Pratt Week 5

Chapter 4:

It took a minute to get used to the software again, but I figured it out. I like that search tool it’s really swag.

Chapter 5:

Tutorial 5 is giving me a crazy headache. The data from the census website was not formatted like it was noted in the book, which was frustrating. I worked at it for a while but decided to leave it incomplete because the three shapefiles did not download correctly. Otherwise, everything went well.

Chapter 6:

No real issues except the three different merge tool options. I liked learning about merging features, I fear it will  be useful in the future.

Chapter 7:

I love to smooth and merge features especially when they’re fun and colorful buildings!!!!!!!!!!!!

Chapter 8:

No issues except slight fear when seeing the caution signs. I don’t know why they’re there but the program worked so it’s fine.

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