Villanueva Henkle Week 6

Chapter 9

Everything went well except for some aspects of the Spatial Join tool. I could not locate the “Output Fields” entry, and because of that, could not create the proper tables. This led to my being unable to complete Tutorial 9-3, including the Scatterplot section. Other than this, I had no issues, and I feel I am becoming very comfortable with using the software at this point.

Chapter 10

Absolutely no problems here, but I felt that a lot of what we learned in this chapter was more niche than the rest. However, still good to know.


Chapter 11

I ran into issues across the board while trying to translate height onto the maps. I couldn’t get the Bldgs, Steel Tower, or the Bridge to actually do anything. I’m going to try and go back this weekend to look over it with fresh eyes if I find the time.

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