Pratt Week 4

Ch. 1  ArcGIS pro

This is such fun software! It was hard to get used to at first, but with practice and repetition, all was well. My favorite was Ch1Tut4 when we got to make features 3D. It’s like if a bar graph and a map had a baby. My eyes hurt now so I’m done here. Excited for 3 more hours in the GIS lab next week.

Tutorial 2

forgor to take a picture for tutorial 3 and 4 rip

why are there so many for chapter 2

Ch. 2

accidentally  eliminated the map for tutorial 1 and i dont know how to get it back so… moving on to tutorial 2-2

tutorial 3

tutorial 4

tutorial 5

tutorial 6

tutorial 7

tutorial 8

chapter 3

tutorial 1

i got lost this is as far as i got:

tutorial 2

wouldn’t let me share it online because i dont have the privledges (??) so couldn’t go any further. but now i know how to share!

tut 3 story map:

tutorial 4 map:



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