Week 4 Progress


Progress is being made!

Read and discussed Psychology of Sustainability and how it applies to the revision of the Sustainability Plan for OWU and other Spring 2016 projects.

Met with Sustainability Task Force (Tues January 26) and discussed revision of the Sustainability Plan for OWU. Memo here.

Ally & Blake: draft reusable food container strategy memo here and meeting with Gene Castelli (Tues Feb 2). Also to discuss continuing work on Real Food Challenge.

Zanna & James & Emily: draft May Move Out logistics memo; Goodwill and OWU B&G to be contacted about meeting.

Ally: vision stuff for food collaboration (contact Chris Fink, meeting of OWU, Stratford, MTSO). Tentative Vision Document here:


Chimney Swift Towers: meeting between student in Geog 360 and Dick Tuttle and others to discuss project implementation, Spring 2016

Meek Aquatic Center retention pond plantings: meeting between student and Delco contact to discuss project implementation, Spring 2016