Updated: 1/2025
Readings and details about reading notes are on syllabus.
Students will be expected to participate and present course efforts during the Spring Sustainability Task Force (STF) meetings. The three meetings are noted on the schedule.
Week 1
Read & Notes: Review Course Syllabus, Schedule, Previous Project Pages, and Evaluation pages
Thursday, Jan. 16: Introduction to Course & Projects & Discussion of Projects
Week 2
Read & Notes: Readings 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Tuesday, Jan. 21: Discuss Readings (1, 2) & Projects
Thursday, Jan. 23: Discuss Readings (3, 4,5) & Projects & Form Groups and Projects
Week 3
Read & Notes: Readings 6, 6.5, 7, 8
Tuesday, Jan. 28: Project Updates + Discuss Readings (6, 6.5) + Prepare for STF Meeting
Thursday, Jan. 30: Discuss Readings (7, 8) + Prepare for STF Meeting
Week 4
Read & Notes: Reading 9: Uncommon Knowledge, ch. 1; Reading 10: Discard Studies, ch. 1
Monday, February 3rd, Attend: 12:10: Sustainability Task Force Meeting (STF, Merrick 301)
Tuesday, Feb. 4: Post-STF Review, Planning:
Assign: Plan for Readings & Presentations on Uncommon Knowledge & Discard Studies books
Assign: Planning for the next two STF meetings: March 3rd + April 7th @ 12:10 in Merrick Hall, room 301
Assign: Proposals for Group Sustainability Projects: due Thurs. Feb. 13
Thursday, Feb. 6: Discuss Reading 9: Uncommon Knowledge, ch. 1; Reading 10: Discard Studies, ch. 1, Projects
Week 5
Read & Notes: Reading 9: Uncommon Knowledge, ch. 3 (skip 2); Reading 10: Discard Studies, ch. 2 & 3
Tuesday, Feb. 11: Discuss Discard Studies ch. 2 & 3; Work on Proposals
Thursday, Feb. 13: Discuss Uncommon Knowledge, ch. 3; Work on Proposals
Due @ 11:59pm on Thursday Feb. 13: Proposals for Course Projects
Week 8
Read & Notes: Discard Studies, ch. 2
Tuesday, March 4: Project Meetings & Work
Thursday, March 6: Project Meetings & Work, discuss Discard Studies Ch. 2
Week 9: Spring Break
Tuesday, March 11: No Class Meeting
Thursday, March 13: No Class Meeting
Week 10
Read & Notes: Discard Studies, ch. 3
Tuesday, March 18: Project Meetings & Work, Krygier in class
Thursday, March 20: Mobile Green House Discussion, Project work day
============================================== Where we are now:
Week 11
Tuesday, March 25: No class – Dustin @ AAG
Thursday, March 27: May Move Out Prep Day
Week 12
Read: Uncommon Knowledge, ch. 4
Tuesday, April 1: Discuss Uncommon Knowledge Ch 4., Project Work Day
Thursday, April 3: Guest: Dr. Cara Judea Alhadeff
Week 13
Read: Reading 8: Uncommon Knowledge, ch. 5-6
12:10: Sustainability Task Force Meeting (STF, Merrick 301) Monday April 7th
Tuesday April 8: Discuss Uncommon Knowledge Ch 5, Project Meetings & Work
Thursday, April 10: Discuss Uncommon Knowledge, Ch 6, Project Meetings & Work
Week 14
Read: ENVS 399 Project Memos; Uncommon Knowledge, ch. 7 – 8
Tuesday, April 15: Project Meetings & Work
Thursday, April 17: Project Meetings & Work