Howard Week 7-9 (Final)

For the final project, I decided to create a survey using ArcGIS Survey123 and create a 3D scene.

Survey: I wanted to make a survey that could be useful for OWU, so I decided on making questions that would ultimately result in creating a map of study locations, along with factors that might influence where students do their work. I included questions on year, major/minors, on or off campus activities, how many hours a week the respondent spends on school work, where the respondent does most of their school work and if there is any place they don’t like to go to, how would they rate the study/work spots on and near campus, and what time of day during the week they typically do schoolwork. I believe that the results could show students and OWU staff similarities between characteristics and where they end up studying. Students can see where others involved in or studying similar things recommend studying, and faculty can see which study spaces aren’t used or liked by students.

3D Scene: I wanted to make a 3D scene mapping natural disasters. I found it hard to figure out the format of Scenes, and finding data sets that correlated with what I ended up focusing on (ex. data for specific area). I ended up focusing on California, since there was a lot of data on the state and natural disasters are common there. I first added a layer on earthquake epicenters, with taller 3d columns correlating to a stronger magnitude. Then, fires, as California is also known for those. I found a data set that included burn areas, prescribed burns, and other burns as well. I also found a data set on flooding and a damage score on buildings, but I made it a dot instead of 3D because multiple 3D sets looked very similar. Lastly, I found a data set on landslides and the reports made on them, and had to make it a 2D hashed line so it would be seen amongst everything else. Overall, I think this scene gives a good look at common natural disasters in the state, even if it was really hard to make.

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