Chapter 1: The first chapter highlights what GIS is all about, and what it is most commonly used for. Government agencies, business and research centers ahve all started using GIS for different applications. The tutorials were fairly easy to get through. I was able to access all of the data and complete the steps as necessary. The most interesting thing I found in chapter 1 was being able to add attachments to popups on a map. I understood most of the instructions because a lot of it was taught during GEOG 291 as well. Tutorial 1 had me create a new item and learn how to put it into a new folder, add photos and share my item publicly. 1-2 was about adding fields to my layer editing the data for the fields. 1-3 allowed mee to familiarize myself with both the content and settings toolbars and what each button does. I symbolized the points and created popups. In the last tutorial I created an instant web app , as well as showing me the different views for the maps and how to publish the map to the public.
Chapter 2: The beginning of the chapter talks about different types of layers and what their most common uses are. It also goes over the basics of Pop ups and ArcGIS Arcade which is an expression language that allows you to display information where there is no attribute field. I also learned all about StoryMaps which I find to be the most interesting use for Web GIS as it can be used for so many different things and is so easy to understand. 2-1 was about geocoding to create a feature layer. The second tutorial was on symbolizing in different ways and how to use different effects. 2-3 was about creating and editing pop ups on a map by creating expressions. 2-4 allowed me to add new content to all of the popups . The fifth tuorial was on how to create a story from start to finish and the last one was on using swipe blocks and express maps.
For chapter 1 an application I could create is landmarks throughout Delaware County or its Key Attractions. For Chapter 2 I would choose to create a feature layer on current unused agricultural space in the county.