Plunkett Week 5

Chapter 4: I struggled a bit with the program at the beginning of this one. Certain things weren’t in the same spot as they used to be, which took a little experimenting, but I figured it out.

Chapter 5: Some of the maps would break if I was too zoomed out or too zoomed in so I kept having to find a perfect middle so it wouldn’t glitch out. Definitely went smoother than Chapter 4. However, for 5-5, the website to download the census data keeps giving me a 404 code so I cannot complete that section.

Chapter 6: Once again certain things would trip me up, but I would eventually figure them out. My biggest problem is getting stuff from files for some reason. Other than me confusing myself it went pretty smoothly.

Chapter 7: Not much to say besides that it went quicker than the other chapters. I did struggle with drawing polygons on occasion. It was nice to do something that wasn’t too complicated. My outline also refused to turn white so I was stuck with blue.

Chapter 8: I couldn’t do much with this one because none of the locators were created in the contents section. It said it ran and that the locator was completed but I could not pull it up.


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