Tuttle Final

Final: For the first section I decided to do a survey. Because the library is no longer functioning as a library, I thought it would be interesting to collect data on where OWU students like to study in Delaware. I used Survey123 to create a survey. Personally, my favorite place to study is off campus so I added a feature that allows the person taking the survey to select on a map where their favorite study spot is. Here is a link to my survey, https://arcg.is/CmKbn I shared it with the public so it should be available to all.  For the second section I decided to create a dashboard looking at drug overdosing in Ohio. I also added the layer of US Highways because I wanted to highlight the correlation between the two. I can’t figure out how to add it as a link on here, but it is public on my dashboard so I think that should be okay and relatively easy to find. It is labeled Ohio Drug Overdoses.

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