Shaw Week 4

Chapter 1

1.1: It took me a long time to figure out how to get the program up and running.

1.2: I am still trying to figure out how to navigate the program but the book and slides are slowly helping.

1.3: The tutorial mainly focuses on how to use the attribute table and the summary statistics tool.

1.4: I was having issues with the 3d model and being able to see it but I believe other people were going through the same issue

Chapter 2

2.1: Still getting used to GIS and how it operates. Learning to display polygons. 

2.2: Learned how to use pop ups, remove duplicate labels, and label features.

2.3: This section was easy to understand, the street icons made it very crowded.

2.4: This section was corrupt and I was unable to display the contents for the neighborhood.

2.5: I was having trouble with this section and figuring out how to have the icons appear. 

2.6:  I was having an issue changing the percentages on this section by doing it manually, I must not be noticing something but I got it as close as I could.

2.7: Was easy to navigate.

2.8: I am not really sure what this section was asking me to do but I believe I completed it, it can also be due to the fact that navigating the west village and lower manhattan seemed like an issue.

Chapter 3

3.1: I was having issues with this one, the top map kept disappearing and I am not sure what I did wrong.

3.2: This section was the easiest one out of the chapter.

3.3: I do not have tutorial 3.3, I downloaded the folder twice and it did not appear. 

3.4: This was the hardest section to do


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