Godsey Week 6

Chapter 9:

Chapter 9 went relatively smoothly; I encountered a couple of issues. One was in tutorial 9; when trying to select block centroids within the buffers and find the sum of the number of youths, I couldn’t figure out how to locate and open the PittsburghBlockCe_Statistics table. The other issue I discovered was trying to create the scatterplot. I also had issues with the desktop freezing, so I lost my screenshots from this chapter, but I will make up for it with more pictures of chapters 10 and 11!


Chapter 10:

Chapter 10 went smoother than Chapter 9. The only issue I encountered was in Tutorial 3 when trying to apply the ZFHHChld expression to the PittsburghBlkGroup attribution table. 

Chapter 11:

Chapter 11 went successfully! I ran into some minor issues; in tutorial 4, the line of sight between Observer 1 and Obsever 2 did not show up, and in tutorial 5, I could not find the Range tab in Properties to select FloorNumber. I enjoyed the animation portion of this chapter!

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