I Want More by Acadia Caryl (’22)

I want more. I want to be running around, gallivanting around the world. I want to be sitting in a cafe, on the street, with thousands of people passing by. Moving. Shuffling. Riding Around. I want to use my little Dutch, even if it makes the locals laugh. I want to drink wine in the streets of Paris as my boyfriend meets me for the long weekend.

“The Rocky Mountains,” by Avery Newcom (’23)

The Rocky Mountains,

You are gripping in the way your flowers taste
and your wind hits. 

Your lush forests obtain a darkness
that can only be tamed by the melting sun. 

You are haunting as the whispers from the trees
 transcend to a birds song.

They tell me you are vast and dangerous
 and I believe them for I have seen your harsh nature,
 but where else could my song be sung the loudest.