Askill Week 2

Chapter 1- 

The first chapter starts out by saying that more and more people are starting to use this software and spatial analysis. GIS analysis is a certain process that looks at geographic patterns and finds relationships between features. It’s important to ask good questions in order to understand and collect the right set of data. Posing the original questions correctly is the key to correct GIS analysis. Selecting the correct method is also important. There are two different models that GIS can be used with: vector and raster. In my opinion, the raster model is easier to see, but the vector model gives more data for the area. It’s important to mention that maps usually distort what they are portraying. With small areas and towns, the distortion is barely noticeable. Data tables are also very crucial with the use of GIS. Three common methods used with data tables are selecting, calculating, and summarizing. Selecting is just selecting the features you will be working with. Calculating is measuring the data and putting it into certain areas for reference. Summarizing is combining all the data and looking it over. 

Overall, I liked this chapter because it gave a simple intro to GIS and why it’s commonly used. I learned about different features: discrete, continuous phenomena, and summarized. All three of these show different types of information collected. 

I also learned that there are five different ways to describe a feature. The easiest one for me to see is ratios. This attribute value shows the relationship between two quantities.  A commonly used ration is population (density) and proportions. It’s also very easy to see the data collected using ratios because everything is color coordinated and in separate boxes and lines. 

Chapter 2- 

It’s very crucial for us to be able to map where things are so we can navigate, communicate, and educate ourselves about a certain area. Police use maps to be able to look and see where the most amount of crimes are. In those areas, more police officers can be dispatched to help keep the neighborhood safe. Deciding which map to use is also difficult because it needs to portray the information correctly and match the needs of the viewers. A good point the book makes is about an audience that is unfamiliar with the area. If viewers don’t know what kind of map they are looking at, it might cause some confusion or just straight bewilderment. Landmarks or certain roads or boundaries might relieve some of this confusion. Different colors (green for forests, or yellow for cities) might also be a solution. 

This chapter went into more detail about how GIS works in relation to our everyday lives. I liked looking at all of the photos because they gave examples of the different types of maps that can be created by using GIS. A lot of the map examples in this chapter show streets, neighborhoods, and crime rates. The maps about neighborhood location with family size and industry really shows how cities are broken up, and where people tend to live. Office buildings and industries are downtown, with housing being more in the suburb areas. 

Chapter 3: 

I’ve never really thought about this before, but maps are usually mapping most and least data. This is quantity data. Mapping lets people see where the most and least things are, for example, businesses. Discrete features are a good way to determine simple most and least data. How thick the line is or how big the circle is determines how many of something there are in a certain area. Always keeping the purpose of the map in the back of your head is an important way to determine what needs to happen to the data collected. In other terms, is it about the data or presenting a map? 

When constructing a map, patterns are good to look at. Patterns represent different features on a map, such as land use or vegetation. Patterns also aid in visual representation on different areas on the map. This chapter was focusing on how to turn the raw data into a pleasing map for viewers and other scientists. The map needs to be scientifically accurate but also simple to understand. Having a key to explain what the data is, is also a critical part because without a key, then people have no idea what the map is talking about. 


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