), which is best used when measuring travel over a fixed infrastructure is necessary. GIS includes a ready-to-use street network which can be used to find whats nearby in terms of distance; however, this is not the only possible network you may want to use so custom networks can be built in the program. GIS will start at your feature and check the distance to the nearest junction in relation to your specified distance, and it will repeat this until a definition of everything “nearby” has been reached. You can also specify more than one center in this type of mapping. Finally, measuring cost (of time or another variable) over a surface is most helpful when you need to measure overland travel and calculate how much area is within your range. This has to be done using a raster layer of continuous distance from your feature.

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