McNichols Week 4

Chapter 1 –

Everything in this chapter was pretty easy and straightforward. The first time I tried running the program though it tried backing up my files and the computer froze. Getting to mess around in the 3D environment was cool, it reminded me of a project called 177776: The Future of Football, that I highly recommend reading. That project makes frequent use of models like the one we were working with in this chapter.

Chapter 2 –

My popups don’t seem to populate with any information, but as it hasn’t stopped me from what I need to do yet I’m finishing the work I’m assigned and will figure it out later. Ran into an error with tutorial 2.4 where the “Over age 60 receiving food stamps” layer didn’t have a valid data source, unsure how to fix that. The language in the text book of “Out Beyond” is outdated for Maximum/Minimum scale and I wasted a few minutes looking for a feature that’s not in the program.

Chapter 3 –

Sometimes the textbook refers to the Content Pane as the Catalog Pane and that’s caused me confusion. In 3.2 I am unable to share the maps because I don’t have publishing privileges. I don’t know what could be causing this issue, as I did all the registration steps that we needed to for ArcGIS. In 3.3 it said I am unable to log in to my account, not that my account didn’t exist, so I’m not sure what to do there but I did read the chapter. This barrier also means I can’t complete 3.4. I’ll come back for these assignments, but there’s other work I need to finish for this class first.

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